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Ivan Datsenko from Ukraine is the leader of the Indians and the agent of the Soviet intelligence service



Ivan Datsenko from Ukraine is the leader of the Indians and the agent of the Soviet intelligence service



Ivan Datsenko from Ukraine is the leader of the Indians and the agent of the Soviet intelligence service



Ivan Datsenko from Ukraine is the leader of the Indians and the agent of the Soviet intelligence service



Ivan Datsenko from Ukraine is the leader of the Indians and the agent of the Soviet intelligence service



Ivan Datsenko from Ukraine is the leader of the Indians and the agent of the Soviet intelligence service

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Ivan Datsenko from Ukraine is the leader of the Indians and the agent of the Soviet intelligence service

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Ivan Datsenko from Ukraine is the leader of the Indians and the agent of the Soviet intelligence service

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Ivan Datsenko from Ukraine is the leader of the Indians and the agent of the Soviet intelligence service



Ivan Datsenko from Ukraine is the leader of the Indians and the agent of the Soviet intelligence service



Ivan Datsenko from Ukraine is the leader of the Indians and the agent of the Soviet intelligence service



Ivan Datsenko from Ukraine is the leader of the Indians and the agent of the Soviet intelligence service



Ivan Datsenko from Ukraine is the leader of the Indians and the agent of the Soviet intelligence service

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Ivan Datsenko from Ukraine is the leader of the Indians and the agent of the Soviet intelligence service

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Ivan Datsenko from Ukraine is the leader of the Indians and the agent of the Soviet intelligence service

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Ivan Datsenko from Ukraine is the leader of the Indians and the agent of the Soviet intelligence service

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Ivan Datsenko from Ukraine is the leader of the Indians and the agent of the Soviet intelligence service

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Ivan Datsenko from Ukraine is the leader of the Indians and the agent of the Soviet intelligence service

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Ivan Datsenko from Ukraine is the leader of the Indians and the agent of the Soviet intelligence service

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Ivan Datsenko from Ukraine is the leader of the Indians and the agent of the Soviet intelligence service

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Ivan Datsenko from Ukraine is the leader of the Indians and the agent of the Soviet intelligence service

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Ivan Datsenko from Ukraine is the leader of the Indians and the agent of the Soviet intelligence service

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Ivan Datsenko from Ukraine is the leader of the Indians and the agent of the Soviet intelligence service



Ivan Datsenko from Ukraine is the leader of the Indians and the agent of the Soviet intelligence service



Ivan Datsenko from Ukraine is the leader of the Indians and the agent of the Soviet intelligence service



Ivan Datsenko from Ukraine is the leader of the Indians and the agent of the Soviet intelligence service



Ivan Datsenko from Ukraine is the leader of the Indians and the agent of the Soviet intelligence service



Ivan Datsenko from Ukraine is the leader of the Indians and the agent of the Soviet intelligence service



Japan had to prepare for earthquake instead of the Kuril Islands problem

Months before dire Japanese tragedy which took thousands of lives and lead to technological catastrophe at nuclear electric plant Fukusima-1 were filled with unprecedented activity of Japa-nese diplomacy. It seemed that some especially clever Japanese heads are sure that Russia is going to admit the sovereignty of Japan over four Kuril Islands…

This phenomenon could be named some collective distraction of political establishment in Tokyo if one didn’t take into account tragic events in Japan happening up to date. Undoubtedly the problem of Japanese persons responsibility appears who played purposeless foreign political games instead of preparation of country for forthcoming earthquake of which specialists fore-warned few months ago.

It is necessary to say that these games began not yesterday and not even the day before yester-day: few years ago Japanese diplomats and businessmen started to display tumultuous interest to those Russian politicians and leaders in some big Russian cities who could make any influence to Kuril Islands problem solution any way… So, newspaper “Version” reported the following:

-- In 1999 leading analyst of Foreign Office of Japan Masaru Sato reached the top of his career. He headed group of analysts of Russia created by special resolution by Prime Minister Kejdzo Obuti Chancellery. But Masaru-san didn’t work for long time in this group.
In 2002 energetic Junichiro Koizumi became Prime Minister of Japan. New leader considered that his predecessors fighted for four Kuril Islands return insufficiently actively that in Tokyo are named modestly “northern territories”. Koizumi declared that group worked ineffective, was too much peaceable to Russia, misinformed the leadership and used budgeted money in wrong way. Few analysts including Sato were held for court.

