Nationalism and neo-fascism is the weapon of information war.
The modern information war is the use of numerous information channels and various, refined technologies. It is a war by a word. The freedom of speech, about which they speak so much time, has turned to be a war by a word now. The USA turned to be the leader in this sphere for a number of reasons. There is a set of documents which regularly are accepted at the most different levels of administration of the USA in which the purposes and means of conducting the information war are described in details. It is created and work the extensive, well organized information field on scales of world mass-media providing the realization of problems declared in these documents.
Along with the USA, the set of other countries works and tries to work in this information field. For example, England uses the latent channels and possibilities in a greater degree. This war in a modern history never ceased, accepted various forms but the ultimate goal concerning the CIS countries always was one. Margaret Thatcher has frankly told about it once, “The USSR is too great to allow only the Russians to rule over this territory”. And according to her opinion it is enough 15-20 million of local population to carry out the activity in this territory, which is necessary in the interests of the West. It is possible to give many examples of such statements. The matter is not in examples but in that orientation which exists in actions of the governments of these countries and it is expressed in a modern information field of global mass-media in an explicit form which thoroughly and long ago built for realization of the set information influence.
Most obviously we could observe this field action during the Georgian-Ossetian conflict and, a bit earlier, in 2004-2005 during the “orange revolution” in Ukraine. What is surprising is that the pattern and primitiveness of the approach. There is no place to refined receptions in the information influence which is carried out under the concepts of the USA – it is systemically built, as the Hollywood blockbuster. Possibly, the same experts work. I think, the opposite is true also – such film shoots and persistently moves ahead, that these primitive templates already registered in consciousness, worked. For example, let’s take the moment how were selected the candidates who should become at the head of the countries in territory of the former USSR according to a plan of the western organizers. Yushchenko is undoubtedly photogenic on a start and an acceptable variant under the Hollywood standards. The same figure is Kasyanov in Russia, also the Hollywood hero. And Saakashvili in Georgia. The prototypes in three different countries have much the general as it is surprising. This is an attractive image of vigorous, concerning the young man who is sullied by nothing, has come to the power and is ready to make all for the country. But whan it turns around in a reality, after a while is already other question. But such approach is standard which is used in variety of cases and in other countries.
The creation of the polar choice or the contrast is yet another approach. It concerns the attempts of the current Ukrainian authorities discredit.I do not have great illusions concerning President Yanukovich. Unfortunately, he is far away from his elective promises. But in general, his policy is some alternative Yushchenko as before, at least as to the relations with Russia. Although and by no means all possibilities are used in this situation, and some were just frozen. In addition, of course, there are some attempts to demonize the Yanukovich's image, trying to make a “bad boy” of him, the bad guy, and the opposed image of a “good girl” – Yulia Vladimirovna against his one. This contradistinction is standard for American approaches, and they believe that it can work in our country. They know how the mass consciousness work and the ones prefer not to come down to brass nails, details, surely blocking the attempts to analyze with “special effects”. External impression and primitive labels are used on a mass basis. In addition, at the same time, it must be confessed that by this uncomplicated method the considerable success is achieved. As once upon a time Reagan had achieved such success, when sticking the “evil empire” label to the Soviet Union. One might think what a primitivism it is, the “evil empire”? Let us both compare and analyze the real events. But nobody was going to deal with it on the part of America in broad daylight. They knew that one way or another, this label would find those who will believe in it. It is the feature of mass consciousness, which is fostered based on images and special effects.
In the USSR, people argued, compared and analyzed, and the defined analyticity of even Soviet channels news programs worked towards it. At present time, the information channels that exist in both Ukraine and Russia, unfortunately, are not enough analytical ones, they do not teach the men to think critically and evaluate one or other events. Moreover, the Russian TV channels do not work better in this direction. Whereon there is the opportunity to defend the Russian interests, they often do not do it, guided by those standards and templates that have come to us from abroad. However, the show is the West playing field, where it is extremely difficult to win from them. And as the Georgian-Ossetian conflict has shown, the very clear, analytical approach that makes the things clearer is the effective means against their vaulting buffoonery and hypocritical falsehood.
So, we can specify two impact areas - direct and preparatory. The direct one is the straightforward manipulative attitude, accompanied by both special effects and angry faces of CNN speakers. The preparatory – the introduction into the information channels practice of such methods and techniques of information policy that disaccustom the people of independent thinking, they instill in them the consciousness of both shortcuts and special effects, which can be easily manipulated. In other respects, it is the weakening of the intellectual component of the millions of people.
