Ukraine prepares mass infection of people in the territory of Donetsk and Lugansk areas
Without having managed to suppress the Southeast resistance by the armed way, Kiev decided to organize epidemic of typhus, plague and cholera in rebellious territories. The World and We Internet portal several times wrote about this dangerous and misanthropic plan which is initiated and persistently realized by the USA by means of the puppets in territories of some CIS countries. It seems that this plan is at the last stage of its realization that directly threatens Russia.
At the top there is a photo from a concentration camp «Ozarichi», Belarus.
Who after that will say that Oleg Lyashko is not the fascist?
On June 6 in the city of Berdyansk of the Zaporozhye area in the Recreation center building, according to the indication of the National Security and Defense Council of Ukraine the closed meeting took place at which the question on use of the biological weapon against the southeast was discussed — especially dangerous infections and diseases.
One of its participants told about it and meeting details later. According to him, the meeting was headed by the deputy of the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine Oleg Lyashko — the leader of «Oleg Lyashko’s Radical Party». Representatives of prosecutor’s office and the chief epidemiologist of area, representatives of power departments also took part in meeting.
According to the available information, all participants were offered to give a subscription about information nondisclosure. Lyashko’s initiative about the use of causative agents of cholera, tuberculosis, hepatitises «B», «C» and anthrax as the biological weapon became a subject of meeting.
It is planned to extend them in territories of Donetsk and Lugansk areas, in territories of the Russian Federation which are border with Ukraine and in the Crimea.
Besides, Lyashko at a repeated meeting with security officers on the matter declared on June 9, 2014 that it is supposed to use «Georgian practices» in the field. It remained misunderstood what he meant under it".
The USA use fascist methods of destruction of people
On June 15, 2010 on the basis of the Ukrainian Mechnikov Research Anti-plague Institute the laboratory opened which the American senator Richard Lugar called «main establishment on research of the dangerous pathogenic substances used by terrorists».
Then in Odessa «Central reference biological laboratory on research of the dangerous pathogenic substances used by terrorists» opened within the program of senators Nunn and Lugar «Joint reduction of threat». The Plenipotentiary Ambassador of the USA in Ukraine, appointed «the Zaporozhye Cossack» John Tefft opened the laboratory.
It was impossible to lose such «biological» base for the USA by no means. It is quite probable that brutal cleaning of the pro-Russian activists in Odessa on May 2, 2014 and the subsequent repressions, including, were connected with fears of «world torch of democracy» concerning safety of preservation of secret «Central reference biological laboratory on research of dangerous pathogenic substances» …
Initiators of destruction of Ukraine and the Russian Federation by means of the biological weapon tried to construct one of such laboratories directly near borders of Russia, in the city of Merefa of the Kharkov area, however, thanks to active protests of locals and principled stand of the former governor of the region Mikhail Dobkin these plans were broken.
Since then, without notice of the citizens of Ukraine, Ukraine became the main base of the USA concerning biological terrorism. According to competent persons, the junta from giving of the curators under the guise of epidemic caused by operations in the Southeast, infrastructure destruction, lack of water in large settlements and a huge number of unburied bodies, plans to use the biological weapon in southeast regions, adjacent with Russia.
So, recently the freight with the bacteriological weapon from Georgia, made under control of experts of the USA arrived to Ukraine. This information was received by a staff of People’s Liberation Army of the Lugansk People’s Republic from own sources in Ukraine.
The matter is about adding which are supposed to be put in food. The goods with a deadly stuffing are planned to direct on the territory of the Lugansk region and Donets Basin, and they will be on sale at reduced prices, told in a staff.
When epidemic will begin, «peacekeeper in a square» Poroshenko plans to declare the Southeast a zone of epidemiological and humanitarian accident. Respectively, to forbid the population to leave the territory, to demand to hand over the weapon to all armed people, and also, using recommendations of the appropriate international bodies, to demand from Russia to block border from the infected refugees.
It should be noted that anything new neither Poroshenko, nor his American puppeteers didn’t invent.