It became clear that he directed part of assets to Israel which were intended for work against Kremlin. Moreover he illegally provided to corporation Mitsui contract on electric power plant construction at island Kunashir organized in frames of program of aid for Southern Kusils. Sato got two years and a half of probation because it was not proved that he got kickback from Mitsui.
But Masaru-san proved that colleagues gave him nickname “Rasputin from Foreign Office” not for nothing. He became deputy of parliament after leaving Foreign Office and started to con-demn Russia not worse than his sworn enemy Koizumi.

Sato noted exasperately in interview to newspaper Sankei: “The most awful is that Russia is more and more close to fascist system like in Italy. Putin refused Yeltsyn’s system finally and exhorted to construct “state capitalism.” Ministry of Finance of Russian Federation declared that will invest Stabilization Fund assets in Japanese shares that at my opinion is equal to war declaration. Russian Stabilization Fund is threat to Japan. Russia ignores global warning openly while investing money into power industrial complex actively. It is profitable for Russia in developing Arctic. Kremlin doesn’t care that other countries can be flooded because of it”.

“Rasputin” decided to give power weapon against Russian imperialists to his successors by denouncing insidious plans of Kremlin to flood Japan by purchasing it’s shares. He stateв measures of counteraction to these plans in book “The Art of Negotiations Conducting”. It is seen from it that our eastern neighbours understand negotiations very originally.
Author makes an example time of next surge of Japanese activity relating Kuril Islands in 1997-2002 years.
In those times Foreign Office of Japan undertook steps with purpose that this problem “stopped to be mean of political fight”. With that purpose “Japanese side by different methods such as for example invitation to visit Japan, presentation of gifts, invitation to reception tried to make deputy a Japan’s friend”.

Naturally problem will stop to be mean of political fight when number of Japan’s friends will become qualified majority – but these actions it seems are named not negotiations but corrupt practice? Sato doesn’t deny it. To prove that one can read names of Sato’s book chapters: “Alcohol opens genuine essence of human” and “Wise method of barratry”.
Author affirmed that it is difficult to give money in conditions of Russia – not everybody takes because of fear. He based these conclusions on his experience of cooperation with Mitsui. He insisted that if civil servant takes ten things of famous brands of total cost from 300 to 700 thousand yens (by course on 1 January 2000 – from 80 to 185 thousand rubles), he would be reliable informer almost surely.
Two other chapters are devoted to “sexual traps” and recruitment on it’s base. Amusing occur-rence with some Russian deputy is example of changing position on Kuril Islands problem. Formerly he was antagonist to any concessions on this problem. Parliamentarian was invited to visit Japan – naturally for account of receiving side. On the third day of visit when guest being in Kyoto he wanted to go to bawdy house. What is the problem? However weight of elected repre-sentative of the people was 150 kilograms, his height was 2 metres, and no one agreed to receive him. Masaru-san returned to Tokyo and solved this problem personally and carried out wish of guest – and after such hospitality deputy joined to “friends of Japan”.

Some clerks of Consulate General of Japan in Saint-Petersburg showed not less instructive mixing of professions. Sociologist by education Sato Tsuesi arrived to our city in April 2008. Earlier he worked in Sapporo on Hokkaido island and frequently visited in business trips to Japanese representatives in Yuzhno-Sakhalinsk and Khabarovsk, and was appointed as economic attaché in Japanese dipolomatic mission in Petersburg. It is clear that economic interests of Japan on Neva banks are wide enough, and such specialist is needed here. But it became obvious that Sato Tsuesi had approach to negotiations on economic problems not less original comparing Masaru Sato.
Tsuesi says that he is interesting in Russian economy meeting with perspective in information plan people and offers to continue acquaintance. Meeting face-to-face in café or restaurant follows that Japanese listens his interlocutor attentively and then starts to ask questions. And step by step conversation changes from economic problems to any side, and interlocutor doesn’t take notice of anything.

For example, on meetings with friendly journalists (for whom before hand are organized some high-liquid materials) guest from Japan is very interesting who will be next governor of Saint-Petersburg and what are perspectives of present politicians from Saint-Petersburg in Moscow, and also asks tens of other questions extremely far from economics. He tried to clarify similar things from informed state clerks including one collaborator of ITAR-TASS who may be had to think three times to whom and what to say.

