Dangerous games of “Party of Regions”: it helped AU “Svoboda” for providing “convenient” opponent on presidential elections
The People's Deputy of Ukraine oа the third convocation, the deputy of the Kharkov regional council (KPU fraction) Leonid Petrovitch Strizhko comments on the results of elections in the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine.
- What are the prospects of creation of the coalition majority led by the Party of Regions in the newly elected Verkhovna Rada?
According to the results of elections, the Party of Regions and communists will receive about 217-219 places that less necessary minimum in 226 places. However the Party of Regions, as we know, has possibilities to join the ranks of the fraction by the majority members - independent candidates and members of chanceless parties (they have 51 places) and to make arithmetically possible a coalition or blocking both with communists and without them. Of course, it is possible not to think about the constitutional majority in 300 deputies about which some people told before the elections. However, the constitutional majority wasn't earlier otherwise everything in Ukraine would develop absolutely in a different way.
Feature of structure of new parliament is that any of arithmetically possible coalitions won't be politically possible and, therefore, its work will abound with political collisions and demarches and the majority will arise situationally. It will be promoted by an aggravation of social and economic and foreign policy problems, including the piling up by the government and the president Yanukovych. But the main thing for the members of the Party of Regions is not these problems – they have absolutely other cares now. They are connected with presidential election of 2015, their current activity will be directed on deduction of the power and maintenance of activity of parliament till the presidential election.
Having increased a little the representation in the Verkhovna Rada, the communists taking into account a ratio of forces and an aggravation of a political situation, receive certain possibilities to pass some software solutions and without participation in any coalition or the block.
Those who belongs to the camp of so-called United Opposition, will quite possibly try to achieve parliamentary crisis and re-elections in the next months. The main thing for them is the coalition and association out of parliament, consolidation of the positions and the maximum pressure upon the power of the members of the Party of Regions. I do not think that they can achieve today the success in possible requirements of re-elections, recognition the elections as the illegal. But it is impossible for them also to stop and I think, they are going to carry out a pressure and intimidation action.
What strategy will be chosen by Udar party and Vitaly Klitschko in new Rada? Whom they can join?
- Possibly, they won't join somebody. As Klitschko came to Rada in order that to move further from it. One of the possible purposes is to become the mayor of Kiev. It is a serious task for him, as Rada is not always the best platform for starting of the presidential campaign. He remains the leader of the party and any case, in the city hall or in parliament he will be guided by 2015. Besides, for the solution of a task of 2015, of course, he will aspire to give the additional value to himself, to take a place of those who tries to run today the ill-matched United Opposition. I think that Yatsenyuk and Turchinov are not of that level in order to replace Tymoshenko and to keep the capacity of the United Opposition. Therefore Klitschko has a dual purpose ahead – to be in the leaders of presidential race and to expand the sphere of the influence, having partially absorbed Batkivshchyna's supporters and those who add himself to the opposition. It is quite complex challenge, but events in the next one and a half years will develop very dynamically and consequently many options are possible.
How can you comment on results of KPU on last elections and absence of deputies from Communist Party on majority districts?
- No one deputy from KPU on majority districts, unfortunately, did not pass. For example, Alla Aleksandrovskaya in Kharkov took 22 % and it is quite good result and during other times it was possible to win quietly in the majority district with such result. But owing to a number of circumstances, nobody except the representatives of the party of the power had no chances in Kharkov and some other cities today.
I think, it is connected that the members of the Party of Regions resorted to additional measures of consolidation of the influence and receiving result when understood that the hard times come for them. They mobilized all possibilities to win on the maximum quantity of majority districts. On the one hand the result for KPU according to party lists is quite good, but the result is not encouraging on number in Rada. In order to work effectively and to have appreciable influence in parliament, it is necessary to have at least 60-70 deputies. We could reach such result and victories in one-mandatory districts on these elections if for previous few years left on higher level of mass actions of a social and political protest, strengthened our organizations in Kharkov and other regional centres.
What is the reason of enough good result which was received by Svoboda party?