Additionally, the possibility of the comprehensive analysis may be limited at the legislative level. This year it will be 20 years to the Lithuanian events of 1991, near the Vilnius television tower. There are few people that doubt that it was the provocation prepared by the people, chosen from those, who wished to tear Lithuania from the Union. But when at present time someone casts doubt upon the official version that is in the Baltic States, he risks to get a penal, it is a criminally punishable there. Here they are both the freedom of speech and analysis. Recently in the Baltic States was a scandal, when the leader of the Socialist Front of Lithuania, Mr. Palezkis, who is of the Lithuanian nationality, has expressed the different point of view. So that the lie that once was put in the requisition, is activated not only at the moment of its appearance. They, try to legitimatize this lie. These the methods work at present time and unfortunately, they are effective up to now.
-Is the same example of legislative consolidation of lie, the law that was recently adopted in Hungary and which equates the role of both Germany and the Soviet Union in the World War II and this law reserves punishment for the propaganda of the Soviet ideas and characters in parallel with the propaganda of the Nazi Germany symbols?
- And in Hungary and elsewhere in Western Europe some persons in blasphemous way try to equate the Soviet leadership and the Nazi Germany one and even the ideologies of these countries. Actually none persecutes the national socialists there. Although Hungary itself was on the German side to the utmost. We know the corresponding Hungarian figures - Horthy, Salashi, who served the Nazi regime as well as Bandera and Shukhevich did it here in Ukraine. And in the same way the Baltic leaders of that time acted - they were collaborators, fascists’ assistants. And in the Baltic States the national socialists are not persecuted, they have already passed the stage, when the USSR and Germany were equated for visibility - they went further. Practically the Baltic States regimes are frankly a la fascism, they persecute those, who express anti-fascist point of view. Therefore, there is the definite careen toward some fascization, with supporting the nationalist movements exactly. Unfortunately, where Russia could say its weighty word, it prefers to keep silence in some cases. More importantly, in Russia the forces that under the slogan of “the final accommodation” try to reconsider the entire Soviet history. They demonized the Soviet leaders, distorting the history truth almost per Yushchenko’s methodology, using only instead of Russophobia - Sovetophobia.
With usage the similar techniques, the Russian liberals, as well as the Baltic leaders that play into the hands of their national socialists by their actions offend and humble the Russian people, Russia as the great country, as the super power and as the successor of the Soviet Union as well as the Soviet people that is the winner of fascism.
-And at present time we observe the situation of massive informational pressure. In connection with Russia some people constantly use the following labels-Great-Russian chauvinism, imperial ambitions and the attempts like this to submit completely fair Russian actions in relation to the aggressive, provocative actions on the part of other states.
- If Russia was an empire, the one was the empire in some transcendent sense. It was not in the usual sense of the empire that endeavors to absorb the territory in big quantity or to shoe over again any nation for itself. It was integrate, connective factor in the fate of many nations and any of these nations has not disappeared in the territory of this, so-called empire. And, please, look at the same Baltic States, which at present time are ventured so much that they try to lay any claim to Russia. In fact, they were in a privileged position during Soviet times. If those countries were ruled by Germany, then I am sure that the Latvian language has not been in Latvia long ago, and the Lithuanian language has not been in Lithuania if it was beneath Poland feet, with its maniacal polonization policy.
Essentially, it was the support to these languages, cultures survival and their new development. And poets, writers and many actors and performers - they were well known across the Soviet Union. Is it cultural and ideological expansion? Was it the policy of the national cultures stranglehold? Of course, not. At present time the true put into the service of authority in these countries. At present time the authority does not think of true as such there. It is the apparatus for the power keeping by the leaders of these countries that are limited on their mind. For all intents and purposes, what will happen to the Latvian and Lithuanian culture? - Additional 15-20 years will pass and everything will be clear.
At present time, we do not see anybody out of the representatives of these countries culture, except those, who are on the Russian territory. In addition, how did they treat the representatives of the same their native culture, which somewhat differently evaluated the Soviet period? And is it absolutely disreputable “non-citizenship” of hundred thousand people? And it is the discredit not only to the Baltic leaders. It is the discredit to Europe itself. However, for Europe the one demonstrates the usual dissimulation as to many other issues. In fact, it is an obvious discordance with the officially declared slogans of both the European Union and the Europe Council.
- And I would like to say some words as to the duplicity. Today the discontent storm has raised in Latvia, because of the fact that Russia is planning to deploy “Mistrals” in the Baltic Sea and Latvia has demanded, so that the European Union would take the actions, this country is motivated it by the European safety concern and France was called to suspend the construction contract.