Tsuesi talked with professor of one famous university after business conversation about reminiscences about student’s youth and about friends from Leningrad Institute of Engineering and Economics in what he studied. And suddenly it became obvious that interlocutor of Japanese sociologist was student of the same year with Anatoly Chubais. This is so interesting – what is in human plan the chief of corporation responsible in nanotechnologies development. And how many are people in Saint-Petersburg graduated from institute of engineering and economics as Chubais, faculty of economics of Leningrad State University as minister Kudrin, faculty of jurisprudence of the same university – the graduator of which is you know yourself…Do you imagine yourself how many of most interesting information one can get on such meetings and enter into relations?
Sato Tsuesi interests are extremely wide. Except life of Saint-Petersburg administration he displays great interest to most different problems of foreign and home policy. Guest is interested: are there any territorial problems of Petersburg and Leningrad Region with Finland? He is interested in reasons of Luzhkov resignation, in mutual relations of Putin and Medvedev, psychological portrait and career development of famous politicians. And by the way who are friends and acquaintances of venerable interlocutor? Where are they now? What posts do they occupy? What are tastes and weaknesses of them?

Generally attaché on cultural relations who is interested in defence industry or economist collec-ting data about home and foreign policy are related not to diplomatic service. Many good films were shot about such people in Soviet times but the only one about “Schtirlitz” is remembered at present. Later “James Bonds”, “Mission impossible” and everything mixed. Scout collects information, usually by crumbs. And his talkative interlocutors are divided into two categories: “informers” and “sources”. First are those who knows what are they doing, the second ones are those who doesn’t ponder why this gentleman asks such strange questions not corresponding to his profession?

Then collected particles of information appear on the top in analytical department of Foreign Office or any other office where every word dropped by chance is layed on corresponding place in mosaic. Separately – data about economic life of state, forecasts, priorities, forecasting con-tracts in order to play on international market more effectively. Separately – about political life of Russia – it would be useful for diplomats. Finally, special section is “lighting” - information about all more or less famous politicians, economists, businessmen and other figures and one searches approach to these people on base of this information – notebook for somebody’s birthday, call girl for another… Then using this approach “agents of influence” are recruited and different lobby is formed. (End of citation)
Significantly that in the same time Japanese diplomatic (or spy!?) thought didn’t sleep in Nizhny Novgorod. Local newspaper “New Business” talked about some interesting details of Japanese centre “work” in this region:

- Creation of centre was lobbied personally by plenipotentiary representative Kirienko who is interesting in Japanese exotic like local cooking and system of oriental single combats as it is said.
He not only promoted appearance of Japanese Centre in Nizhny Novgorod. Japanese offi¬cials occupied building of former theatre “Comedy” by his initiative on extremely preferen¬tial terms – they paid very little money. Japanese officials occupied building at Rozhdest¬venskaya street almost free of charge (today they moved to more modest office at Gorky street last year only).
Why were our leaders so gracious to representative of Japan?

Main direction of activity of Japanese Centre financed by Japanese government is organiza¬tion of seminars of different kind for Russian business and political elite, conferences devo¬ted to discussion of economic and cultural relations between Russia and Japan, and also organization of probations-trips to Japan, study of Japanese in our city and so on. In general Tokyo tries to propagandize it’s state and to promote it’s interests on our land by help of these centres.
As for former authorities of Nizhny Novgorod they hoped to get Japanese investment in form of real money or modern advanced technologies by help of this centre. In any case Sergey Kirienko assureв citizens of Nizhny Novgorod during opening of Japanese Centre that henceforth Nizhny Novgorod Region has “unprecedented perspectives”.

No one can say that Japanese representatives were passive. On the contrary they developed booming activity, organized courses of Japanese study, organized various seminars and sym-posiums where our businessmen and politicians were called successfully. Many representati¬ves of our elite were moved to Japan, and some of then – few times. These were not only citizens of Nizhny Novgorod but also people from Samara, Udmurtia, Orenburg and other Volga regions. However there were no seen results from such visits actually.

Yes, trips to Japan were interesting itself as witnesses told: there were too much good words and loud intensions were declared. But result was null: both in commercial or cultural con¬tacts and in attraction of Japanese investment and technologies in sphere of small and medi¬um business.
Nizhny Novgorod authorities went to these meetings with greatest enthusiasm and were ready to fulfill any conditions of Japanese manufacturers to get investment and modern production. Japanese representatives listened politely always, smiled, agreed with everybody and then leaved not promoted any serious enterprise to region territory.

