Grapes of wrath ripen among the Indians of the US: how Hillary Clinton has taken the title of “Bloody bittern”
It seems that both pride and identity really wake up among the Indian tribes of the North America. And the reason for that is the case that was happened in January of this year in Shawano, that is a small American town in the northeast of Wisconsin state.
The 13-year-old schoolgirl of 7-th grade, the Indian Miranda Washinawatok made bold to say (!) three sentences in her native language and then she translated them into English for classmates at the lesson at her school. These words are the following: “I love you”, “How do you do” and “Thank you” ... The real repressions waited for the girl:
When her mother Tanaes began questioning of offended and upset girl, concerning the situation that happened, it was found that the teacher Julie Gurta roughly grasped the girl’s both hands and struck them against the table and at that the teacher said loudly that the girl should not speak in the language of Menominee, i.e. in native language of her tribe (!) and that it is very badly to act in this way...
At next lesson another teacher has told the girl that she had acted badly, and besides, she was deprived of opportunities to play basketball: during the game Miranda was on the bench. The attempt of her mother to find out why her child was taken off was unsuccessful one: the coach has said that he does not know something about this decision ...
Richie Plass, who is Miranda's great-uncle, knows very well what is the racism. He said: “It is both barbarism and form of national intolerance and it is already closer to fascism ...".
Teacher Julie Gurta, who has punished Miranda, the assistant director of the school of education Dr. Joseph Bound, the assistant coach of women's basketball team Billy Joe Decoin and the head Den had written the letter with apologies it seems, but ...
As Miranda’s mother says, in this letter they did not apologize, but they tried… to justify their actions!
So, Julie Gurta has argued that the pupils should respect the other pupils, and the behavior that arises the sensation of elitism, is “capable to increase both racial and cultural pressure.” And the penalty of Miranda, according to this lady, was taken in response to both irreverent comments and behavior of the girls throughout the day...
Her mother was not satisfied with such explanations, and she more than once expressed a wish to visit the school, in order… to shoot the offender of her daughter. And the director of school has refused to comment this outrageous incident at all.
My good friend and the great leader of all Indian Kagahi tribes has agreed to comment on the situation for the international Internet portal “The world and we”:
- In fact the paleface invaders of the land of my ancestors had never qualified the Indians as the equal race. For some centuries the veritable genocide is carried out concerning us that is solely comparable to those deeds that the Nazis were doing on the occupied territories during the Second World War.
In the XIX century, for 60 years, on the land, where the Indians had lived for thousands of years before the arrival of paleface animals, the bloody struggle had not abated. For 60 years our tribes had fought for their freedom. The Whites fought primarily not with the brave warriors, they ruthlessly destroyed the villages together with our women and children. In their opinion, it was honorably ... And those tribes that white coyotes could not overcome in open battle were destroyed by means of both diseases and rum.
- Does the Great Leader think that the Whites are on the territory of both the Great Lakes and the Great Plains illegally?
- That is the idea! It is according to the laws of the Gitche Manitou, and human ones. During XIX century, all Indian tribes were subjected to absolutely ruthless violation. For example, in 1838, 7000 American soldiers, under the command of General William Scott, entered the Cherokee people’s village and drove all inhabitants on specially areas that were fenced and surrounded by wooden fence in order to escort them to the west on the “Indian territory”. 15000 Cherokees followed the Choctaw people on the “Indian territory”. During six-month march 4,000 persons were killed and we call this march as “Tears road” up to now.
The Indians let the paleface people to be on their land, hoping that they will return good for good. But it did not happen. All agreements with the Whites, without any exclusion, were not executed and they have not been executing until now, through no fault of the Indians, but due to the fault of the white coyotes ...There are no any moral values for them, their God is gold. By the way, the Whites have never masked the fact that contracts with our leaders are empty or noncommittal pieces of paper.
Up to now, the bloody butcher of the Indians General Sheridan is the hero of the American history, who has destroyed not only dozens of the Indians, but also this man has deprived their opportunities to produce food on their own land: he is the one, who was the author of the idea of the destruction of buffaloes that are the main food of the Indian tribes of the Great Plains.
And that's what happened on February 26, 1860 on the Indian-Island territory, off the coast of the northern California ... Six natives, the landowners and businessmen have carried out the massacre of the Indians of Wiyot tribe, they have killed at least 60 persons and possibly more than 200 women, children and old people with the use of axes and knives.
