How the information war is carried on? Who, how and why impudently says lies? Some researches...
The idea of this article is casted over the posts of the certain shady characters publishing the examples of quotes in various sites in the Internet, allegedly belonging to known Russian figures in which the advantage and mental capacities of the Russian people is humiliated. In the small research, having the purpose to clear a situation round the sources of this lie, the known search engine was used which has rendered the invaluable help in the establishment of truth. Here are actually those pseudo-quotes which are on open spaces of the Internet.
1. Academician Pavlov: “Should state the sad look on the Russian person — he has such weak brain system that isn't capable to perceive the reality as that. There are only words for him. His trained reflexes coordinated not with the actions, but with words”. 1932 year.
2. Aleksey Tolstoy: “Muscovy — the Russia of taiga, Mongolic, wild, bestial”.
3. Fyodor Dostoevsky: “People who roam across Europe in search of what to destroy and obliterate, only for the sake of gratification”.
4. Mikhail Bulgakov: “They are not people, they are boors, villains, wild hordes of murderers and miscreants”.
5. Maxim Gorky: “The most important trait of the success of the Russian people is their sadistic brutality”.
6. Ivan Aksakov: “How difficult it is to live in Russia, this stinking center of physical and moral perversity, meanness, deceit and evil”.
7. Ivan Turgenev: “A Russian is the greatest and the cheekiest of all liars in the world”.
8. Ivan Shmelev: “The people who hate freedom, adore enslavement, love handcuffs and who are filthy morally and physically, ready to oppress everyone and everything”.
9. Alexander Pushkin: “The people who are indifferent to the least of obligations, to the least of fairness, to the least of truth... people who do not recognize human dignity, who entirely defy a free man and a free thought”.
10. Philosopher Vladimir Solovyev wrote: “The Russian people are in the extremely sad condition: it is sick, ruined, demoralized”. "And here we got to know that he in the person of a considerable part of the intellectuals, though can't be considered formally mad, however we will gain the false ideas adjoining from megalomania and mania of hostility to him of all and everyone. Being indifferent to the valid advantage and the valid harm, he imagines the nonexistent dangers and bases the most ridiculous assumptions on them. It seems to him that all neighbors offend him, admire his greatness and make evil mind against him insufficiently in every possible way. He accuses any of the family of aspiration to damage him, separate from him and to pass to enemies and all neighbors he considers as the enemies …”
And now we will consider in detail:
1. Academician Pavlov: “Should state the sad look on the Russian person — he has such weak brain system that isn't capable to perceive the reality as that. There are only words for him. His trained reflexes coordinated not with the actions, but with words”. 1932 year.
Pavlov never said and wrote something similar.
1) From the point of view of physiology, the false quote, attributed to the academician Pavlov is absolutely amateurish. Even if to reject the absolutely crazy and Russophobic first sentence, having heard of which the old man Pavlov, without reflecting, would carry out an emergency lobotomy of the inflamed brain of the author of similar nonsense, so the third sentence postulates the abnormality of communication of trained reflex and words. Though, even the people who are not fond of science understand that than the higher the neurophysiological structure of the person, the more he is capable of reflex actions on the basis of speech. Probably, the author of this quote is worse than the trained dog, as he is unable to coordinate the activity with words.
2) Pay attention to the used word “sad”, it will be used below that says that pseudo-quotes are a product of creativity of the same person.
2. Aleksey Tolstoy: “Muscovy — the Russia of taiga, Mongolic, wild, bestial”. The works of Aleksey Nikolaevich and Aleksey Konstantinovich were examined. Both writers never said and wrote the similar things.
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Complete works of both writers:
3. Fyodor Dostoevsky: “People who roam across Europe in search of what to destroy and obliterate, only for the sake of gratification”.
The phrase is taken out of context. Dostoevsky is critically reflects on the European view at the Russians.
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Diary of the writer. 1876 year:
“I’ve told that the Russians are not loved in Europe. I think, nobody will begin to argue that they don't love, but, by the way, we are, the Russians are accused in Europe, all Russian, that we are the terrible liberals, besides the revolutionaries and always, with even any love, are ready to adjoin rather to destructive, than conservative elements of Europe. Namely of that many Europeans look at us derisively and haughtily - hatefully: they don’t understand why we are not the deniers in other affair, they positively take us away from the right of the European denial - on the ground that they don't recognize us belonging to a civilization. They see rather the barbarians in us, who roam across Europe and rejoicing that something and somewhere can be destroyed, - to destroy only for destruction, for pleasure only to have a look how all this will collapse, like a horde of savages, like the Huns, ready to gush over ancient Rome and to destroy a shrine, even without any concept about what jewelry they exterminate. That the Russians really declared themselves as liberals in the majority in Europe is the truth and even it is strange. Who even asked himself a question: why it was so? Why nearly the nine tenth of the Russians, in all our century, having being cultured in Europe, always adjoined that layer of Europeans who was liberal, to the left side, that is always to that party, which denied the culture itself, the civilization, more or less certainly (all that Tyer denies in a civilization and that the Paris Commune of the 71st year denied in it are extremely variously)”
