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Ivan Datsenko from Ukraine is the leader of the Indians and the agent of the Soviet intelligence service



Ivan Datsenko from Ukraine is the leader of the Indians and the agent of the Soviet intelligence service



Ivan Datsenko from Ukraine is the leader of the Indians and the agent of the Soviet intelligence service



Ivan Datsenko from Ukraine is the leader of the Indians and the agent of the Soviet intelligence service



Ivan Datsenko from Ukraine is the leader of the Indians and the agent of the Soviet intelligence service



Ivan Datsenko from Ukraine is the leader of the Indians and the agent of the Soviet intelligence service

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Ivan Datsenko from Ukraine is the leader of the Indians and the agent of the Soviet intelligence service

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Ivan Datsenko from Ukraine is the leader of the Indians and the agent of the Soviet intelligence service

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Ivan Datsenko from Ukraine is the leader of the Indians and the agent of the Soviet intelligence service

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Ivan Datsenko from Ukraine is the leader of the Indians and the agent of the Soviet intelligence service



Ivan Datsenko from Ukraine is the leader of the Indians and the agent of the Soviet intelligence service



Ivan Datsenko from Ukraine is the leader of the Indians and the agent of the Soviet intelligence service



Ivan Datsenko from Ukraine is the leader of the Indians and the agent of the Soviet intelligence service



Ivan Datsenko from Ukraine is the leader of the Indians and the agent of the Soviet intelligence service

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Ivan Datsenko from Ukraine is the leader of the Indians and the agent of the Soviet intelligence service

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Ivan Datsenko from Ukraine is the leader of the Indians and the agent of the Soviet intelligence service

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Ivan Datsenko from Ukraine is the leader of the Indians and the agent of the Soviet intelligence service

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Ivan Datsenko from Ukraine is the leader of the Indians and the agent of the Soviet intelligence service

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Ivan Datsenko from Ukraine is the leader of the Indians and the agent of the Soviet intelligence service

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Ivan Datsenko from Ukraine is the leader of the Indians and the agent of the Soviet intelligence service

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Ivan Datsenko from Ukraine is the leader of the Indians and the agent of the Soviet intelligence service

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Ivan Datsenko from Ukraine is the leader of the Indians and the agent of the Soviet intelligence service

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Ivan Datsenko from Ukraine is the leader of the Indians and the agent of the Soviet intelligence service



Ivan Datsenko from Ukraine is the leader of the Indians and the agent of the Soviet intelligence service



Ivan Datsenko from Ukraine is the leader of the Indians and the agent of the Soviet intelligence service



Ivan Datsenko from Ukraine is the leader of the Indians and the agent of the Soviet intelligence service



Ivan Datsenko from Ukraine is the leader of the Indians and the agent of the Soviet intelligence service



Ivan Datsenko from Ukraine is the leader of the Indians and the agent of the Soviet intelligence service



