The terrorism won't pass in the USA! And the democracy too …
Hollywood is in panic: “the American dream” is under the threat! “Factory of dreams” doesn’t have to shoot the films more where the kind American good fellow from power structures, having spitted out the chewing gum, having coming to the seized villain, sputtering the saliva and shouting bad expressions, will play tumors and slowly say: “You have the right to keep silence. Everything said by you, can be used against you in the court. Your lawyer can be present at interrogation. If you can't pay the service of the lawyer, it will be given you by the state. Do you understand your rights?”
What’s the matter? What’s happened? It appears that these rights aren't clear now! This special action has been carried out not by somebody, but by the American senators. They have accepted new “Law of national defence” by the overwhelming majority – 93 voices against 7, safely fixing the norms which are simply inappropriate in a democratic society. Under the pretext of struggle against the terror, the state acquires the right to contain under arrest the persons suspected of terrorism, it is possible to say, indefinitely. There is no right on a public trial as there is an ingenious formulation about “imprisonment” till the moment of “the termination of the conflict to the opponent”.
All the same Hollywood so often told us the stories about the justice celebration, showed the fair lawyers who are ready to battle though to the whole world for the sake of a true establishment. Now it will be absolutely uneasy with the true: what are only the formulations of the new law cost! Here is one definition from the document: “the persons who are the members or perceptibly supporting al -Qaida, the Taliban or the forces connected with them, hostile to the United States or their partners in a coalition”. It is about what and whom in general?! Well, everything is clear with the Talibs for a long time, however, who are these unstated persons, who “perceptibly supporting” them? And what are the forces, which are not simple, but “connected”? How to identify and define them?! There is no answer …
More precisely it is, but not at the authorities, but at legal experts: “you can be whoever you like: someone who is connected with bloody terrorists, can be the American traitor, can be that who gives money to group which looks like terrorist and can to become a victim of suspicions simply. The essence is that will be no court over you and you can be in prison”. It is not bad for “the most democratic country in the world!” Now the American military men exclusively for the sake of democracy protection can arrest with no investigation not only the artful foreigners, but also the citizens of the USA who suspect of communications with ubiquitous terrorists.
It is already clearly, where the arrested citizens will be examined. There is one such place outside of the USA which has gained the bad glory for a long time– it is the American military base of Guantanamo on island Cuba, that which the USA contains, having spat on protests of the Cuban people. By the way, the president Barack Obama promised to close the base, but it will be useful again …
779 prisoners contained within the special prison in Guantanamo during 10 years. The most remarkable that they had no status of prisoners of war! As a result according to the data of the international human rights organizations, 600 of them have been released to freedom as there was no crime structure! One of such people was Moazzam Begg who told to journalists after release: “Many of us had never control over the weapon, weren't in al-Qaide or the Taliban, but they looked at us as at terrorists. We were infinitely interrogated. I was interrogated more than 300 times: CIA, British MI-5, FBI and other departments. And nobody has found something against me”.
Now they will search more carefully. And God be with it – with “Miranda warning” with which the Americans were so proud. This rule was entered by the Supreme Court of the USA in 1966 to provide the right of the citizens not to testify against themselves. Just from that period of time, any information received from the arrested person during the interrogation before his rights have been read, can't be considered as the admissible proof. And if there is not a citizen of the USA in such situation, but other country, he has acquired the right to contact the consul of the country before answering any questions.
The story was such. One Ernesto Miranda has been arrested in the State of Arizona in 1966 on charge of rape. The charge was based on his grateful indications received in prison. Miranda has been condemned, but his lawyers have challenged a verdict. They have reminded that the fifth constitutional amendment of the USA releases the suspect from necessity to testify against himself. So case of Miranda has reached the Supreme Court of the USA. The court has agreed with the arguments of protection and has cancelled a sentence.
Now everything will be in another way. And it is not necessary to invent something especially– it is enough to remember the recent history of the country. The matter is about the internment of the citizens of Japan in the USA — the violent moving in special camp during the Second World War. 62 % from 120 thousand Japanese, moved in camp, had the American citizenship! On February 19, 1942, the US president Franklin Roosevelt has signed the Extreme decree No. 9066 which allowed to the military authorities to define “eviction zones” and to move any persons from them … Does it remind something?
And further it is more interesting: in 1976 the president Gerald Ford has publicly declared that the internment was “wrong”. After seven years the Commission on moving and internment of the civilians in the wartime has been created in the Congress. It has presented the report where the internment has been named as “the illegal and caused racism, instead of military necessity”. Eventually in 1988 the president Ronald Reagan has signed the decree according to which, the compensation was paid to everyone in custody.
It is amazing that only seven members of the Senate of the USA have voted against the Law of national defence – thereby the true has been proved once again that the history learns to that it learns to nothing …
And what the supporters of the new law speak?! They see in the democracy infringement nothing more than … democracy development! Let’s get acquainted more close with their arguments.
The senator-republican Kelly Ayotte: “Terrorists shouldn't be informed of all our methods of interrogation in advance. The power is necessary to us to conclude separate persons in military prison, therefore we won't read the Miranda warning to them”.
