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Ivan Datsenko from Ukraine is the leader of the Indians and the agent of the Soviet intelligence service



Ivan Datsenko from Ukraine is the leader of the Indians and the agent of the Soviet intelligence service



Ivan Datsenko from Ukraine is the leader of the Indians and the agent of the Soviet intelligence service



Ivan Datsenko from Ukraine is the leader of the Indians and the agent of the Soviet intelligence service



Ivan Datsenko from Ukraine is the leader of the Indians and the agent of the Soviet intelligence service



Ivan Datsenko from Ukraine is the leader of the Indians and the agent of the Soviet intelligence service

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Ivan Datsenko from Ukraine is the leader of the Indians and the agent of the Soviet intelligence service

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Ivan Datsenko from Ukraine is the leader of the Indians and the agent of the Soviet intelligence service

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Ivan Datsenko from Ukraine is the leader of the Indians and the agent of the Soviet intelligence service

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Ivan Datsenko from Ukraine is the leader of the Indians and the agent of the Soviet intelligence service

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Ivan Datsenko from Ukraine is the leader of the Indians and the agent of the Soviet intelligence service



Ivan Datsenko from Ukraine is the leader of the Indians and the agent of the Soviet intelligence service



Ivan Datsenko from Ukraine is the leader of the Indians and the agent of the Soviet intelligence service



Ivan Datsenko from Ukraine is the leader of the Indians and the agent of the Soviet intelligence service



Ivan Datsenko from Ukraine is the leader of the Indians and the agent of the Soviet intelligence service

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Ivan Datsenko from Ukraine is the leader of the Indians and the agent of the Soviet intelligence service

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Ivan Datsenko from Ukraine is the leader of the Indians and the agent of the Soviet intelligence service

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Ivan Datsenko from Ukraine is the leader of the Indians and the agent of the Soviet intelligence service

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Ivan Datsenko from Ukraine is the leader of the Indians and the agent of the Soviet intelligence service

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Ivan Datsenko from Ukraine is the leader of the Indians and the agent of the Soviet intelligence service

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Ivan Datsenko from Ukraine is the leader of the Indians and the agent of the Soviet intelligence service

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Ivan Datsenko from Ukraine is the leader of the Indians and the agent of the Soviet intelligence service

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Ivan Datsenko from Ukraine is the leader of the Indians and the agent of the Soviet intelligence service



Ivan Datsenko from Ukraine is the leader of the Indians and the agent of the Soviet intelligence service



Ivan Datsenko from Ukraine is the leader of the Indians and the agent of the Soviet intelligence service



Ivan Datsenko from Ukraine is the leader of the Indians and the agent of the Soviet intelligence service



Ivan Datsenko from Ukraine is the leader of the Indians and the agent of the Soviet intelligence service



Ivan Datsenko from Ukraine is the leader of the Indians and the agent of the Soviet intelligence service



NATO and Europe revive Ulmanis's semi-fascist regime in Latvia

“… The police groups collected from all country disperse, arrest the anti-fascists who steadily protest against the glorification of Nazism and justification of its crimes and then put them on trial, which steadily fines them... The hidden ethnic conflict in Latvia will pass to an open phase and, inevitably, will internationalize...”

In August, 1991, the bureaucracy came to the power in the Second Latvian republic which consisted of almost universal former Latvian “national communists”.

For legitimization of the power, “national communists” chose the concept of creation of ethnically pure society “Latvian Latvia”. This concept assumes the creation of an ethno-social pyramid at the head of which, just, there is a bureaucracy, and the basis is made by the representatives of the alien population. The first carry out socially important and highly paid administrative functions, the place of low-paid workers of physical work is allocated for the second. The main part of alien population, in relation to the Latvians, is made by the Russians in Latvia (in a broad sense of this word). The place in the basis of a social pyramid created by the Latvian bureaucracy was intended to them.

The concept source of “the Latvian Latvia” was the ideas of dictator K. Ulmanis. The dictator borrowed them in Germany in which carefully studied the national socialist theory and practice. In the days of war the Latvian elite closely cooperated with the Germans, participated in construction of “ethnically pure Third Reich”, tried, though it is in vain, to construct the small “Latvian Latvia” in its framework. After the war, running to the west Latvian collaborators carefully kept the ideas of the creation of ethnically pure society and brought them already to the Second Latvian republic.