- All-Ukrainian Union “Svoboda” passed in parliament and received more deputy places in parliament than KPU at the expense of a prize in majority districts. And it isn't surprising, as three areas in the West are under their complete control. It means both administrative influence and very great financial opportunities. They have there, in fact, own budget and the self-government ignoring the laws of Ukraine. There is also other support.
For example, it is curious that there are general moments about nationalism in the rhetoric of Tyahnybok and the oligarch Kolomoysky – it is quite good ground for mutual understanding and support. Today the social and nationalist “Svoboda” receives additional possibilities and resources for the solution of the following task – distributions of the influence on the Centre and the East of Ukraine. The most disturbing that the nationalists got quite big percent of votes in the East of Ukraine. In particular, in Kharkov there are districts where the candidate nationalists received more than 10 % of voices. For the East of Ukraine it is a lot of and it is about what to think of. Unfortunately, those percent which were received by communists in the West, fade against that Nazis received in the East. However it was to be expected because the Party of Regions created an incubator from Ukraine for Nazism growth. The incubator in the East of Ukraine too. If the Kharkov regional management, in fact, indulges the Nazism distribution, so what to speak about other regions.
Thus there was a special situation in Kiev - all Galicia rushed there in the early nineties - at the time of the People's Movement they captivated all available official places in the apparat. Besides, both “Svoboda” and their predecessors conducted purposeful policy on penetration into power structures, law enforcement bodies. It was specially chosen tactics and effectively carried out work.
One more important circumstance is a mimicry to which neo-Nazis resort. The same Tyahnybok began with “social and nationalist” party, having bashfully rearranged words in the name of Hitlerite party. Today they covered the shame with the beautiful word “Freedom” and try to conduct policy of social protection. But, as we remember, Hitler represented the fighter with plutocracy too that didn't prevent him to be supported of the same plutocracy - the financial and industrial capital.
How further a political situation will develop in newly elected Rada and as a whole in Ukraine?
- The greatest sensation of these elections is the percent received by “Svoboda”. But the most important events will be developed on the threshold of presidential election. More than possibly that the situation in Ukraine will worsen and the protest moods will grow. We will see a number of steps and the processes, having the purpose receiving the second term of presidency by Yanukovych. In order that neither he nor his environment share Tymoshenko's fate. To political strategists of the Party of Regions remains nothing how to make everything that neither Simonenko nor Klitschko, but namely Tyahnybok became Yanukovych's rival. As it will be very difficult to Yanukovych to win against other rival. He will win against Tyahnybok - Ukraine will be frightened and mobilized not to allow the neo-Nazi on a post of the president.
But the events can be developed in the most unexpected way. The social and economic and political deadlocks, in which the Party of Regions and Yulia Tymoshenko Bloc tired out Ukraine, are very dangerous and can’t have a return exit. In a developing situation the communists will increase activity and overall performance, will promote and organize protest actions against policy of parties of the large capital – the destroyers of Ukraine and inspirers of neo-Nazism. We are the unique party offering alternative to degradation and Nazism and in a developing situation we will achieve the change of a political course and a turn to a socialism and restoration of the Union of the Soviet Republics.
Viewed : 2900 Commented: 3
Author: Mikhail Mikhaylov
Publication date : 20 November 2012 21:27
Source: The world and we
Ivan Datsenko from Ukraine is the leader of the Indians and the agent of the Soviet intelligence service
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Ivan Datsenko from Ukraine is the leader of the Indians and the agent of the Soviet intelligence service
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Ivan Datsenko from Ukraine is the leader of the Indians and the agent of the Soviet intelligence service
Ivan Datsenko from Ukraine is the leader of the Indians and the agent of the Soviet intelligence service
Ivan Datsenko from Ukraine is the leader of the Indians and the agent of the Soviet intelligence service
Ivan Datsenko from Ukraine is the leader of the Indians and the agent of the Soviet intelligence service
Ivan Datsenko from Ukraine is the leader of the Indians and the agent of the Soviet intelligence service
Ivan Datsenko from Ukraine is the leader of the Indians and the agent of the Soviet intelligence service