Radicalization of a situation in Ukraine by neo-Nazis is a way to open collisions and country disintegration
“The anthem, a flag and bribe takers – Ukraine has all signs of statehood, but there is no state for the people. The discontent of the become impoverished population grows in these conditions and provocations of neo-fascist party “Svoboda” amplify - the journalist and the politician, the presenter of “Truth” program on the ATV Odessa TV channel, the deputy of the Odessa city council Grigory Vitalyevich Kvasnyuk answers the questions of the Internet-portal “The world and we” .
- The Ukrainian opposition, its three main parties, show hyperactivity and go on frankly extremist actions, including blocking the Verkhovna Rada tribune. What is it more caused – by own motivation of these political forces in aspiration to the power or external influence from the western sponsors and partners who seek to change a situation in Ukraine?
Ukraine isn't the self-sufficient country in itself. Therefore someone stands behind all political forces and from the West and the East. As for these as though different three political forces, it is possible to call only “Svoboda” as separate one. It is really brightly pro-fascist and extremely ideologized.
And it follows not only from ideological installations, but also from history of this movement.
As for “Udar” and “Batkivshchyna”, so they are the same “bog”. There are a lot of the deputies who have changed 15-20 of parties which were in Ukraine, beginning from C.P.S.U. Therefore it isn't necessary to speak about any moral substance. Therefore, it is necessary to speak about the interests. After all it is so-called “opposition” because there is no opposition in Ukraine at all. Is it possible to call these forces as opposition if concerning the European integration, signing of the agreement on association with EU they vote unanimously with the Party of Regions? What is the opposition then? The opposition and pro-authoritativeness are situational on the different moments and questions. Somewhere the communists vote with the Party of Regions at one. And then the communists insist on not to passing to majority system at all. But it is the same that “Svoboda” and other defend.
I think that, of course, there are economic interests of the oligarchic capital in that process. Our Verkhovna Rada, as well as practically all parliaments of the Post-Soviet republics, for 80% consists of millionaires and billionaires.
The oligarchic capital looks to Europe, but not because they see the future of Ukraine there. They see the future of the families and the capitals there. This is even not future, but their today. So, it isn't necessary to be surprised the European integration aspirations from their side.
As far as society will be ready to a choice problem in general, whether we go to the Customs Union or EU depends on how the internal situation in Ukraine will develop. And it passed now from a dozing condition to accelerated, even “galloping” and becomes unpredictable in many respects. I don't think that the pro-imperious and opposition forces realize that can occur because of it.
For example, because the presidium of parliament was blocked, the members of the Party of Regions, communists and part of extra fractional deputies passed to other building of the Verkhovna Rada, held the session there as they called it as there were more than a half of members of parliament and adopted 7 laws. “Opposition” declared that it won't recognize these laws as the laws at all. Their representatives supervise a certain part of regional and city councils in the west of Ukraine.
There is a question - if the whole areas in the person of their managing directors of bodies declare that don't recognize these or those decisions as the laws, so how it continues to remain the state though somehow united and complete in general?
For example, the official in Lvov says that this law doesn't exist for him and the official in Kharkov says that he is interested namely in this law. Then the opposition at any situational majority will adopt any other laws which in the same way act on one part of the country and on another don't affect. And how should behave the militiaman, the prosecutor, the judge in such conditions? In any parts of the country the responsibility comes and in any doesn't come. Further probably it is a way to disintegration.
And both parties declare that won't recede, will stand to the last.
What it can end? Scenarios are the most various, including quite “apocalyptic”. Up to that sooner or later all this will bother the big neighbours in the West and the East and they will remember how they resolved a situation in the same Yugoslavia.
Also will say: “Your land is great, plentiful and there is no order - we will come and gover”. Only, if according to the legend the inhabitants of Russia asked Varangians to come and govern, I think that in this situation nobody will ask us. But the people, according to Pushkin, keep silence.
Actions which the opposition started holding, showed the full failure. Even according to militia there were 3 thousand participants on an action in Kiev and the opposition says that 20 thousand people. But thus there are 3 million of population in Kiev. People were taken from all Ukraine. Even if they were 20 thousand in a result - so what is it? In Athens recently there were 1, 5 million people. It is really the scale and voice of the people. There are 3-5 thousand on the one hand and other. One half doesn't know why came, the second knows for how many money it came. Nobody read the slogans because it is the students from the same institute - a half goes for these with the flags, the second - for those with slogans and in the evening they agree on a disco. Here is such political tourism. Therefore it is already impossible to frighten each other with any slogans and circulations.