The bureaucracy constantly mobilizes the masses of the Latvian population for implementation of the concept of the creation of “Latvian Latvia”. It does it by means of excitement of feeling of a national superiority at the Latvian part of the population in relation to the Russians and imposing the sense of guilt and national lameness to the Russians.

In addition to ideological measures, the Latvian bureaucracy carried out also serious changes in political system of the country. The part of the Russian and other “foreigners” compelled to leave Latvia, the part was compulsorily deprived of the rights of nationality and excluded from political process. But even those Russians who obtained the Latvian nationality now have no possibility to work in government, to be engaged in many “free” professions. The Russians are deprived of possibility freely to reproduce the ethnic identity: to support culture, to get education in the native language. The Russian language is completely excluded from the public sphere. All these discrimination measures of the power fixed by the acts and they demand their execution, being based on the machinery of the state coercion.

The main ideological instrument of manipulation by the public opinion for the Latvian bureaucracy became the ideology of “the Soviet occupation” of Latvia in 1940. The main event of that time, namely the voluntary choice of all Latvian people for a socialism and legally correct entry of the Latvian Republic into structure of the USSR is suppressed in this ideology. As well as the fact that for half a century the Latvians completely supported the ruling communistic elite as a part of which the majority was occupied by ethnic Latvians and also built the socialism voluntarily. But the unreasonable attention in considered ideology is given to class fight of the first stages of socialist construction and thus there are the attempts to present it as violence made by the Russians (and Jews) against the Latvians.

The powerful state information infrastructure works for ideology imposing of “Soviet (read Russian) occupation” to society. The television, the radio, the magazines and newspapers subsidized by the budget, which ate under control of the authorities, constantly go on about occupation. The state finances “occupational” researches of pseudoscientific sense, the edition of books, carrying out of the corresponding scientific seminars and conferences. The subject of “the Soviet occupation” became obligatory for studying at schools and higher education institutions. The Museum of the Soviet occupation was opened in the rooms of the former Museum of the Red Latvian shooters, which tells “about horrors” of the Soviet period.

Over three hundred monuments to the victims of repressions and occupation were established in the cities and settlements of the republic for thesis fixing about “crimes” of the Soviet power (Russians and Jews) in the minds of the Latvian part of the population. The authorities regularly hold mass mourning events at these monuments – the former national communists own the skills well of conducting totalitarian processing of consciousness of masses. Thus, the following were written down in structure of victims of “Soviet terror”: the shopkeepers sent to Siberia who had a great number of Russians and Jews; the collaborators and military Nazi criminals; “forest brothers” who killed both Russians and Latvians indiscriminately. The ideologists of ethnically pure Latvia try not to remember that among the persons who made the carrying out of shopkeepers’ deportation the base mass was made by ethnic Latvians who sincerely supported the idea of socialism creation in the country and realized it according to social logic of that time.

The greatest popularity among the mass mourning actions got the annual commemoration of the beginnings of operations of the Latvian legions of Waffen- SS armies against the Red army on March, 16 in Riga. This day the festive procession passes of still live legionaries and their numerous spiritual followers from the Domsky cathedral where there is a funeral service, to the main state symbol of the country Freedom monument. Under the national flags the legionaries place the flowers to the monument basis meaning that the national socialism and the Latvian statehood make a whole in the ideological plan. Usually, the deputies of the Seim, the representatives of executive power participate in these actions.

The police groups collected from all country disperse, arrest the anti-fascists who steadily protest against the glorification of Nazism and justification of its crimes and then put them on trial, which steadily fines them.

The neo-Nazi ideology and the organizations extending it play important role in present Latvian political system. On the one hand, they allow to sound freely the ideas of creation of “Latvian Latvia” and to hold the symbolical events, which these ideas support. After all in modern Europe the ruling elite isn’t welcome the direct scoring of neo-Nazi ideas. On the other hand, the neo-Nazi organizations are the instrument of intimidation and disorientation of foreigners to whom the part of the lowest “ethno-racial element” is assigned in present Latvian society.

The neo-Nazi organizations in Latvia have the branched-out structure, cover both political and public sector.

On a surface of neo-Nazi movement there is an incorporated party “All for Latvia - for Fatherland and Freedom – The Latvian National Independence Movement” (AL-TB-LNNK) (http://www.visulatvijai.lv/news.php).