4. Mikhail Bulgakov: “They are not people, they are boors, villains, wild hordes of murderers and miscreants”.
Bulgakov never said and wrote something similar.
Check searching according to references below!
Complete works:
5. Maxim Gorky: “The most important trait of the success of the Russian people is their sadistic brutality”.
Gorky never said and wrote something similar.
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Complete works:
6. Ivan Aksakov: “How difficult it is to live in Russia, this stinking center of physical and moral perversity, meanness, deceit and evil”.
The phrase is taken out of context and modified. Aksakov is distressed concerning the failures of Russia in the Crimean war and blames for bribery in it.
Pay attention to “physical and moral perversity” - no Russian won't say so, moreover at the time of Aksakov. The Russian language for the author of this phrase is not native, below we still will face it.
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Letters to the relatives. (1849-1856)
We had a chance to be sometime in Little Russian, sometime in Moldavian villages. The Moldavian huts are even purer and more beautiful than the Little Russian; how the poor the Moldavian is, his hut is full of carpets and fabrics of different house skillful needlework which even don't sell. However, all these works are female; the woman in these areas is active and hardworking and is incomparably above the man. The Ukrainian who lives in Moldova is ten times lazier than the native Ukrainian. The owner of my hut, having left an underwater duty, two days laid behind the furnace with a look of inexpressible comfort, speaking only from time to time: When these sovereigns will make the peace with each other! In general all Kherson province and Bessarabia are strongly exhausted and ruined by war and a crop failure: there is no bread at all and other food except a hominy (corn) and that in small quantity. The world is wished here by everyone, both inhabitants, and soldiers and there was a hearsay that Austria enters the union with us and refuses to pass allies through Moldova and Walachia, and all of them are glad and praise the Austrians. War is so heavy, the victims brought with instinctive confidence of their futility, without any animation that what the world would be concluded now, it will be accepted here both by the inhabitants and almost by the most part of an army with pleasure. I say here – it is another in Russia. But also Russia got used to failure somehow. When the Frenchmen landed to the Crimea, so the thought that Sevastopol can get to them, horrified the merchants at Krolevets fair, and I remember how one rich man old man Glazov said with sincere heat that if Sevastopol will be taken, so I will go, but he didn't go and won't go. - But further. - In Volonterovka, the settlement occupied by the Cossacks of the Danube army, the most part of the Moldavians, we found only 50 men, 700 people were at work. - Here in Bendery the main chief the commandant of a fortress is the lieutenant general Olszewski, the kindest person, most fat, the Russian man in full sense, i.e. representing the connection of courage, good nature, kindliness, simplicity, humility in himself that makes necessary accessory of any acting Russian person, living not in peasant community. - Ah, how it is difficult to live in Russia, in this smelly environment of dirt, platitude, lie, deception, abuses, good fellow - bastards, hospitable persons-bribe takers, hospitable cheats – the fathers and benefactors of bribe takers! I wrote these lines not concerning Olszewski, I don't know him, but all image of the management, all administrative fraud appeared in my imagination.
7. Ivan Turgenev: “A Russian is the greatest and the cheekiest of all liars in the world”.
Turgenev never said and wrote something similar.
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Complete works:
8. Ivan Shmelev: “The people, who hate freedom, adore enslavement, love handcuffs and who are filthy morally and physically, ready to oppress everyone and everything”.
Shmelev never said and wrote something similar.
Pay attention again, how the same phrase “physical and moral” is used as well as in a case with Aksakov - no Russian won’t say so, moreover at the time of Shmelev. The Russian language for the author of this phrase is not native, below we still will face it.
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Complete works:
9. Alexander Pushkin: “The people who are indifferent to the least of obligations, to the least of fairness, to the least of truth... people who do not recognize human dignity, who entirely defy a free man and a free thought”.
Pushkin never said and wrote something similar.
The quote, allegedly belonging to Pushkin, contains the semantic mistakes. That can mean only one thing – the Russian language for the author of this phrase is not native.
