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Ivan Datsenko from Ukraine is the leader of the Indians and the agent of the Soviet intelligence service



Ivan Datsenko from Ukraine is the leader of the Indians and the agent of the Soviet intelligence service



Ivan Datsenko from Ukraine is the leader of the Indians and the agent of the Soviet intelligence service



Ivan Datsenko from Ukraine is the leader of the Indians and the agent of the Soviet intelligence service



Ivan Datsenko from Ukraine is the leader of the Indians and the agent of the Soviet intelligence service



Ivan Datsenko from Ukraine is the leader of the Indians and the agent of the Soviet intelligence service

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Ivan Datsenko from Ukraine is the leader of the Indians and the agent of the Soviet intelligence service

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Ivan Datsenko from Ukraine is the leader of the Indians and the agent of the Soviet intelligence service

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Ivan Datsenko from Ukraine is the leader of the Indians and the agent of the Soviet intelligence service

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Ivan Datsenko from Ukraine is the leader of the Indians and the agent of the Soviet intelligence service

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Ivan Datsenko from Ukraine is the leader of the Indians and the agent of the Soviet intelligence service



Ivan Datsenko from Ukraine is the leader of the Indians and the agent of the Soviet intelligence service



Ivan Datsenko from Ukraine is the leader of the Indians and the agent of the Soviet intelligence service



Ivan Datsenko from Ukraine is the leader of the Indians and the agent of the Soviet intelligence service



Ivan Datsenko from Ukraine is the leader of the Indians and the agent of the Soviet intelligence service

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Ivan Datsenko from Ukraine is the leader of the Indians and the agent of the Soviet intelligence service

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Ivan Datsenko from Ukraine is the leader of the Indians and the agent of the Soviet intelligence service

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Ivan Datsenko from Ukraine is the leader of the Indians and the agent of the Soviet intelligence service

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Ivan Datsenko from Ukraine is the leader of the Indians and the agent of the Soviet intelligence service

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Ivan Datsenko from Ukraine is the leader of the Indians and the agent of the Soviet intelligence service

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Ivan Datsenko from Ukraine is the leader of the Indians and the agent of the Soviet intelligence service

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Ivan Datsenko from Ukraine is the leader of the Indians and the agent of the Soviet intelligence service

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Ivan Datsenko from Ukraine is the leader of the Indians and the agent of the Soviet intelligence service

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Ivan Datsenko from Ukraine is the leader of the Indians and the agent of the Soviet intelligence service

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Ivan Datsenko from Ukraine is the leader of the Indians and the agent of the Soviet intelligence service



Ivan Datsenko from Ukraine is the leader of the Indians and the agent of the Soviet intelligence service



Ivan Datsenko from Ukraine is the leader of the Indians and the agent of the Soviet intelligence service



Ivan Datsenko from Ukraine is the leader of the Indians and the agent of the Soviet intelligence service



Ivan Datsenko from Ukraine is the leader of the Indians and the agent of the Soviet intelligence service



Ivan Datsenko from Ukraine is the leader of the Indians and the agent of the Soviet intelligence service



Igor Tulyantsev: “Moldavians never will support ideas of fascism and aggressive nationalism!”

The leader of “League of the Russian youth of the Republic of Moldova”, our constant author Igor Tulyantsev made the special statement in which expressed the public statements of the president of Moldova Nicolae Timofti about the manifestations of ideology of fascism in the European countries.

We publish the text of the statement which was provided by Igor Tulyantsev – after all this theme remains very actual today. Though many politicians while underestimate its values.

- The last statements of the president of Moldova N. Timofti “appointed” to the presidency of the Alliance for European Integration, can't leave indifferent any sane person.

About what the president spoke, Russia seems to him, in everything Moscow disturbs him moreover these communists with the sickle and a hammer. And if not they, we would live already in the European way. In the small interview for the Austrian newspaper, the first person of the state dotted one's i's and crossed one's t's. The same sickle and hammer which doesn't allow the today's authorities to develop the economy, to increase welfare of citizens, to solve housing-and-municipal problems, and so on and so forth became the culmination of his statement. In all this our Soviet past and, certainly, Moscow is guilty!

The statement for that there is no difference between Nazism and communism simply shocks. And it is told by the educated person working still in Soviet period as the national judge. Yes, in the West certain forces try to identify the communism and Nazism long ago. And such approach is clear, the Westerners want to decline the fault for the beginning of the Second World War together with Hitler. They want to forget the Munich arrangement of 1938 of the European leaders with the fascists, to shift the fault to Russia (USSR).
Here the mister Timofti tries to echo with the western patrons. They condemn also Russia along with communism which, in his opinion, disturbs us, the Moldavians, to become the members of the European family. Mister President in the interview safely speaks about any national idea which nobody can find for Moldova more than 20 years. And here, mister Timofti found – it is the European integration! And we, it appears, didn't know that it is our national idea. Generally, the Republic of Moldova is saved! Only nobody asked the true desires of the people of our multinational country.

And the president in the interview just also refers to the opinion of the people, claiming that the majority supports the European integration. It seems our president didn't hear about the sociological polls approving absolutely the opposite. But after all these polls say that from 60 to 80 percent of the population of the country consider that Moldova moves not in that direction. The majority supports the east direction of integration, the introduction in the Customs Union. More shortly, the president and the leaders of Alliance have own opinion and the people have completely the opposite one. The ruling elite has own opinion... But the power doesn't interest the mere mortals’ opinion.

And still, at an attentive view of realities of today's Western Europe that hardly was imaginable any 20 years ago even more often is evident. On streets of some European countries the meetings of supporters of frank fascism, the former SS soldiers, aggressive nationalists pass. For example, the marches of Banderovites pass in Ukraine at our neighbors, the marches of the former SS-men pass in the Baltic countries, we have provocative marches of unionist in Moldova.

Twenty years similar marches were a sign of a marginality, lameness; they were regarded by society either as nonsense, or as teenage pranks... But today, similar actions gain absolutely other scope in “democratic” society... Recently, by the way, the American marines with pleasure were photographed against two flags at the same time – American and SS. And it appeared normal for them... In Berlin the exhibition takes place on a theme: “Hitler as embodiment of a national ideal of the savior of the nation”. And “first victim of fascism” Austria doesn't lag behind: there is a documentary film “Heil Hitler — the Russians Go” with a subtitle “Between a swastika and the Soviet star”. It pours the tons of information slops on light memory of liberators...

Certainly, after that, the newly made ideologist of national idea of Moldova mister Timofti couldn't miss chance to cause a stir among supporters of new creation of a uniform world order. Have expressed … Have leveled the communism to fascism, and also accused Russia and the Russians of all failures of Moldova.

And soon, they speak, the “best-known” book of all times and the people will start printing in Germany... And it is not the Bible, but “Mein Kampf” of Hitler! After all the copyright allows to print freely the texts after seventy years from the date of death of the author. Very little remained! They say, the quotation collection already prepares for press...

What more obtrusive climbs in consciousness and sub-consciousness of “kind old Europe”? And here that! It is possible to see the thrown-up right hand in odious gesture of a fascist greeting here and there. The swastika images make noticed on walls and in such quantity that it is difficult to present. Unfortunately, similar things appeared in Moldova.

Nevertheless, there is a wish to believe in a victory of common sense. Moldavians never will support the ideas of Nazism, fascism and aggressive nationalism on the mentality.

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Viewed : 1823   Commented: 0

Author: Vladimir Kuzmenkin

Publication date : 29 December 2012 01:00

Source: The world and we