Today it is difficult to assume what will be farther. Economic situation of Ukraine is not bad, but it is terrible, it in general it is impossible to call economic.
There are no army, fleet, production. When you ask what will be if we enter into EU, we are told - we will have a visa-free regime. Now everyone will be able to go on earnings to Italy without the visa. And already there it will be necessary to be overcome for a place of the gardener with natives of North Africa and it isn't known whether it would turn out.
There is one more factor accelerating the processes. 22 years we ate that remained in a warehouse after the USSR. Settled resources, funds, and during this time not that the bottom of this copper seemed - there is nothing to scratch a spoon. Also it appeared that Ukraine has nothing. Everything is sold, sawn, handed over on scrap metal. And now we say that the Russian gas we will swing from Europe. Those who are not the inhabitants of Odessa not so ponder upon this scheme. But we remember how 15 years ago started building and constructed the Odessa -Brody oil pipeline. And constructed in that way that it doesn't work till today.
It tried to use in one party - tankers had to deliver oil to Odessa and further it would shake aside Brody. It appeared that there are no tankers. Then the reverse scheme was thought up - we will deliver the echelons there and here, to the Odessa port, to drive on this pipe. It turned out nothing from it too. So this huge, multi-billion construction stands, rusts, isn't used - that expects also the Ukrainian gas and transport system in the future.
Trouble is that those who today operate and make decisions in Ukraine, are guided only by own interest. And the West uses approach “now we will strike you off the lists” for a long time. It is what they constantly frighten our heads - the president, a premiere, deputies, ministers: “And we will arrest your accounts, we won't give the visa”.
And I ask a question all the time why there is a situation in general at which the heads of the state keep the money in foreign banks? Thus they show the trust to the state which they operate? I don't represent that someone in France, Germany, the USA could win the elections and thus absolutely quietly say that all the money keeps, for example, in the Moscow bank. It would be enough that his candidate already wasn't considered anywhere. Therefore I also say that Ukraine is not the state, but the quasi-state, the territory with the state signs. There is an anthem, there is a flag and there are bribe takers, after all it is one of the main signs of the state - the official can take a bribe only. Here we have it, but don’t have the states for the people, for nation. The elections pass, but their results depend a little on these elections.
Odessa in comparison with other regions lives not bad, but it is because they speak, we “turn”.
Inhabitants of Odessa speak: “don't disturb us only”. Because the main dream of the inhabitant of Odessa always was to freedom. Only not to any “national fight” but that didn't interfere in our affairs, “allowed to live”. Also such regions, as Odessa will survive.
And only on conditions, that the local government will have more real rights. The ministers develop any mighty “plans” to 2020 about the lodgement of local government with the increasing rights. All this is good, but they don't speak about the main thing - who divides the money. We have a lot of rights today, but there is no money to buy, there is no opportunity to use these rights. All money goes upward and then they return to us. And all of us dream to make time as in princely times – tell us precisely, how many we have to give it to you and other is ours.
There is one more serious moment - we have donor areas and areas recipients to which they help. It is known that the western areas are depressive – there was no industry at all. At the Soviet power they started something to build, but they, of course, ruined all this now. Now they have only high waters from sights. And we have, from that money which we earn, to help them.
It wouldn’t be so terrible - why not to help them purely humanly. But considering our very big difference in mentality, in ideological installations, it is a pity to give though something.
We give them on fight against a high water and they pay them as pensions to fascists - make the decision that enter additional surcharges to fighters of unitary enterprise, members of SS “Galicia” division. And thus they demand to give money from the central authorities, allegedly, on municipal services. And the central power takes from us, our inhabitants receive something less.
It would be difficult to Ukraine still any time more. And then, I am afraid, it can end with civil collisions. Radicalization which happened after “Svoboda” got to parliament promptly accrues. And though the members of “Svoboda” only 37 of 450 deputies in parliament, they could radicalize a situation very strongly. And though “Batkivshchyna” and “Udar” tried, the members of Svoboda, despite the small number, actually boss in that part of parliament which is called as opposition.