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Complete works:
10. Philosopher Vladimir Solovyev wrote: “The Russian people are in the extremely sad condition: it is sick, ruined, demoralized”. "And here we got to know that he in the person of a considerable part of the intellectuals, though can't be considered formally mad, however we will gain the false ideas adjoining from megalomania and mania of hostility to him of all and everyone. Being indifferent to the valid advantage and the valid harm, he imagines the nonexistent dangers and bases the most ridiculous assumptions on them. It seems to him that all neighbors offend him, admire his greatness and make evil mind against him insufficiently in every possible way. He accuses any of the family of aspiration to damage him, separate from him and to pass to enemies and all neighbors he considers as the enemies …”
Solovyev never said and wrote something similar.
1) Pay attention to the use of word “sad” as well as in a case with Pavlov - that says that pseudo-quotes are the product of creativity of the same person.
2) An obvious metaphor (allegoric imposing of the version) in its psychotherapeutic and propaganda understanding, the events of August 2008, in treatment of the Georgian authorities.
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Complete works:
Information influence
All of us heard such words as “promotion” and “public relations”. Let's reject the question discussion about the difference of notions and let’s pay attention that unites them. In both cases both terms mean a certain production and delivery of definitely designed information messages to the final listener or the consumer. Thus the main task of any propagandist or PR expert (as you wish!) is the predicted change in behavior or a condition of the end user of information, whether it would be intolerable desire to fly the planes of a certain air company or sudden emergence of positive emotions in relation to any organization etc.
Trust to information
Consumers of information, voluntarily or not, always estimate the reliability of arriving data, and the major question with which it is necessary to face PR at information influence - ensuring trust to information source from target audience. Everything is simple. Ask yourself a question, whom it is easier to convince you to go to any place, for example to the shop - to absolutely stranger on the street or to your close friend? The answer is obvious. In the first case we have more bases not to trust and suspect unseemly intentions, than in the second case.
Once, the people in Ancient Greece reflected on principles and ways of belief that finally all this poured out in the appearance of the whole branch of knowledge - rhetoric. In some centuries these abilities were applied in religious sermons in different parts of the world with great success. And after a while the name to a phenomenon of mass belief was thought up - propaganda. In total all would remain till today if in the last century, on the Second World War termination, to someone wouldn’t mind to distance from the term “propaganda” by means of neutral and plausibly sounding concept - public relations. But the ancient art of a public statement and belief lies in the deep basis of public relations all the same.
What did the ancient speak about the trust and its role in the course of belief? The greatest Greek of all times Aristotle allocated three reasons which, being presented together in this question make us to trust without any proofs. It is the mind, decency and a good attitude to us. In the process of development and socialization, and acquisition of life experience, the man is convinced that people around one can’t be reliable on one or several reasons. Aristotle considered that incorrect reasoning is the result of:
1. unreasonableness of speaker,
2. or truly arguing, individual tells the lie in a consequence of the dishonourableness,
3. or the reasonable and honest person, but treating us badly can give not the best advice, though knows in what it consists.
Would we trust the advices completely of the unreasonable person, but decent and being in good relations with us? And if he would be clever, but liar? Or for example, would we believe the reasonable and decent, but having bad feelings in attitude to us?
Now it is necessary to mention the infamous and well-known personalities, whose statements we are inclined to trust without special proofs. These people usually worked long and persistently, as a result proved the rationality and decency to everyone and also generally, the good attitude to society. That is deserved a certain authority. There is a special term for them in PR – the leaders of opinion. If to go deep absolutely into a science jungle, so the perception of authority is caused by regularities of human thinking, namely to aspiration of human reason to generalization. There are solid reasons. We, possibly, spent the bigger intellectual efforts compelled constantly to reflect on intentions and decency of relative people - as we do, having estimated the unknown or unfamiliar people.
Source discredit
And now how the experts in the field of PR and promotion act in the conditions of rigid competitive situations when two and more sources of information fight for the consciousness of audience and there are no special regulating rules. I mean the so-called information wars which as a rule are a product of dataware of certain political actions. Besides a number of measures, the propagandists try to undermine the trust to competing sources of information, at the same time to lift a trust rating of own source as much as possible. To discredit the trust of audience, thereby increasing the probability of refusal of data acceptance according to Aristotle, will be any doubts of listeners in:
1. Source rationality
2. Decency (honesty, morality, appearance etc.)
3. Favourable attitude (good intentions, good relation to target audience)
In the light of the above, it would be useful to analyze a semantic orientation of pseudo-quotes about trust destabilization on each of three parameters.