- It is the strange situation, where these “Mistrals” are planned to deploy - at once for some reason a terrible tumult begins! And in both the Far East and the Black Sea - everywhere the anxious dissatisfaction of the neighbors sounds.
- And they had a grouch on the European Union, because the one did not support their claim, although before it always supported their anti-Russian policy.
-Once upon a time Mr. Churchill, it was about the events of the thirties, very trenchantly spoke as to the Central Europe countries that had tried to be the objects of mainstream politics. And in addition, they would like to be as aggressive as Nazi Germany. Someone has tried to take away a piece of foreign territory, and another one has tried to push out ethnic groups, etc. Well, at present time the Baltic mini states play the same role, trying to give their handicapped in general consciousness to entire Europe. Europe can play into the hands of them, when it will be in its interests. If the circumstances change and the one will think nothing of them.
-And some words as to the systemic mechanisms of the information war. Not so long ago, the UN has carried there solution on fascism propaganda condemnation, and the only country that did not support it, were the United States. Is it not a direct pointing at the systematic approach that the United States use to organize information and political influence?
- Such resolutions are adopted almost from year to year. Firstly they should pass the third, so-called Committee on the UN Human Rights, and then they should be taken by the General Assembly. And the United States and one or two countries from the tropical islands vote against this resolution with enviable constancy. The European Union abstains from voting. The States say that it endangers the freedom of speech. Practically, they understand well that today such resolution endangers the image of these mini Baltic States that with the glorifying Nazi war criminals try to add some independency. And in essence, they openly show their system policy that use propaganda of both Nazism and fascism, to solve the foreign policy problems. And whereas this whole Baltic kit and caboodle is in the pocket of the United States, when whoever is controlled from Washington should tootle into the same pipe in exchange for support.
To the shame of Ukraine of current days, where the orange regime does not present supposedly, the one has voted in the same way as it was pointed by USA, as it was voted at times of Yushchenko - Ukraine has refrained from this resolution adoption. In this situation, the Foreign Ministry officials can refer to the fact that they vote as Europe, where we are going supposedly. However, neither they nor Yanukovich are not entitled to forget, who won the Great Patriotic War and how the victory was gained, what ideals were guided the winners and what the order the aggressors tried to do, how many people were lucked out.
In addition, here the question to Yanukovich should be put. Do you formulate the foreign policy on your own? Or like in economy are you served by 100 persons of advisers? Who gave you the right to formulate the government position in this way? Do you repeat the steps of Yushchenko? Because it is absolutely shameful event.
If he thinks, that such action will blandish today’s Banderovites, modern neo-fascists, he is grossly mistaken. It is the aggressive sect that does not wish to compromise. The measure of the compromises is defined only by the weakness of this sect. As long as it is relatively weak, the one does not attain aggressive actions. However, there are the examples already. As far as the powers are growing they become more aggressive. These regularities are and the ones, unfortunately, were proven in grief manner by the European experience many times. And the fact that Yanukovich compromises, as he thinks in the name of Ukrainian unity, says that, he is not clear-sighted man here. And the people that surround him use this circumstance and formulate the politics to the detriment of Ukraine.
It is impossible to mark the day of victory of May 9th and lay flowers,- I think, he do that sincerely, - and at the same time to decline from the condemnations of the collaborates, the supporters of Nazis Germany. After all, what is honoring and exaltation of these, who helped the fascists? Anyone, who place the monument to one or another personality or event; thereby the one underlines its approval with it and affirms some kind of ideal that he would pursue. Then, thereby, it is evidently that we have to admit that Yanukovich don’t condemn or he does not against the ideals and regimes that fascists and collaborates tried to bring here.
The politics must be integral. Internal political course contradictions always talk about the weakness of this course. Politics can be formulated differently. But the fundamental values must be protected in any case. And all mentioned is absent in Ukraine.
And in Kharkov, unfortunately, the people that came to the power are far from the sense of the decency and they do not have historian conscience– to place the plaque for Greek-catholic church hierarch Slepoy! Besides completely offending arguments are brought up that he fulfilled his duties and the one did his work. Hundreds people were thrown to the gas chambers and a lot of them were burnt in crematoriums by the ones, who also though that they do their work. Let’s exalt them then, why is it necessary to stop on this way?