On December 29, 1890, in vicinity of Wounded Knee town of South Dakota state, the massacre of the Indians of Lakota tribe had occurred by the US Army. Here the Indians had gathered to carry out their popular “spirits dances”. According to various estimates about 300 persons were killed and buried.
- They say that the USA became the first country in the modern history, where officially they paid and pay for the killing of the people...
It's so ... And nothing has been changed. Have the US government not paid for the atrocities of Syrian opposition at present? Have they not paid for the formerly killings in Yugoslavia, Iraq and Libya? And everything has started so ...
At the level of local municipalities the rewards for dead Indians were as regular practice. Authorities in Shasta-City in Northern California paid 5 dollars per the head of an Indian in 1855, in 1859 the settlement near Marisvill paid the rewards from the funds, donated by the population “for every scalp or other strong confirmation” that the Indian was killed. In 1861, in the Tehama County there were the plans to create the fund "to pay for the scalps of the Indians" and two years later in the Honey Lake 25 cents was paid for the scalp of the Indian. In the same way, in the XXI century the beasts-gangsters in Syria get the American money.
- Did the Indians surrender so easy?
No, it's not so. The paleface coyotes never win the wars honestly. Of course, we have fought. The recent attempts to save and stand up for the life that we have lived for 30 000 years the Indians undertook in the 70s of XIX century. The first of four Indian wars, which started or reached the highest point in this period, occurred in the south-west. The leader of Chiricahua (one of the wing of the Apache tribe) that was held in great respect and veneration and whose name was Cochise has kept the defence with his troops in the mountains for nine years.
The statuary Cochise with great self-respect, who was the Apache leader, stood on the warpath in 1861, after that he had managed to escape with three bullets in his body due to the treacherous attack against him during the talks that he conducted on the territory of the 7-th Cavalry Regiment of the U.S. Army.
At first time he acted in a body with legendary Mangas Coloradas (Red Shirt). The American army with numerical force of 3,000 bayonets that was sent from California to do away with them hardly has eluded the enemy defence in the battle with the squadrons of these two warriors in the Apache Canyon. Five months later, in January, 1863, Mangas Coloradas was killed. The Americans, acting in their usual tactics, invited him for talks and when he came with a flag of truce, arrested him, tortured him with red-hot bayonets and then shot him “during the attempt to escape.” At present exactly the same manners Hillary Clinton demonstrates who is called by the Indians as "Bloody Bittern”.
The Apaches fate was unenviable, but the Comanches that ruled the second war of the wars of 70 years against the Whites, were less fortunate. Today, the Comanches are only a pale shadow of the mighty and formidable tribe that was in past.
And again these paleface persons have shown their brutal fascist nature. It is not surprising, because the current territory of the United States was gained and “mastered” by the human driftwood of the European countries. I wonder how can somebody trust in the beasts in human form, knowing the history?
Here is just one of many examples how the Americans “observe” the agreements. According to the Unbreakable contract of 1867 (the “Agreement that is held together with vows in tepee of shaman”), the largest tribes of the southern part of the Great Plains received the vast areas for reservations, where they were granted with the exclusive right to hunt for buffalos, the tribes existence and survival directly depended on it. However, despite on the agreement, the white hunters that were basically the same rude and heartless villains and thugs as the California gold diggers, rushed on territory that was settled on the Indians. They completely killed off the animals to which the Indians have regarded with awe and worship for centuries. The buffalos were driven out by white hunters for four years: from 1870 to 1874, during this time the demand for skin, fat and buffalo sludge has appeared at first unexpectedly and the one has taken off sharply, and then this demand has stopped suddenly and abruptly as well as and as a result of which the whole market has crashed down.
In 1860, the buffalo stock in the western part of the Plains was according to estimations about 100 million animals; only 1000 animals remained in 1900. From dawn to sunset, a member of the team of hunters could kill with ease up to 200 animals from his “buffalo rifle”.
The fate of the American Indian has become more and more similar to the fate of the American buffalo.
The truly Nazi howling with the requirements of complete destruction of the Indians prevailed in the white newspapers. The last act of this drama was played rapidly. Characteristically that it was in the most remote corner of the United States, showing that the Indians had no any place for themselves in the United States and they do not know where to go.
The leader of the platycephalic tribe by the name of Charlotte, the one of my great ancestors said the following about the morals and qualities of paleface people in 1876:
“The winter snow more than seventy times dropped and melted since our ancestors have let a white man once into his house. He filled the graves with the remains of our brothers. He sows destruction. He spoils and distorts the world that the Great Spirit, the Lord of our country, has created as clean and gorgeous...