Last resultless process was long-term negotiations about possible construction of high-speed railway by Japanese technologies – from Nizhny Novgorod to Moscow. Cost of this project was discussed - $10 billions. However negotiations were talks and no more as in case with automobile producers.

No wonder that some our specialists got impression that Japanese representatives never were interested in real investment in Nizhny Novgorod region.

- You know it seems that it is not their purpose – said to us one of participants of multiple negotiations with Japanese representatives. – It seemed to me that our mutual contacts they consider only as tribute of politeness, as mere formality without any liabilities from their side.
But with what purpose? To mutual understanding by help of sex and alcohol.

The same man paid attention to one quite interesting detail. Nevertheless negotiations were resultless Japanese representatives as a rule always try to collect maximum information about economic potential of Nizhny Novgorod region and it’s enterprises. And they collect information under pretence of “study of possible investment” making our officials to tell about everything including top secret information. Japanese representatives were interested not only in industrial objects being discussed as investment project, but also petrochemistry, agroindustrial complex and also woodworking in Nizhny Novgorod.
Do you know what does it look like? It looks like collection of intelligence information of economic character. It means that industrial espionage is carried out under direct participa¬tion of local Japanese Centre. (End of citation)

It seems that methods wrote in book of above-mentioned here gentleman Masaru Sato “Art of Negotiations Conducting” are remembered by some Japanese figures almost by heart.
Maybe they even pass exams on that methods before way to Russia; it is proved by same conduct of Japanese representatives in Saint-Petersburg and in Nizhny Novgorod and some other Russian cities. As it is said in such cases, one time – fortuity, two times – fortuity, and all above is regularity yet…

It is true, few questions appear relating to everything above-mentioned, and corresponding answers will be very interesting for Japanese taxpayers, for example, how much did it cost to budget of Japan to pay for innumerable stand-up meal parties, prostitutes and other active¬ty of the same kind for “strengthening” of Japanese-Russian collaboration? Would not it be more logic and humanistic to direct these assets for measures on prevention of earthquakes and tsunami implications and moreover nuclear safety of nuclear power plant?
Among other things, nuclear power plant Fukusima-1 was built according to American design but no-one hears that Japan is exasperated by that but it is the third historical fact when USA plungeв this country into nuclear catastrophe. Moreover, shocking data appeared in Internet that Japanese earthquake of 11 March was sequence of USA trial of so called system HAARP… But it is, as it is said, another history at all although don't be too sure? And if it is hell’s joke, so Japanese has what to think over:

For reference:
Plasma weapon action (HAARP - High-Frequency Active Auroral Research Program) is in that 180 phase-locked antennas located on 15 hectares of Alaska state locality are focusing high-power microwave electromagnetic pulse creating plasmoid (localized area of high-ionized gas) or globular discharge which can be controlled by moving antennas’ focus with help of coherent laser beam…
…Heating atmosphere HAARP creates artificial magnetic storms sequences of which have influence to navigation systems, weather, psychic condition of people. And it discovers second more dark face of project HAARP – as geophysical weapon…
Geophysical weapon is based on application of means of influence in military tasks on processes happening in solid, liquid and gaseous envelopes of the Earth. Using unstable conditions of these envelopes small stimulus makes catastrophic influences of powerful destructive forces of nature. Means stimulating earthquake, tsunami, heat mode change or destruction of ozone layer above separate areas of planet are considered as geophysical weapon.

One of pupils of Tesla Bernard Eastlund who in fact prepared scientific basis for HAARP (In 1985 he patented his work under threatening name “Method and mechanism of changing of atmosphere, ionosphere and magnetosphere area of the Earth”) wrote that “…antenna construction at Alaska in reality is “massive ray gun which is able to destruct not only all communication networks but also missiles, aircrafts, satellites and many other. Application of it makes irrelevant effects including climatic catastrophes all over the world and action of lethal solar radiation”.

Other specialist in this problem Edward Albert Meyer notes following, “This project con¬verted in global vandalism due to immense quantity of energy with gigawatt power is thrown to external spheres of the Earth. Strike in present time and future results of influence to this planet and all vital forms can’t be estimated by any method. Destructive power of this weapon is bigger more than thousands times comparing atomic bomb”.

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Viewed : 4312   Commented: 2

Author: Карновский Юрий Зиновьевич

Publication date : 03 June 2011 12:34

Source: The world and we
