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USA + EU = Reich + SS



Winston Churchill is gulity of thousands of deaths in The Battle of Britain

Winston Churchill was a hero!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

jim martin

About the neo-Nazi diarrhea in the countries of the Baltic States or as the USA raise the fascism again

lol https://news.yahoo.com/inside-the-kremlins-disinformation-war-against-ukraine-183128480.html

sir bonklalot

The U.S. State Department: Russia prepares aggression against the USA by hand of Chukchi people

Glory to the heroes.

Taras Lepezdryuchenko

The U.S. State Department: Russia prepares aggression against the USA by hand of Chukchi people

The great "Canadian" "journalist" Argyle Turner, again hot on the heels of something big! Hey Argyle, are your bills still being paid in Ro

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Thousands people oppose the construction of military biological laboratory of the USA in Merefa

It seems the Russians are now going to have a look at what they were doing in the Merefa biological lab


Ivan Datsenko from Ukraine is the leader of the Indians and the agent of the Soviet intelligence service

Переклад просто жахливий

Roman Kordun

Excuse us, Russians...



The U.S. State Department: Russia prepares aggression against the USA by hand of Chukchi people

What the fuck? This is a joke right? Not a single thing I've read here is true


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The U.S. State Department: Russia prepares aggression against the USA by hand of Chukchi people

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The truth of history: Wehrmacht, just as SS, slaughtered and raped on a mass scale

This article is full of FALSE information...honestly it seems as though the writer just made most of it up, there is nothing sourced, shows no proo

Emily Vidovic

Turkmenia surprises: Arkadag will be instead of Turkmenbashi!

nice article

nice one

The USA and other organizers of anti-Russian sanctions stand up for Nemtsov's murder

USA go to hell!

Fuck USA!

“Democratic” self-supporting war is the main mean of the USA in fight for the world resources

The fight for resources in the modern world gets all new sophisticated forms and becomes a main goal of geopolitical strategy. The director of International Education Consulting, the lecturer of the department of international relations of the Kiev National Trade and Economic University, the author of the book “Democratic war as the mechanism of nonviolent repartition of world resources” Alexander Dudchak told us about a global course of this fight on the Courses of journalistic skill organized by Institute of the CIS countries in Yalta.

War for consciousness is the resource war

Today the system of depriving of resources has quite difficult, developed structure. It clothes in various forms and methods. Until recently, the ways of violent depriving of resources were the main – it is the direct armed aggression. But now the increasing role is played by nonviolent methods when the resources try to take away without interfering in state repartitions by means of armed forces, but somehow alter the consciousness of the population in order to give the resources voluntary. It is today’s trend. Though, the combination of these two methods, namely violent and nonviolent, is accurately observed in recent years. If the enemy doesn't give up, the armed aggression is arranged to him.

Complex statistics is a sensor of resources depriving

The fight problem for resources in the modern world is fully found at addition of several global parameters – economic, demographic, historical and others. The analysis of their dynamics in time allows to reveal a course of this fight and processes of resources redistribution.

If to consider one of economic parameters namely the gross domestic product per head, so very interesting tendencies come to light. For example, for China this indicator grew from 750 dollars in 1995 to 4100 dollars in 2010 and according to CIA site it already makes 5300 dollars in 2012. For comparison, this indicator for Ukraine in 2012 is 2900 dollars. If in 1990 the gross domestic product of Ukraine took the 8th place in the world, now we are on the 53rd. Ukraine can't reach level of 1990 on industrial outputs– today it is about 70 % from the volumes of that time. If to consider other CIS countries, so Belarus the first reached the level of 1990, Kazakhstan was the second and Russia was on this indicator in 2006.
Let’s add the dynamics of the demographic situation to economic parameters for more volume picture. It will allow to establish that in 1990 the population of Ukraine made 53 million people and for years of independence we lost about 7 million, it is more than in the Second World War. The analysis on the majority of other indicators reveals the same catastrophic dynamics.

Thus, the joining of various statistical parameters, namely the demographic, cultural, economic in one scheme allows to receive an authentic picture of those events which occur today in Ukraine and in other countries of the world. If to allocate the most important tendency from the great number, so the global fight for resources will appear today. And it is possible to draw an obvious conclusion for Ukraine – the active depriving of resources with the use of system of nonviolent methods is conducted here.

Fight for resources are often treated as the fight for hydrocarbon resources. These are one of the major, but it is far not the unique resources. They occupy about 15 % in a share of all resources, as the human, intellectual, geographical, historical, psychological and many other resources belong to resources in a broad sense. The intensive fight for resources of Eurasia is conducted for the last 200 years. And Ukraine takes rather important place in this process.

The USA and China are two main poles of opposition

Thus, the events connected with external aggression against many countries and internal events in these countries take place in a fight context for resources. And this fight is first of all between two geopolitical poles, between two superpowers – the USA and China.