The senator Joe Lieberman: “The member of al-Qaide or the similar group connected with the terrorists … I want... that they have been frightened by what will be in the American conclusion with them … I want, that they didn't know what will occur to them”.
The senator Lindsey Graham: “It will be better, if won’t be read the Miranda warning and won't be appointed the lawyer to any person suspected of terrorism. The suspected of terrorism should contain humanely in military prison where they will be interrogated about why they have joined al- Qaide and what they have planned to do for all of us”
But many known politicians in the USA oppose the antidemocratic law.
The senator from Democratic Party Dick Durbin: “There is no exception even for the subject of the USA!!! If you believe, what the American citizens are guilty or can be guilty of acts of terrorism, they can be detained, ignoring the constitutional laws and be contained without court, without the lawyer, in prison silence?!! I can't simply believe that it can become our new standard!”
The candidate for the US presidents Ron Paul: “De facto, the USA is declared to be a military zone. Each citizen can be grasped in the street and put in camp and without possible certain imprisonment term. The martial law is imposed, that's all!”.
The economist and the political active worker, the director and the writing editor in news service Executive Intelligence Review Lyndon LaRouche: “This law is the analog of Enabling Act, accepted by Hitler in 1933 and pursues the purpose of the preparation of dictatorship input. Those senators and congressmen who were silly and are so silly to vote for its acceptance, can quite get to prisons in some future in the capacity of “military criminals”.
And the journalists of the American edition of Associated Press named the law approved by the Senate, as “the Bill of historical threat to the American citizens”. You bet, the tortures by drowning, deprivation of a dream and other similar methods which have been recognized out of the law in 2005, now come back. And where is the guarantee that the law of struggle against terrorists can't be easily applied to any, including the American citizens, “suspected of communications with terrorism”.
Look, about what one of the main candidates from republicans says in the struggle for an armchair of the president, the former speaker of the Representatives House of the Congress of the USA Newton Gingrich! He promises many things, even to construct the constant base on the Moon! All are happy: America comes back – not likely China and Russia. And Gingrich is about another thing meanwhile: it is necessary to conduct the severe struggle against the present power in Cuba; if there will be the revolt, to support without fail. Also it is necessary to use all those methods which Ronald Reagan and Margaret Thatcher applied in opposition with the Soviet Union - political and economic sanctions, psychological warfare, secret operations. Here the new law f is useful or certain! Otherwise it is not possible to consult with ubiquitous terrorists in any way …
And it is better that both Newton Gingrich and the senators who have supported the antidemocratic law, have remembered not Reagan and Roosevelt, but would remember one of founding fathers of the American state in XVIII century – Benjamin Franklin. He has written even in 1775: “Those who are ready to offer the essential freedom receiving the time safety, so they are not worthy neither freedom, nor safety”.
Are there any grounds to think over? And Hollywood – what Hollywood?! It will suffer. It will show, how the kind American good fellow from power structures, having spitted out the chewing gum, having coming to the seized villain, sputtering the saliva and shouting bad expressions, will play tumors and slowly say: “Shut your mouth, terrorist! Let’s talk in prison” …
Viewed : 1112 Commented: 0
Author: Владимир Кузменкин
Publication date : 07 February 2012 01:00
Source: The world and we
Ivan Datsenko from Ukraine is the leader of the Indians and the agent of the Soviet intelligence service
Ivan Datsenko from Ukraine is the leader of the Indians and the agent of the Soviet intelligence service
Ivan Datsenko from Ukraine is the leader of the Indians and the agent of the Soviet intelligence service
Ivan Datsenko from Ukraine is the leader of the Indians and the agent of the Soviet intelligence service
Ivan Datsenko from Ukraine is the leader of the Indians and the agent of the Soviet intelligence service
Ivan Datsenko from Ukraine is the leader of the Indians and the agent of the Soviet intelligence service
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Ivan Datsenko from Ukraine is the leader of the Indians and the agent of the Soviet intelligence service
Ivan Datsenko from Ukraine is the leader of the Indians and the agent of the Soviet intelligence service
Ivan Datsenko from Ukraine is the leader of the Indians and the agent of the Soviet intelligence service
Ivan Datsenko from Ukraine is the leader of the Indians and the agent of the Soviet intelligence service
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Ivan Datsenko from Ukraine is the leader of the Indians and the agent of the Soviet intelligence service
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Ivan Datsenko from Ukraine is the leader of the Indians and the agent of the Soviet intelligence service
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Ivan Datsenko from Ukraine is the leader of the Indians and the agent of the Soviet intelligence service
Ivan Datsenko from Ukraine is the leader of the Indians and the agent of the Soviet intelligence service
Ivan Datsenko from Ukraine is the leader of the Indians and the agent of the Soviet intelligence service
Ivan Datsenko from Ukraine is the leader of the Indians and the agent of the Soviet intelligence service
Ivan Datsenko from Ukraine is the leader of the Indians and the agent of the Soviet intelligence service
Ivan Datsenko from Ukraine is the leader of the Indians and the agent of the Soviet intelligence service