Who is he? Why did he come here? We were glad to meet him, when we saw him for the first time. We thought that he brought the light. But he turned out to be like the growing dusk, not like flash of dawn. His coming plunged our future into the darkness of night. “THIEF AND LIAR” marking should be burned out on his forehead, as he burns the markings on the sides of our horses, which he steals from us. If the Great Spirit warned us, we would not admit the white man into our house. But we did not reject the one. When he was poor and weak, we housed and fed him. We taught him to tread our ground, showed him the fords across our rivers, walkways and paths in our mountains. He suggested indorsing with our name the papers, on which his name was, he swore by both the sun and his God that will fulfill all his promises. He promised us the things that he not only gave, but he was not going to give. And then he began to threaten us with their soldiers, prisons and iron chains ... Brothers, we do not have anything.
We were deserted. The white man is both grief and fate for those of us, who is alive yet and who can still see the sunrise for a while ... Do you know that he is haughty, strong, stale hard and pitiless. What do you see, when you look at him, standing next to him? What do you feel? It is a cold look of his empty fish eyes. Trick, guile and envy that are the same his integral parts as arms and legs ... Do the laws, written by him, have given us even one tuft of grass, one tree, duck, blackcock, cod? He creeps as glutton, in order to steal something that belongs to us. The white man comes more often and takes more and more. And that he cannot take, he spoils and destroys.”
At the beginning of 80’s of XIX century, the Indians had 55 million hectares of land. Fifty years later, early in 30's of XX century, as a result of machinations, making possible due to the Dawes Act on parceling of reservation lands of 1887 and the Burke Act that was adopted in its development in 1907, the amount of the land in the possession of the Indians reduced by two-thirds, and it was about 21 million hectares. In accordance with the Dawes Act, the Indians have received about 12 million hectares of reservation lands in individual ownership; by 1934 about 11.6 million hectares of which have been as property of the Whites. The Indians lost about 600,000 hectares per year, i.e. 1800 hectares a day. Even when the Indian got the allotment, he was as the nominal master of it and he could not use the best part of this allotment for living because he was “rented”.
By the mid of 20's of XX century we really were on the verge of extinction. A small medical care service that was established in 1910 within the services per the Indian Affairs could not get through the diseases, mowing them. Death rate has exceeded the birth rate. The nation that was the owner of the continent once began to die. Is it a random fact that at the same time the Nazism appeared on the European continent? Does it have the common roots with the USA? As just the American bankers have financed Hitler?
- The white Americans have always accused the Indians of animal mores. In particular, it concerns the custom to remove from scalp from defeated enemies ...
It's a lie that is common among these false people with forked tongue. Initially, this wild tradition has very little common things with the Indian tribes. It had appeared only after the first clashes with European settlers. Most often, the scalp cutting was practiced by the Indians as return sign, designed to intimidate the enemy. It was the return sign, because the European settlers were the first, who started the scalp cutting. It is known that in the 11th century the Earl of Wessex had the custom to collect the scalps of beaten enemies. When both the British and the Dutch began to settle in the New World, they did not want to leave this custom at their historic homeland. Soon the scalping was naturalized on new land as one of the methods of warfare. Taking into account that many of the settlers fled from the jail or prison, the spread of this custom is not surprising. Soon the Dutch and then the British government began to set award for killed Indians. The scalp was as proof of taken life. None was interested in origin of the scalp, so it was very often that not only the Indians, but also enemies among his own countrymen were scalped.
In 1723, it was possible to receive 100 pounds for each scalp (a priori it was the Indians one). It was a big money! During the French and Indian wars, the British promised the amount of 200 pounds to the one, who will get the scalp of the supreme leader of the Delaware’s tribe. This amount is 25 times bigger than the one, which was promised to the Indians- allies of the French soldier's scalp. The practice of reward for scalps was continued until the end of the XIX century. It is no coincidence that the Nazis had the same customs, who took off the skin of the prisoners in concentration camps.
- What is the current position of the Indians?
- If the world does not understand, which the horrors he has from US “civilization” that covers up with rotten fox skins, on which the slogans concerning “human rights and other “democracy” are written by blood, it will get the same fate. On the US territory there are at least 300 reservations, in many of them the ones, who are the Native American peoples by definition, lead a wretched existence. In many cases, the Indian reservations have turned into some kind of semi-criminal territorial associations, where the money is laundered, among other things there is the gambling business. However, the income of most inhabitants of these reservations in comparison with the average income of the US population is not impressive, mildly speaking. More than two hundred Native American tribes that live in the US, do not have own land at all. In many Indian reservations the humans do not have any possibility to obtain even basic medical care. It caused the fact that the average duration of life of native population of the US is lower than the national average level.