The trade is going on. In what connection it is the unacceptable trade. In exchange for some phantom compromise, the history is being corrupted, the people are being annihilated the ones that participated in the Great Patriotic War and that gained the victory and freedom for us as well as the patriots are being humbled. It is the humiliation for all – for both heirs and the ones, who fought. The persons, who do it – the people that are without honor and conscience.
- What is the role of Galicia, the Galician nationalists in the current situation? It is known that they receive extensive financing for their nationalistic programs. Does Galicia territorially perform the role of some outpost of western-politics that are being carried out against Ukraine?
-- How many factories, works were in pre-war Lvov? The beer factory was. They can be proud of it. Where did the Ukrainians live? In Lvov? No, not in Lvov. In Lvov lived Poles, Jews the Ukrainian were the third or even the fourth ones. Only when the Red army came, when the victory came and Ukraine was united, Galicia received strong impulse for moving forward. This impulse was expressed not only by the fact that modern enterprises were built.
It meant the radical turn in the fate of many people that previously couldn’t even imagine that they will work with modern enterprises and that their children will be given with education.
But, that image that became the standard in Galicia from the 50s wasn’t in habit for the mass consciousness of hundred thousand of these citizens. The conscious type that they carried left the same one. It is a peasant, who is beaten, poor, and fully dependable on the foreign authorities. And at the same time the one is aggressive and hostile to both the people of other nationality and happening with him real or factitious injustice. Because, during some centuries in this region it was possible to survive when you subservice anyone, starting with “your” street elder and ending with “strange” burgomaster and judge. The planting of Catholicism played a heavy role too in these territories – the churches and people that declined the transfer to other religion were annihilated.
This century’s old aggression of offended and expostulatory ones is still here today. Together with both the dependence and the habit to serve for solid bosses, regardless they are the Austria-Hungarians or the Germans. And with such eagerness they interrogated the Marxism-Leninism; the ones were the bards of the regime. In general, many of the Ukrainian people became both absolute nationalists and Russophobes, when they quit the CPSU. And Pavlichko and Yavorivsky and Drach as well as Yushchenko served the soviet regime, which they betrayed and stigmatized very fast, as anti-national, as soon as the government changed.
And in Galicia, where in past the people looked back on the authorities, today these authorities, at their state they used to be, no longer exist. They found themselves on their own. And because some spiritual-politic vacuum arose, it was filled with the Russo-phobia that was advisedly formed at the times of the Austria-Hungarian Empire. A lot of people became like megaphones of Russo-phobia. What accordingly created the positive environment for the use of this situation by the western-powers that are interested in this informative influence.
Solely the Ukrainian in Galician performance carries strictly decorative character often. Put on the fancywork and he think that he is already the Ukrainian. And if you look closer, then frequently whole Ukrainity pretty often run out by Russo-phobia, anti-communism and the desire to serve the master that gives the biggest grants. They don’t own real Ukrainity that is not trained by the serving to USA or earlier to Austria-Hungary and communists; it’s gained by the sequential perception of all Ukrainian experience that was accumulated across the Ukrainian territory.
After all, in actual fact, the question is about only one Galician branch of powerful branch – it is the Ukrainian branch of one Russian nation. This experience, the historian path, is not only unacceptable by them – the one is just being declined. They think that such path does not exist. It is as if not the Ukrainian path, that all Ukraine has passed through. As if everything that was under the yoke and captivity.
- Can it be detected in those informational materials, flows that Galicia causes that it’s all well aligned, planned informational space that is being paid and organized per the technology, developed in the Western-countries?
-- There are a lot of non-formal public organizations that are grant receivers. They work on the plan of “creating democratic society”, as they declare. In Verhovnaya Rada the commission was arranged on the activity investigation of the various grant receiversabout 10 years ago likefunds, other structures, it was under the management of Valery Mishura. Their roles, all methods that are used by these funds were analyzed then. But not in all fullness, of course, because the deputy is not a secret service after all. The one can’t clear up the things which are not backed by some documents.
But it turns out to be very clear that it is not the act of god, it is methodical, deliberated, for a long time forward, politics that pursues the objects that are far away from cooperation. These targets of citizenship society destruction that is being set up in one or other country, in Ukraine or in Russia. The disruption of the popularity of one or other politic forces and sects and the decisive influence gaining in specific situation. So such their objectives can be called.
The biggest influence these organizations have, when there is some tension in country and even little, but well prepared actions can have serious influence. At the rest time they are busy with the remonstrance, provocative background supporting. And of course both conceptual community and program familiarity can be seen in their actions. While, the countries-organizers of such activity are determined easily per the sources of grants.