1. Academician Pavlov: “Should state the sad look on the Russian person — he has such weak brain system that isn't capable to perceive the reality as that. There are only words for him. His trained reflexes coordinated not with the actions, but with words”. 1932 year.
Comment: doubts in reasonableness.
2. Aleksey Tolstoy: “Muscovy — the Russia of taiga, Mongolic, wild, bestial”.
Comment: “Mongolic” is the associative sending to imperial gains - doubts in good intentions, “wild, bestial” - doubts in morality.
3. Feodor Dostoevsky: “People who roam across Europe in search of what to destroy and obliterate, only for the sake of gratification”.
Comment: doubts in morality, a good relation to target audience in Europe.
4. Mikhail Bulgakov: “They are not people, they are boors, villains, wild hordes of murderers and miscreants”.
Comment: doubts in morality, good intentions.
5. Maxim Gorky: “The most important trait of the success of the Russian people is their sadistic brutality”.
Comment: doubts in morality, good intentions.
6. Ivan Aksakov: “How difficult it is to live in Russia, this stinking center of physical and moral perversity, meanness, deceit and evil”.
Comment: doubts in morality.
7. Ivan Turgenev: “A Russian is the greatest and the cheekiest of all liars in the world”.
Comment: doubts in honesty.
8. Ivan Shmelev: “The people who hate freedom, adore enslavement, love handcuffs and who are filthy morally and physically, ready to oppress everyone and everything”.
Comment: doubts in morality, external look, good intentions.
9. Alexander Pushkin: “The people who are indifferent to the least of obligations, to the least of fairness, to the least of truth... people who do not recognize human dignity, who entirely defy a free man and a free thought”.
Comment: doubts in morality.
10. Philosopher Vladimir Solovyev wrote: “The Russian people are in the extremely sad condition: it is sick, ruined, demoralized”. "And here we got to know that he in the person of a considerable part of the intellectuals, though can't be considered formally mad, however we will gain the false ideas adjoining from megalomania and mania of hostility to him of all and everyone. Being indifferent to the valid advantage and the valid harm, he imagines the nonexistent dangers and bases the most ridiculous assumptions on them. It seems to him that all neighbors offend him, admire his greatness and make evil mind against him insufficiently in every possible way. He accuses any of the family of aspiration to damage him, separate from him and to pass to enemies and all neighbors he considers as the enemies …”
Comment: doubts in reasonableness, morality, good intentions.
Obviously, each pseudo-quote bears the semiotics message in itself put by founders, with a task of introduction thinly designed myth in consciousness of final target audience, the acceptance of which, the object of communicative influence, excludes any form of manifestation of trust to the Russians and Russia. The myth structure directly substitutes and distorts three fundamental parameters of trust, as the factor of positive perception.
One more aspect to which it is necessary to pay attention is that the pseudo-quotes are attributed to eminent persons of literature and science, widely known not only in Russia, but also certainly, worldwide, that is possessing considerable and deserved prestige and therefore using the necessary credibility by default (also as the experts on the people) that repeatedly strengthens the efficiency of the similar communication message of the trust directed on discredit to an information message proceeding not only from authorities of Russia, but as from the certain citizen in particular. (On conditions if the target audience, the addressee of the similar message, is foreign)
Thus, taking into account the preparation of English versions of pseudo-quotes and also the revealed accurate internal semiotics organization of statements, it is possible to draw a conclusion that the audience of the undertaken propaganda influence is the population of the western countries and also the Russian-speaking neighboring countries. The need of similar actions from initializers is caused by tasks of introduction of mythological figures in mass consciousness - firmly discrediting any political actions of Russia.
Shame is the best weapon of information war.
The cornerstone of the effective communicative influence, leading to fantastic results of the productivity is certainly the shame. Personally I would call it as a magic wand of workers of the human souls engineering. There is a set of definitions of this emotional condition in modern psychology. But nevertheless I suggest to stop on Aristotle definition. Namely: shame is some sort of suffering concerning the real, last and future evils which, as it is represented, involve the dishonor. In what its attractiveness for PR experts in the field of information wars consists of? Well, at least, to be ashamed is very unpleasant. Certainly you can remember pair of cases in the life when it was a shame to you. Not so comfortable feeling?