America is angry

So what once freedom-loving United States turned today?
The third of the century back the American actor president called the USSR as «empire of evil». And what for? For the fact that the Union sent out the discordant people, sent part of them to mental hospitals? And these «dissidents» were no more than one thousand on the sixth part of the land. Or that entered the troops into Afghanistan? Today all these «crimes» are not worth a jigger…
The real «empire of evil» is America from the date of disembarkation of Anglo-Saxons in New England. And it couldn’t be differently for the country which formed as a result of genocide of indigenous people. Anywhere, except North America, the European colonization didn’t take place by universal destruction of natives. Any Yankee admiring a decline somewhere in Miami has to remember that America won’t live on bones of indigenous people (if in Florida — on bones of Seminole).
Having seized the territory of today’s United States, having driven the pathetic remains of Indians in the first concentration camp (reservation) in the world history, Americans almost annually waged and wage aggressive wars worldwide. All planet is covered with a network of their military bases, all it is the sphere of their «vital interests» and now even its president (not the Afro-American at all, but the descendant of slaves and the son of the Jewish stripper and the Kenyan student who left her with the child) declares especially without hesitating that America has to rule the world (do such statements remind you somebody?).
The ground for America is the protection of «democracy» as always. Did someone count how many millions of «democratized» corpses left behind the States in Latin America, Vietnam, Iraq, Afghanistan, Libya, Egypt, Syria … in Ukraine? And civilians of the destroyed Yankees of Dresden, Hiroshima, Nagasaki … the Arab and Donetsk cities and settlements destroyed by the American puppets? What all of them were guilty to Uncle Sam? Didn’t want to be «democrats»? Is it a crime? Who judged them? What the shot, asphyxiated with gas, burned alive unarmed supporters of federalization of Ukraine and the second state language in Odessa were guilty before the cannibal western power? Even under the Ukrainian laws their requirement of a referendum on these questions is not a crime. And the death penalty was abolished, as it seemed …
Now, dear reader (respected doubly because you reached these lines), let’s try abstract from that daily broadcasts the zombie-box to us and will independently comment on what we see sometimes on a TV screen. Everyone will draw conclusions for himself. After all the commentator can always be corrected in the necessary direction (or to be replaced), it is not always turns out with pictures (though technologies don’t stand still). Paradox is that we often believe what the announcer says, but not to that we see on the screen in parallel.
The brightest example is the events of September 11, 2001. We see as the plane without windows crashes into a tower of Shopping Center (the announcer says that it is the passenger plane). We see — the consequences of explosions in the Pentagon and in the wood without fragments and corpses (the announcer says that the passenger planes crashed). We see — in some hours after a collapse of towers the third skyscraper falls (the announcer says it is the consequences of plane attacks to towers). We see — steel piers of towers «are cut off» by the directed explosions (the announcer says that the piers melted). We see as there were only ashes, photos of the terrorists who seized the plane, the passport of their leader who allegedly escaped in ashes from the planes ramming towers and later we got to know that a third of these «terrorists» are still living (the announcer has nothing to say here), we see the man with a beard (the beard is the only thing that he has similar to Bin Laden), broadcasting that he is Bin Laden and his «Al-Qaeda» attacked the New York skyscrapers (announcers greedily repeat his words and draw conclusions that it is necessary strongly to limit civil liberties for fight against terrorism in the States including to refuse secret of correspondence and talk and to attack Afghanistan where Bin Laden with «Al-Qaeda» disappeared and to be catch the people extrajudicially worldwide, only suspected of «terrorism», to keep them in secret prisons as much as long …).
The result is available — now the USA is in leaders among the most «police» countries of the world, the secret of private life is destroyed not only in the States, but also everywhere, the Yankees have a constant reason for military intervention in the Middle East, opportunity to be catch extrajudicially not only the citizens, but also foreigners on all planet, to do all what they want with them! Here is ‘free world"! Neither Stalin, nor Mao also could dream of such «freedom»!!!
Or the inhabitant even if saw as the Kiev protesters beat and burned militia, all the same believed the words of the announcer that these protesters are «peace», now believes that militiamen of Donbass destroy settlements under control to them from all types of arms (including the forbidden one). It is amazing that a simple question: «why the militia needs to turn Donbass into the burned desert, killing the family?» won’t even arise in their zombie brains. And even seeing that there are the fragments of the rockets «Point U» on streets (which militia never had before) the fooled inhabitant (just right it is the time to enter the new term — «obolbyvatel») won’t cross out by this obvious fact the belief inspired in him about the guilt of «separatists — terrorists» in thousands of lost civilians of Donbass.
Manipulation with mass consciousness is the profession which is very essential now, the crowds of PR managers, «media managers», intelligence agents — counter intelligence agents, agents of influence and so forth work in it. For example, let’s remember the aggression of NATO in Libya. In the beginning — the picture of protesters: «people rose against the dictator», then — the picture of some unclear fighters in the desert: «people took the weapon», then — the picture of the killed Gaddafi — «people punished the dictator». The NATO aircraft and special troops work off-screen. The direct interrelation of Gaddafi announcement of dollar replacement with «gold dinar» and the beginning of «revolutions» are off-screen too.