For the same work the Indian obtains less in many times income than, for example, than the “white” citizen of the USA. The US authorities simply prefer to ignore these problems, in order not to show a large smudge in the form of impairment of rights and freedoms of indigenous peoples on their snow-white shirt.
Most of our lands, on which American companies carry out the extraction of natural resources, were received from us by means of machinations and crimes. In many cases, companies’ representatives and American officials have promised to pay some dividends to the Indians for the use of their lands. However, the number of precedents with adequate payments from the treasury of the US and purses of business owners to the indigenous inhabitants of the country can be counted on fingers of one hand.
At present we have started to file in the US courts the claims concerning the indemnity of our land use more actively. If these claims will bring the benefits to the native people, then it can be assumed that the American authorities have decided to correct its “democratic” image within their own borders. And the interesting thing happens: the American machine of total democratization with its large blades rotates in full in Iraq, Libya, Syria, Afghanistan and other countries, but for some reason, it hardly spins the gears on its territory...
- Do you have any support from the international organizations? As the USA likes to promote its democracy in other countries...
- White wolves always talk about democracy when they surround their victim and prepare to eat it. But not always they are successful in it. Sometimes there are the honest people, who openly speak the truth. The US has received the claims this year in Geneva, emphasizing that the human rights are infringed actively at the same time on the territory of the United States. The UN Special Rapporteur James Anaya has come forward with such high-sounding words who not only accused the American authorities that they bite the rights of native American people, but also called to return the historical lands to all Indian tribes, without distinction. According to Anaya, he permanently meets up with the Indians, residing on the territory of different American states and sees how the life of these nations differs to the worse from the life of other Americans.
From the tribune of the UN, Anaya called the American authorities urgently to resolve the issues, related to improving of the living conditions of native people, as well as to follow the path of reconciliation between the main population of the USA and the native population. Such words once again emphasize that on the path to both world democratization and global protection of human rights there are some problems as to above one and in the United States. It turns out that up to now there is reasonably open discrimination that eventually shows the true value of all democratized impulses of the American authorities all over the world. The main goal of democratization in the American manner is to get the resources and to throw dust into the eyes of nation, who is owner of these resources, by way of declared words on human rights and “abiding freedoms”.
- The Great Leader is also the Great Shaman. Does he know the future?
- The Great Plains and the Great Lakes will be the Indian in any case. The peace-loving nations of the world must dismantle the animal regime of paleface people...
Viewed : 3729 Commented: 0
Author: Argyl Terner
Publication date : 30 July 2012 21:11
Source: The world and we
Ivan Datsenko from Ukraine is the leader of the Indians and the agent of the Soviet intelligence service
Ivan Datsenko from Ukraine is the leader of the Indians and the agent of the Soviet intelligence service
Ivan Datsenko from Ukraine is the leader of the Indians and the agent of the Soviet intelligence service
Ivan Datsenko from Ukraine is the leader of the Indians and the agent of the Soviet intelligence service
Ivan Datsenko from Ukraine is the leader of the Indians and the agent of the Soviet intelligence service
Ivan Datsenko from Ukraine is the leader of the Indians and the agent of the Soviet intelligence service
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Ivan Datsenko from Ukraine is the leader of the Indians and the agent of the Soviet intelligence service
Ivan Datsenko from Ukraine is the leader of the Indians and the agent of the Soviet intelligence service
Ivan Datsenko from Ukraine is the leader of the Indians and the agent of the Soviet intelligence service
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Ivan Datsenko from Ukraine is the leader of the Indians and the agent of the Soviet intelligence service
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Ivan Datsenko from Ukraine is the leader of the Indians and the agent of the Soviet intelligence service
Ivan Datsenko from Ukraine is the leader of the Indians and the agent of the Soviet intelligence service
Ivan Datsenko from Ukraine is the leader of the Indians and the agent of the Soviet intelligence service
Ivan Datsenko from Ukraine is the leader of the Indians and the agent of the Soviet intelligence service
Ivan Datsenko from Ukraine is the leader of the Indians and the agent of the Soviet intelligence service
Ivan Datsenko from Ukraine is the leader of the Indians and the agent of the Soviet intelligence service