- The Ukrainian nationalists came up with new approach they publish the books in the Russian language for the Russians. The book: “The Ukrainian nationalism: rundown for the Russians”, of some author Galushko, in which the author teaches the Russian speaking citizens to confess the Ukrainian nationalist idea, because they live in Ukraine.
But this argument is insufficient. It can be contradistinguished the quite legitimate argument that we all live in Ukraine from the earliest times, and we call ourselves today Russians and Ukrainians, but Russians and Ukrainian are the nations that have roots since Kievan Rus, generally speaking is the one nation. It can be also studied out, who was here the first and who must learn from whom. But in fact, it should not be the point of issue.
If you, nationalists, want that someone would follow your example, try to explain on the modern language, on the language of science terms and visions – what is your rectitude in the 21th century? Do you have the scientific nationalism, we hope, as the scientific communism at the soviet times was? But, does scientific nationalism exist at all? If that scientific nationalism would exist, then during scientific analysis it would turn out to be that, patriots and most notorious nationalists are these that stand for the close union with Russia.
While imitating, the nationalists say that the nationalist is not the one, who is against someone; it’s the one who is for his nation. But, why don’t they support the drive of the major part of the Ukrainian people to the close, union relations with Russia, to integration in CES, EurAsES?
Today they refuse to have anything to do with the fact that their theorist once said – “the Fascism is first of all the nationalism”. Stsiborsky, ideologists and theorist of OUN movement was killed in one of the inter wrangles, but he managed to write “Natiocracy” that should serve like the Talmud for nationalists. They know about it, but prefer not to mention this quote. Well, they say, we fight for our people’s wealth.
If it is so, let’s on the base of analysis, formation experience and Soviet Ukraine come to it, and you with the scientific analysis will find out that Ukraine needs to be in close economic union with Russia. The modern economy can’t be without politics. So, in political, military, culture, informative sphere we should be in the closest union – from the point of view of nation experience, formation in 20th century in the structure of the USSR union of Ukraine as contemporary developed state.
But, they do not have the scientific nationalism, and in it their problem is, they have the cave nationalism. Such nationalism does not have any patriotism, but there are hypocrisy and Nazism in plenty.
But moving to scientific nationalism in order to accept the historic experience and the choice of the people, it is like death for them. It is where the nationalism ends. That is why they will stay at their primitive, cave level forever. At the level of adoption of the wildest, anti-humane, anti-human presentations of the German Nazism. That is why in my opinion the nationalists are people, who afraid to provide full truth about themselves. They wish to change the society. Then, please, propose to society the newest model of the future. If it is the scientific one – it will be the union with Russia, if not, please, welcome to the cave, it is the most appropriate place for you. For this objective reason they are called the cave nationalists.
Viewed : 793 Commented: 1
Author: Михаил Михайлов
Publication date : 12 June 2011 01:00
Source: The world and we
Ivan Datsenko from Ukraine is the leader of the Indians and the agent of the Soviet intelligence service
Ivan Datsenko from Ukraine is the leader of the Indians and the agent of the Soviet intelligence service
Ivan Datsenko from Ukraine is the leader of the Indians and the agent of the Soviet intelligence service
Ivan Datsenko from Ukraine is the leader of the Indians and the agent of the Soviet intelligence service
Ivan Datsenko from Ukraine is the leader of the Indians and the agent of the Soviet intelligence service
Ivan Datsenko from Ukraine is the leader of the Indians and the agent of the Soviet intelligence service
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Ivan Datsenko from Ukraine is the leader of the Indians and the agent of the Soviet intelligence service
Ivan Datsenko from Ukraine is the leader of the Indians and the agent of the Soviet intelligence service
Ivan Datsenko from Ukraine is the leader of the Indians and the agent of the Soviet intelligence service
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Ivan Datsenko from Ukraine is the leader of the Indians and the agent of the Soviet intelligence service
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Ivan Datsenko from Ukraine is the leader of the Indians and the agent of the Soviet intelligence service
Ivan Datsenko from Ukraine is the leader of the Indians and the agent of the Soviet intelligence service
Ivan Datsenko from Ukraine is the leader of the Indians and the agent of the Soviet intelligence service
Ivan Datsenko from Ukraine is the leader of the Indians and the agent of the Soviet intelligence service
Ivan Datsenko from Ukraine is the leader of the Indians and the agent of the Soviet intelligence service
Ivan Datsenko from Ukraine is the leader of the Indians and the agent of the Soviet intelligence service