In Egypt everything began with dispersal of student’s meeting. The same scenario is in Ukraine (even the printed instructions are the same, only languages are different). Slightly Yanek applied the brake of «European integration», the western agents of influence (the same head of his administration Zionist Levochkin) will organize on cameras the cruel dispersal of student’s meeting which disturbs nobody. And then already any concession of the power and any occasion are used for the next escalation. For example, in Rada the deputies of the majority physically are not allowed to press the buttons. They vote by hands (it isn’t forbidden), the so-called «Draconian laws». And what is «draconian» in them? Budget is «draconian»? Or a ban to hold a meeting in helmets and with the covered face? It is so in all «democracies» and today it is so in Ukraine de facto. Or it is the «draconian» requirement to legal persons to disclose a foreign source of financing? And it is almost everywhere in the world …
The main thing is to din into the heads that deputies voted no so as it was necessary and to set crowd. And in the most this crowd the peace protesters are gradually replaced on the prepared fighters who firstly beat and set fire to militiamen, then shoot at them and then snipers shoot both at militia and protesters (from the last researches — the Canadian of the Ukrainian origin Ivan Kachanovsky convincingly and reasonably proved, on the basis of hundreds of documents, that execution of «Heavenly one hundred» and «Berkut» is the work of Euromaidan organizers http://igcp .eu/hronika-prestupleniy/ivan-kachanovskiy-reznya-na-maydane-delo-o-kievskih-snayperah? language=ru).
The most interesting that nobody contest it— «the winner is always right». The same next Zionist Pashinsky (after the Euromaidan victory — the Acting Chief of Presidential Administration) is caught on the Maidan with a sniper rifle, the negotiations of European officials with snipers of the Maidan are put in a network — there are no any conclusions. And who stood and stands behind a back of all these «euromaidowns»? It is not a secret (it isn’t possibly to hide) that it is «Fascington». The same negotiations of Americans with Europeans on arrangement of persons in the new Ukrainian government are in a network. He who pays the piper calls the tune. Here so «Ukrainian national revolution of advantage» rules the USA through Zionists (or on the contrary) — you don’t know whether to laugh or cry. Thus, in the way of banal putsch the States obtained one more «banana» colony the native administration of which is afraid to say a word against the owner.
What the States to be afraid of? The world «eats» a primitive legend of attack of four planes seized by the Arab terrorists more than 10 years. Or someone seriously was indignant with bombardments of multimillion Iraq, aggression against it with about tens of thousands of victims? Well didn’t find any «weapon of mass destruction», well there was no some reason for military intervention and moreover without mandate of the U. N. The same UN keeps mum. The same States contains it generally and the UN is in the States also. Besides it is a cakewalk of a job to replace any international official. We remember as the Managing Director of the International Monetary Fund was accused of sexual harassments by the hotel maid. Soon it became clear that all these charges were a pure lie. But there was own «bottom» in a chair of the main financial institution of a globalism, obedient to the world managers in everything. And it’s more trouble than it is worth to the majority of the countries to object America — «democratizator» will arrive any minute to release. It is not a trouble that many thousands «exempt» from the life: you can’t make an omelet without breaking eggs…
Or in Ukraine the American lackeys — half-educated persons brought down «Boeing» and tried to shift onto «separatists». Well, it doesn’t matter! The negotiations which sent the crew from a habitual route to a zone of fights are hidden, the pictures from space proving maintenance of a liner by warplane are ignored, evidential exposed forgeries of negotiations of a militia (which are in advance prepared — judging by time of emergence after accident) are forgotten (and after all «a thief can’t hide his guilty feeling»). And in general the world gendarme can suppress the death of three hundred passengers for months — «there is no harm in trying» and our «leader of progressive mankind» has the failures and in fact — the real empire of evil!
At the same time remember only the exposures of Snowden!!! The real «free world» has put a monument to him for disclosure of universal world total espionage of the USA, including espionage for the allies and their leaders. After all America destroyed the right for confidentiality of private life of all inhabitants of the planet! The planet operated by customers of universal shadowing keeps silent … Can you imagine what the world howl rose if Russia would be caught in something similar (or in similar to the American intervention in the Ukrainian affairs)? And imagine —Russia would make something similar to the Ukrainian putsch somewhere in Mexico, having dumped the lawful president and having launched war at borders of the USA, at the same time surrounding these USA with military bases under the pretext of fight for freedom. How do you like such scenario? Or «what is necessary to Jupiter, so isn’t necessary to a bull»? If it is so, recognize that there is no international law any more and the brute American force rules the world. The allies, neighbors and all others, who are shaking at the shoes before «torch of a free world», «love» American «goats» for this evil force — military power. Also it runs out that the slightly modified saying is right: «America is blind».