It is a part of ruling coalition, its representatives now head the commission in Seim, hold the posts of the Minister of Justice and the Minister of Culture. It is just those places which allow to put the maximum pressure upon the foreigners. For example, at the beginning of May, 2012, the Minister of Justice G. Berzins forbade the notaries under control to him to certify the signatures of persons wishing to make change in the law on nationality though this order directly contradicted the republic constitution. The deputies of this party in Seim regularly introduce the bills which are directed on infringement of the rights of foreigners, using a parliamentary tribune demand the making of repressions against activists fighting against the regime of ethnic discrimination. The party makes the lists of enemies of “Latvian Latvia” for repressions preparation. The same policy in relation to foreigners is carried out by the representatives of “AL-TB-LNNK” and at level of municipalities and the executive bodies subordinated to them.

The most appreciable public organizations of neo-Nazi sense in Latvia are: “Aizsargi”, “Perkonkrusts”, “G. Celmins's Society”, “Latvietis”, “Latvian Nationalist club”, “Tevijas sargs”. However, a set of less significant organizations exist besides them.

“Aizsargi” (http://www.aizsargi.lv/) is the militarized national and radical organization. Openly support the creation of “Latvian Latvia”, deportation of invaders and their descendants from the country. Recently they declared petition for the demolition of Soldiers -Liberators Monument in Victory Park.

“Perkonkrusts” is the underground neo-Nazi organization supporting the liberation of Latvia from foreigners. It is responsible for three attempts to blow up the monument to Soldiers- Liberators in Victory Park, adheres to terrorist methods of fight for ethnically pure society.

The legal part of the society “Perkonkrusts” is “G. Celmins's Center” (http://www.perkonkrusts.lv). It acts from extreme Russophobic and anti-Semitic positions. Recently has declared the campaign of fight against the process of property return to the Jewish community, which was completely destroyed by the Latvian Nazi organizations in the days of war.

The society “Latvietis” (http://www.latvietis.lv/index.cgi) acts with ideas of an ethnic superiority of the Latvians over other people. It conducts the active propaganda activities in this spirit.

“Latvian Nationalist club” (http://www.nacionalisti.lv/)
. The organization conducting the promotion of radical nationalism, organizing the public actions in support of these ideas. It coordinates the activity of other radical nationalist groups.

“Tevijas sargs” (http://tevijassargs.com/) is engaged in military preparation of people ready to fight for the statement of ideas of “Latvian Latvia”. Only ethnic Latvians are admitted to the organization. Has the branched-out network of offices, training camps in all republic. Cooperate with the Ministry of Defence of Latvia.

The ideology of neo-Nazism is preached openly by the newspaper “DDD” (http://www.dddlnf.com/) which was published in the Latvian language. The newspaper chose the deoccupation, decolonization and a debolshevization as the main slogan. The edition considers possible to call to violence over foreigners for achievement of these aims.

The opinions which extend the newspaper Latvijas avize, the IR magazine, the 3rd TV channel, “ReBaltika” portal differs a little from DDD positions.

The repeated attempts to make neo-Nazis and radical nationalists answerable for direct appeals to violence and kindling of national discord never were crowned with successes for all the time of the Second Latvian republic existence. The law enforcement agencies of the republic never found the crime structure in actions of neo-Nazis and radicals.

The strengthening of economic crises in Latvia and inability of the national and liberal wing of ruling elite to overcome it caused the strengthening of national radical party AL-TB-LNNK. Recently it promptly increases the ranks and increases representation in authorities. In the ideological plan it began to dominate in the Latvian information space. It is possible to predict that this party becomes the winner on municipal elections in 2013 and parliamentary elections in 2014. Most likely, its structure will include a radical wing of ruling national liberal party Unity. The victory on these elections will allow AL-TB-LNNK to build “Latvian Latvia” openly. It will be possible at the expense of strengthening of repressions against the foreigners. The hidden ethnic conflict in Latvia will pass to an open phase and, inevitably, will internationalize.
And all this occurs in Latvia, the country which is the member of NATO and other authoritative European and international organizations... What do their assurances of infinite peaceful disposition, human rights and democratic values cost than?

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Viewed : 3858   Commented: 2

Author: Alexander Gaponenko, Doctor of Economics

Publication date : 28 June 2012 17:37

Source: The world and we