The German fascists that are little-known and even it is almost forgotten, widely used similar methods not only in occupied territories and in concentration camps, but also against coming armies of Red Army.
The USA and Kiev apply experience of the Third Reich in the XXI century
The Reich put the main rate on swift-flowing diseases such as plague, anthrax, typhus, that is such diseases which in short terms could cause mass infections and death of the opponent.
Pavel Batov, the general, twice the Hero of the Soviet Union, since October 1942 the commander of the 65th army participating in Stalingrad and Kursk fights, fight for Dniepr, liberation of Belarus, Poland, in Hanging and Oder and Berlin operations, tells the following in the book «In Fights and Campaigns»:
- On the right flank the opponent didn’t undertake more active actions. But here other enemy —typhus raged. Epidemic flashed in divisions of the 19th case.
It was one of the most heinous crimes of fascist soldiery. The 37th guard approached to the village Dert with fights. Scouts informed the divisional commander that in vicinities, on bogs, they saw camp: barbed wire, there are the women, children, old men on cold, without any shelters. It is terrible to look. The commander of a division general
The Russian soldiers will rush to freezing women, will embrace kids, and then the typhous louse will spread in ranks of coming Soviet armies … All people who were tired out in camp near a first line were infected with a typhus.
Such it is impossible neither to forgive, nor to forget.
Excerpt from the act:
«The commission as a part of the chairman — the deputy of the Supreme Council of the USSR colonel
Command of the German army connections with the diversionary purpose organized a mass transfer, or so-called «evacuation», in special concentration camps on a first line of the German defense of 10 thousand old men, women and children.
Hitlerites for the purpose of mass distribution of epidemic of typhus drove a large number of the infected Soviet people who have been taken out by them from deep rear areas in camp. The German invaders carried out a transfer of the disabled population to concentration camps on previously developed plans.
Around railway stations and in a number of settlements they organized so-called «forwarding camp». The thousands of women, old men and the children were brought by rail in special echelons in these camps from regions of the Gomel, Mogilyov and Polesye areas under the strengthened escort intended for a further transfer in special concentration camps on a first line of the German defense.
Fascist aggressors, receding under blows of the Red Army from Belarus, left three concentration camps which were on a first line near the town Ozarichi, the Polesye area, in which the infected with a typhus women and children were contained. These camps took place: the first on a bog at the settlement Dert; the second in 2 km North to the west of the town Ozarichi, in the rare pine wood; the third on a bog in 2 km to the west of the village Podosinnik. Camp represented the open space enclosed with a barbed wire. The approaches to them were mined by Hitlerites.
There were no any constructions, even easy field type — tents, dugouts. Women, children, old men, being in such inhuman conditions, daily died in hundreds. Corpses of the dead from a typhus, victims from cold and hunger were [384] on the earth. Brushwood for a laying wasn’t allowed to be taken. The security shot everyone who tried to make fire to be warmed. Being in the camp territory the Germans mined the firewood.
…Over 32 thousand people of the Soviet citizens — old men, women and children were released by the parts of the Red Army from three concentration camps of death located around the town Ozarichi, the Domanovichsk area. Among them there were 15 213 children aged till 13 years, including 517 orphans whose parents were killed or were lost in these camps from typhus, hunger and cold.
The Soviet citizens released by Red Army from fascist captivity, reported the commissions about the facts of deliberate distribution of typhus among the people who were in prison in concentration camps, for the purpose of infection with a typhus of broad masses of the Soviet population and the military personnel.
Command of fascist army specially sent the agents in concentration camps to watch distribution of typhus epidemic among the Soviet population and the military personnel of the Red Army. One of the detained German agents F. Rastorguyev stated: «The chief of abwehrgruppe 303 told me that over 2000 people infected with typhus are sent in camp of the Soviet citizens. Next day, according to the order of the chief of abwehrgruppe 303, I was specially did anti-typhus vaccination, and was sent to camp. I was given a task to go to camp of the Soviet citizens, [385] which was to the west of the town Ozarichi. After the German armies will leave, I had to watch distribution of typhus epidemic in the Red Army and to inform on it to the administration».