Do you consider the USA as «democracy stronghold», the country, the real governors of which are so interested in human lives, not important whose and where (we will remember the American victims of September 11, 2001)? Or, maybe, you will call though any country the American aggression in which (successful South Korea at comical Northern doesn’t meet this deadline, besides there are no rules without any exception) brought democracy for the last half a century (in terms of grass-roots democracy, but not split on the conflicting groups) and prosperity? Sorry, but I then sincerely consider you as the sick person. It is not your fault. Do the States spend billions in vain for promotion and the psychotropic weapon? From where do they take the billions you ask? Is it difficult to print paper for any needs and whims? Thanks to the evil force — a matchless military vehicle the States also force the whole world to work for itself for virtual, flat money. If the world economy passes from dollar to other means of accumulation (for example, to gold that Russia dares to carry out recently), so it is similar to death for America.
Here we approached the answer to a question why Ukraine, Euromaidan and Yanukovych’s overthrow (among other «feats in glory of democracy») are necessary to the States. Ukraine, especially Yanukovych aren’t interesting to governors of the USA (and all West). The same Yanek with the pseudo-party of public funds embezzlers proclaimed «eurocourse» and went to same notorious «European integration». The same North Africa was «eurointegrated» for tens years and what is the sense of it? Even the new full members of the European Union Romania and Bulgaria lost the industry and the youth in it which scrammed from house unemployment to work to the west.
And the situation in Ukraine reminded Libya. The governor finally laid down under the West too, even financed the French presidency of Sarkozy. Here only was lost in day-dreams about «gold dinar» for Africa in exchange to a paper dollar, so the punishment followed instantly, the same France sent the mercenaries. And the picture of «indignant people» was provided by mass meeting. After such «color revolutions», direct or hidden interventions of the West, the countries rage, bleed, scattered. Afghanistan, Iraq, Egypt, Libya, Georgia, Syria … Ukraine now.
So what for Ukraine is necessary to the States? It is not a secret that almost all richness of America is the virtual and paper dollars which are carrying out a role of world currency (yes there is Silicon Valley and other scientific achievements, but they aren’t able to provide today’s standard of living of the tenth part of Americans). That is the States not so simply for the short history managed to wage more than all wars, these wars and financial speculation are of Bilderberg Group (including centuries-old activity of ancestors of its members) assigned the world leadership to dollar at its total neediness. That is dollar is provided with not stagnating North American economy with a fantastic national debt, but the connected corporate economy of the globalized world.
Ukraine is only part (not main) of the American campaign against Russia. Much more important (but often hidden) events occur in race of the latest arms, investigation, diplomatic «fights» for allies, war of sanctions and restrictions in economy and other spheres. For example, the States, risking the Arab allies and the branches of oil gas production, are compelled to lower the world price for oil. The answer of Russia is excellently adequate — it buys up the usual gold which is becoming cheaper together with «black gold» and even wins in a gold equivalent …
Emergence of other world unit of account (the main thing — means of accumulation) for the American economy is fatal (again we will remember «gold dinar» of Gaddafi and his death, public, deliberately cruel for intimidation). At the same time the real emergence of such monetary unit not far off. BRICS countries already openly planned a similar step in the near future. And who are so courageous? Brazil, India, Republic of South Africa? Well. Nevertheless the main opponents of the mono- polar world and its mono- pieces of paper are China and Russia.
Well it is still better for USA not to touch China — it gathered virtual dollars instead of the real goods delivered to North America (I remembered my acquaintance — the trucker from the States, he carries goods but -and- ben through the Canadian border and goods are all «Made in China»). China has to lower the dollar weight gradually if quickly starts getting rid, so will fail together with bankrupt America.
And in Russia the president openly throws down challenges, he doesn’t like «mono-polar world». What is the country which prevents to make money in silence? Poverty, the down-and-outs, but look, try. There is almost no economy — it is good that out guys — democrats almost took away everything in the 90th. It is a pity, however, that didn’t manage to extort all hydrocarbons. It doesn’t matter —there are many deserts on the earth for pumping the shale gas out, but if won’t be enough, so it is possible to make the desert somewhere near Slavyansk …
Russia will surely follow Ukraine according to the western plans. They consider that Russia grew bolder, forgot the lessons of the USSR and Yugoslavia breakdown by the West. The same destiny is prepared to it by «free world». The following purpose is China, the plans are developed against it. It didn’t turn out to disorganize Russia from within — «Yeltsin's successor» unexpectedly for «shitocrats» strengthened a power vertical, the Caucasian separatists were almost isolated from national and external support, Bolotnaya Square is in public exposed as «fifth column» and ratings has at the level of a statistical error …
Other scenario is necessary. Destructions from the outside. And who will be better here as the neighbor of Russia, other Russia — Ukraine. Whatever Kuchma wrote, our countries in the West strongly don’t distinguish it and, by and large, it is right. However, the American scenario of creation of Ukraine as alternative, other Russia for destruction of «big Russia» encountered the movement of the new people arising in a hearth of war — Novorossiya inhabitants. The movements of creation of other, anti-western new Russia — Novorossiya …

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Viewed : 6673   Commented: 2

Author: Konstantin Odessit

Publication date : 29 November 2014 00:00

Source: The world and we