The prompt growth of the Chinese economy aggravates the geopolitical competition between these two countries. The fight occurs, first of all, for control over deliveries of hydrocarbon resources in the countries which extract them and transport. China doubled the gross domestic product twice for the last 15 years, the Chinese economy is the second in the world and at such growth rates will become to the first soon. Having limiting the possibilities of China in receiving of hydrocarbon and other resources, the USA aspires to keep the geopolitical leadership and existing global financial and political system.

Quite often the statements sound that oil and gas problems in the modern world become less urgent as it is the resources of the previous technological way and we pass to information society. It is the extremely limited point of view. It is impossible to forget that gas and oil, for which many armed conflicts are conducted now, are not only the power, but it is also the chemistry. It is that chemistry without which it is difficult to present our daily existence which is used by production of a set of the goods - from clothes to food. Therefore, today the fight for hydrocarbon resources is the very powerful factor influencing the development of human society.

The first collisions between two superpowers for possession of these resources occurred in the early nineties – it is the first Iraq war. It was the first war on cutting of China from resources.

The USA put the wars on a self-supporting basis

The first war in the Persian Gulf is the first self-supporting war. It is very interesting tendency of the last years – the conducting of such wars. When Hussein “was punished” after the first war in the Persian Gulf, Iraq paid to Kuwait 13 billion dollars in the form of compensation for suffered damage. But on the other hand, the USA, as they took the main part in rescue of Kuwait from aggression from Iraq, required 20 billion dollars from Kuwait for the help in upholding of its territorial integrity.

The second war with Iraq is the second self-supporting war. After the USA brought the democracy to Iraq in 2003, they, naturally, incurred big expenses. And last year, in April the congress of the USA decided that as they helped Iraq with democracy, now during difficult, crisis times for the USA, Iraq quite can help the USA. In this regard the decision was made to offer Iraq to pay the first 400 million dollars in the form of compensation to the families of the victims even in the first Iraq war. On what the parliament of Iraq answered with the unanimous consent. It is logical to assume that soon the speech about payment of compensations for campaign of 2003 will be.

The third self-supporting war is a war in Libya after which there were 32 billion dollars on the accounts in the American banks and 45 billion euro of the Libyan money in the European banks. Possibly, they will be written off on account of charity repayment of the USA on democratization of Libya.

Why it was necessary to wage war of 2003? Certainly, the USA and Great Britain knew that there were no weapons of mass destruction in Iraq. On the eve of this war, the multi-billion contracts on joint activity were signed between Iraq and China. China invested in Iraq since 1996. And in 2003, after the democracy victory, the new government declared that all contracts signed with Saddam Hussein have no validity. Only since 2007 China has an opportunity to extract oil in Iraq on the basis of participation in tenders. In exchange for it China had to say goodbye to 8 billion dollars which were invested before in the Iraq economy. One more reason of war was refusal of Iraq to take dollars in payment for oil. Of course, it is “crime” not compatible to life.

One more important war on elimination of China access to hydrocarbons is the war in Libya. About 75 Chinese companies worked there by the war beginning, about 50 projects for total amount about 18, 8 billion dollars were carried out and 30 thousand Chinese staff of the oil-extracting companies worked in the country. Libya should be one of important sources of supply of oil to China. Certainly, it was impossible to put it up.

To kill Gaddafi

There were some more reasons because of which it was necessary to clean the regime of Gaddafi. One of them is the development of huge stocks of sweet water. 35 thousand cubic km of relic sweet water could provide all North Africa unlike expensive projects of IMF on which it was necessary to desalinate the sea-water. More than 30 billion dollars were invested by Libya for construction of pipelines on pumping of sweet water.

After embargo removal in 2003, considerable financial resources were saved up in Libya. The annual positive balance of inter-trading balance made about 30 billion dollars. It is big money for the country with the population of 6, 5 million people. Especially if to compare with Ukraine –last year there were 11, 9 billion dollars of negative balance of inter-trading balance on 45 million population. At the same time the financial structures duplicating and doing not necessary service, rendered by IMF, by the World Bank and other large international creditors were created. Gaddafi showed that Africa can manage with own finance. Also there is no need to get to dependence on external sources of loans. The Libyan investment company, the Central African bank and other structures were created. There were about 170 billion dollars only under control of the Libyan investment campaign. The representations of this organization were opened in several countries of Africa. Thus, Africa started to run away from IMF. Almost all natural resources of the African continent were privatized by the international financial organizations before for only 25 billion dollars. Certainly, it was impossible to be reconciled with such situation when the basis of financial system of the world is threatened.