Inhabitant of the town Novogrudok, Baranovichi area,
… The commission established that for mass destruction of peace Soviet citizens and for deliberate distribution of typhus epidemic among the population of temporarily occupied Soviet areas the following persons were responsible: commander of the 9th army general of tank armies Kharpe, commander of the 35th army case general of infantry Wise, commander of the 41st tank case lieutenant general Weidmann, commander of the 6th infantry division lieutenant general Grossman, commander of the 31st infantry division major general Eksner, commander of the 296th infantry division lieutenant general Kulmer, commander of the 110th infantry division major general Weishaupt, commander of the 35th infantry division lieutenant general Richard, commander of the 34th infantry regiment colonel von Kapf, commander of the 109th infantry regiment major Rogilein…
All forces were thrown to liquidate the epidemic … 25 hospitals were given for patients with typhus … It is necessary to do justice to doctors … They met the enemy fully equipped …"
Security of camps was carried out as a rule by the fighters of the Ukrainian retaliatory battalions — 102nd, 115th, 53rd, 201st.
For example, the 201st security police battalion was created at the end of 1941 from staff of two Ukrainian battalions disbanded in the fall — «Nachtigall» and «Roland», those which cut out the Poles, Jews and Russians after capture of Lviv in the 1941year. Frankfurt an der Oder was a place of formation of a battalion. The Ukrainians were enlisted in a battalion, who agreed to serve to Germans as the mercenaries.
Certainly, having got to know about these terrible facts, the Ukrainian promotion right there will start claiming that it wasn’t. And the camps were organized by People’s Commissariat for Internal Affairs. And their employees were specially disguised in the form of the Ukrainian Bandera chasteners that in 70 years to discredit Stepan Bandera’s «sacred» name … However, the mental health of the Ukrainian mass media causes questions for a long time.
Thus, the truth about plans of Kiev and its transatlantic curators doesn’t look surprising: after all it is well known that all attempts to be through with Russians by the armed way always terminated unsuccessfully. From hopelessness and continuous defeats at the front wars with the Southeast Kiev decided to go for the next war crime and to use the biological weapon.
It seems that it is time to add other surnames to list of fascist military criminals— Obama, Biden, Tefft, Poroshenko, Parubiy, Nalivaychenko, Lyashko and others.
Very indicative photo:
Residents of Ludwigslust pass by bodies of prisoners of the concentration camp of the same name for prisoners of war. Bodies of victims were found by the military personnel of the American 82nd airborne division. Corpses were found in holes in the yard of camp and internal rooms. By order of Americans the civilians of the area were obliged to be in camp for acquaintance with results of Nazis crimes.
For some reason then Americans absolutely differently treated the atrocities of Nazis … Isn’t it the time for the people of the USA and EU to call the leaders to arrive to the Southeast of Ukraine and to pass in the same way by victims of Slavyansk and Lugansk, Schastie and Mariupol, Odessa and Donetsk? After all these murders are carried out from their consent and approval …
Epidemic (in Greek epidemía, from epí — on, among and démos — people), distribution of any infectious disease of the person, considerably exceeding the level of usual (sporadic) incidence in this territory. It is caused by social and biological factors. At the heart of Epidemic there is the epidemic process, i. e. continuous process of transfer of the causative agent of an infection and continuous chain of consistently developing and interconnected infectious states (a disease, a bacteria carrying) lies in collective. Sometimes distribution of a disease has character of a pandemic; under certain natural or social and hygienic conditions rather high incidence can be registered in this district for the long period. Emergence and a current of epidemics influence as the processes proceeding in nature (a natural centre, epizooty, etc.) and mainly social factors (municipal improvement, living conditions, condition of health care, etc.). Depending on character of a disease the main ways of distribution of an infection during epidemics can be water and food, for example at dysentery and a typhoid; airborne, for example at flu; transmissible — at malaria and typhus; often play a role some ways of transfer of the causative agent of an infection.
Viewed : 722 Commented: 0
Author: Igor Matveev,military expert, colonel
Publication date : 23 June 2014 01:00
Source: The world and we
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