The person can use any possibility in order to avoid similar conditions. It is well known by... sellers! Once I observed as in jewelry store, the shop assistant behind the counter pretended that she was tired to answer the questions of the buyer and exclaimed: “What are you pulling my leg... You can say that it is too expensive for you”. Naturally, the person left with purchase, though very dissatisfied. The buyer had dilemma in this situation - to be ashamed before the seller (a certain dishonor) or to return, already lost, mythical respect on which all of us initially count, coming into contact, having accepted the implicit offer to make purchase, having spent the last savings to the detriment of the interests. The conformism researches (effect of subordination to the standard opinion), carried out within social psychology, well illustrate as far as the shame defines our behavior on public. If 10 people with respected and possessing prestige for the character will prove with belief that white is black and black is white, so the examinees agree in more than a half cases, thanks to strong motivation to avoid the shame connected with “loss of the person" in the presence of that whose opinion about them isn't different.
In the same way, within wider communicative influence, the help of target audience in achievement of an emotional condition of shame will be extremely successful idea that, in itself, will make audience the high-inspired, that is ready to accept, actually, any offer from the outside, from the character initiating a condition of frustration in order only to compensate the formed internal discomfort. In this regard, the question is lawful, what emotional experiences the citizen of Russia feels, reading similar things, allegedly from the pen of very dear compatriots? I believe that the shame will be prevailing feeling from all set of feelings. I won't exaggerate, if I will say that threat of national security of any state covered in it as does the country population dependent on external approval.
Therefore, the second important component of rendering the communicative influence by means of pseudo-quotes is the management of public opinion of Russia as the achievement of emotional feeling of shame in scales of all of the nation and increases of level of a public self-reflection seriously increases the chances of acceptance of the desirable point of view for the customer.
Thus, the collection of pseudo-quotes of the known people of Russia is inspired and widespread by the person who at least doesn’t live in Russia and the Russian language isn't native for him, and the difficulties with a lexicon and apparent defect in education didn't allow this character to refuse the verbal stamps even when writing 10 sentences.
The simple analysis of dates appearance of this lie in Google searcher showed that:
(I.) The quotes ALLEGEDLY belonging to eminent persons of science and literature, are published on sites where there are forms of free addition of comments and all dates of publications not earlier than July 2008, that is the massed attack of lie and slander began approximately a month before barbarous destruction of inhabitants of South Ossetia.
(II.) The starting point of distribution of a pseudo-quotation collection is the Tbilisi pro-governmental site
Therefore, the mass throw of pseudo-quotes of the known Russians in the Internet was made a month before planned military intervention of the Georgian army on the territory of Abkhazia and South Ossetia in the capacity of the information support of an event and the prime purpose was the formation of public opinion in the West and on space of the former Soviet Union in the necessary way to the leadership of Georgia that would be an important step on blockade and neutralization of probable military-political answers of Russia.
It is possible to name the second important task provoking the attempt of shame feeling at a part of the Russians with the subsequent projection of high-suggestive conditions, in parallel with fixing on the versions of events. It is possible to argue with confidence that the scales of information influence of Saakashvili’s regime during August events were much wider, than the composition of pseudo-quotes, therefore the purposes, methods and means of that information war still wait for the lighting.
In general, it is necessary to note that the similar propaganda actions in relation to the whole people are impossible to call differently as fascism. I believe, in the Russian society the doubts shouldn't remain in the real face of the Georgian political elite.
Viewed : 4212 Commented: 3
Author: Dmitry Serov
Publication date : 29 September 2012 00:00
Source: The world and we
Ivan Datsenko from Ukraine is the leader of the Indians and the agent of the Soviet intelligence service
Ivan Datsenko from Ukraine is the leader of the Indians and the agent of the Soviet intelligence service
Ivan Datsenko from Ukraine is the leader of the Indians and the agent of the Soviet intelligence service
Ivan Datsenko from Ukraine is the leader of the Indians and the agent of the Soviet intelligence service
Ivan Datsenko from Ukraine is the leader of the Indians and the agent of the Soviet intelligence service
Ivan Datsenko from Ukraine is the leader of the Indians and the agent of the Soviet intelligence service
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Ivan Datsenko from Ukraine is the leader of the Indians and the agent of the Soviet intelligence service
Ivan Datsenko from Ukraine is the leader of the Indians and the agent of the Soviet intelligence service
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Ivan Datsenko from Ukraine is the leader of the Indians and the agent of the Soviet intelligence service
Ivan Datsenko from Ukraine is the leader of the Indians and the agent of the Soviet intelligence service
Ivan Datsenko from Ukraine is the leader of the Indians and the agent of the Soviet intelligence service
Ivan Datsenko from Ukraine is the leader of the Indians and the agent of the Soviet intelligence service
Ivan Datsenko from Ukraine is the leader of the Indians and the agent of the Soviet intelligence service
Ivan Datsenko from Ukraine is the leader of the Indians and the agent of the Soviet intelligence service