To kill Gaddafi immediately was necessary first of all for France. Since 1945, CFA currency was used in the territory of 14 African states. This currency is under control of France and exists till today. In Mali where there is a war now, this currency uses too. All that the USA does by means of FRS, France does by means of CFA in the territory of 14 African states. It is fine access to the markets of these countries for sale of the goods and operation of their resources. These states could get out beyond the control of France and strike very powerful blow to the French economy. This explains the activity of France in war against Libya.

All this predetermined the destiny of Gaddafi and financial and economic structures created by him in Africa. There is an injurious fight for global resources behind big words about democracy and protection of human rights in which the most rigid means and methods are used.

Candidates for new democratic wars

Sudan. One more territory, on which there is a cutting of China from resources, is Sudan. Last year Sudan was divided into two independent states – Northern and the Southern Sudan. The joining of these states occurred in the 50th years. Earlier it was the British colony into which Egypt entered also. In due time, Britain strenuously imposed the Christianization of the South of Sudan, the northern part remained Muslim. Even the visas were entered between the North and the South for some time. About 70 % of oil stocks of all country are concentrated in the Southern Sudan's territory.
China had invested considerable funds to this country and also had considerable advantages in the development of these territories. About 60 % of all oil exported by Sudan was the share of China. In turn, the share of Sudanese oil made 7 % from all oil imported to China.

In spite of the fact that 70 % of oil are in the Southern Sudan's territory, all communications on oil export from the country are in the Northern Sudan. In order that certain integration suddenly wouldn’t outlined between them, the long-playing mine in the form of Southern Kordofan's territory is put between the North and the South. It is the territory which departed to the North, but sympathizes with the South and is more Christian. It is such long-playing mine which usually leaves the British colonialists after the leaving. It will decay still for a long time and can be used at any time. For example, at the beginning of a year the group of the Chinese oil industry workers was grasped there.

Thus, the war and the conflicts between Northern and the Southern Sudan will allow to cut off China from the Sudanese oil. Because of what the fast beginning of such conflicts can be assumed with a high probability.

Nigeria. The considerable stocks of oil are concentrated in the territory of Nigeria. In general about 90 % of stocks of oil of all African continent are in the territory of the 4th African states – Nigeria, the Republic of South Africa, Angola and Mozambique. China had invested in these 4 countries in 4 times more than the investments of IMF into all continent. The turnover between China and Nigeria grew in 8 times for the last 13 years. By last year it reached 3 billion dollars. The war here is predicted in the form of the interethnic conflicts –the situation in Nigeria is similar to Sudan. On the one hand, it is the big turnover with China, huge investments, the North is generally Muslim, the South is Christian, the huge population. The country lives on the income of oil. About 90 % of currency receipt of the country occurs from oil export. Thus there were no oil refineries before the arrival of the Chinese investments in Nigeria– the gasoline was imported from other countries.
By 2011 China finished 117 investment projects in Nigeria. By the beginning of 2012, more 242 objects were in a realization stage. More than 2 billion dollars already were invested in Nigerian economy, the Chinese began the construction of the first oil refinery in the country.

The Chinese plan to invest 8 billion dollars in the first oil refinery and about 25 billion dollars in creation of three oil refineries till 2020. It is improbable that they would be allowed to carry out all these projects. It is necessary that the Chinese put even more means to Nigeria that then losses were more notable.

In Nigeria the events already ripe, conducting to split of the country similar to which that has occurred in Sudan. There is already the radical Islamic organization Boko Haram which quite acts actively. There are data on the first refugees Christians from the North to the South. Respectively, it is necessary to expect Muslim refugees from the South and conflict strengthening soon.

Angola. Last year China overtook the USA in trade of oil with Angola. If earlier the USA was the main recipient of the Angola oil, now 40 % leave to China and 38 % leave to America. It will be not known what problems are chosen for instability escalation in this country – the conflict of tribes or religious disagreements, but it is extremely improbable that the USA will allow the development of rough activity of the main competitor in this country.

The interesting tendency is observed in all these countries. There are territories in them various on value for external investors. For example, the territory of Cyrenaica in Libya contains large reserves of oil under the surface. Why to feed all other Libyan people if it is possible to isolate the territory of Cyrenaica and to declare independence? That it was made several weeks ago – 300 leaders of tribes from Cyrenaica went to Benghazi and declared that go by the way of reducing interaction and creation of the independent state. The same was done in the Southern Sudan – why to feed all Sudanese people if it is possible to feed only those who will serve the towers?

In all these countries we observe the realization of that strategy, which Margaret Thatcher offered for the territory of the former USSR – there should be only 15 million population for service of productions which will seem the most favorable to the colonialists– other population is “unnecessary” and doesn't deserve the right to existence. Such “democratic” values are defended by the revolting people provoked by skillful promotion in the countries which lost the sovereignty and freedom during global fight for their resources.

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Viewed : 1184   Commented: 1

Author: Mikhail Mikhaylov

Publication date : 29 May 2012 23:10

Source: The world and we