If we didn't see on examples of neighbouring countries as there are explosive situations and to what they lead, it would be possible to look at our today's situation by the principle “there is a small rain from a big cloud”. But, unfortunately, the social status of people, an impoverishment, huge difficulties lead to that “Grapes of Wrath” about which the American classic wrote once ripen in the people. And the most terrible in it that on the external plan of these conflicts will lie not economic, but language and national motives - those motives which pour out in the most ruthless and wild forms of collisions.
- It is difficult to assume that someone in Odessa will actively support “Svoboda”, but, nevertheless, here recently passed the procession, allegedly, of the football fans though actually they bore the flags of OUN-UPA and cried out the nationalist slogans. What is your relation to this event – is the growth of radicalization in Odessa which is provoked by nationalists?
Radicalization grows everywhere. Probably, in Odessa by not such rates as in other regions of Ukraine. As for this concrete procession - many "delegations" from the different cities of Ukraine arrived to Odessa. Participants from Odessa were a little there. It is necessary to consider that we have a certain number of students from the Western Ukraine. In themselves they aren't shown especially brightly, but in crowd can walk. There are practically no nationalists among the Odessa inhabitants, of course - it is the nonsense for us.
Unfortunately, the football fan often is blocked or is today a component of extremist, neo-fascist movements. 4 years ago Maxim Chayka, the leader of the Odessa fan boys and passing the young fascist died in street fight. He was born in Odessa, studied in the department of history. So we have own “junk”.
That the militia doesn't touch them at shouts “on knifes, we will kill, we will hang up”, I assume, there is a certain accurate installation - not to touch them till a certain moment. The militia goes by a corridor on such processions and it isn't clear, whether it is the guard or the convoy. Such processions in Odessa are a big rarity – formally it was connected with the next meeting of the national team of Ukraine. And the nationalist shouts and symbolic were added to purely football “chants” already then.
April 10, the Day of liberation of Odessa is more indicative for Odessa. This day tens of thousands of people go a never-ending stream and nobody take them from somewhere, they come with families, go on the Walk of Fame, to a monument to the Unknown sailor - it is the majority of flowers, it is a huge holiday. There are no Nazis because they can trample. They simply don't risk to appear in such places and it is not necessary to protect somebody with the help of militia.
- One of bills which were initiated by “Svoboda” - about introduction of criminal liability for the use of the Russian language with the formulation that this does irreparable harm to the Ukrainian language. In your opinion, on what similar legislative initiatives are directed and whether such laws can be adopted?
There is unique desire - to provoke a situation. They perfectly understand that today or in foreseeable future such laws nobody will adopt.
But the fact that such bills are registered, says that we have absolutely unreasoned system of a state system. Though it is clear that it won't be brought in the agenda at all and all know this. Therefore, the calculation is to excite society once again. Except direct threats of the violence, one of manifestations of Fascist party “Svoboda” is the extreme social demagogy - they demand to forbid abortions to protect the nation, threaten with nationalization of any branches and many other things. But all these slogans are well-known - exactly also fascists in Germany acted in the following way when were torn to the power.
Therefore in connection with their such strategy, such legislative initiatives will appear further. For example, there is one more bill that in the territory of Ukraine it is necessary to recognize the Russian language and other languages as the foreign - allegedly, only one language has to work in Ukraine. And thus that we have not only huge percent of the Russians and Russian-speaking people – the Russian is the language of international communication. For example, if citizens of Ukraine, the Bulgarian and the Moldavian want to communicate with each other, they will use the Russian language. Besides, the usage of languages distributed very unevenly about the country. Odessa is the Russian-speaking city for 90%.
How here to enter a total Ukrainization and how to expect loyal movement from local population? Therefore their task is constantly to provoke, pile on the agony. They consciously go on that sooner or later it poured out in any open collision. And further plan to work on strategy “to be got involved in fight and there we will look”.
- Is any support in counteraction to these processes felt in this situation of activization of pro-fascist forces from Russia?
On the one hand it would be desirable that it was more felt. At the same time, if to speak about my position, I’m against the dependant relation. I’m often addressed with a question: “Why does Russia keep silence?” And what it has to do today here?
To direct the bombers, tanks? “Let it will direct the tanks and we will meet them with flowers...” I understand that if, God forbid, there will be any centre of the conflict, that, neither Russia, nor the western neighbours won't be aside. But to demand today that Russia took and started solving our problems instead of us, so it would be unfair.
Because while ourselves don't show the activity in large quantities in any way, except conversations in kitchen with friends. We are all for unity, for our general house in TV programs and conversations. Eventually, really, if to take Odessa, it is not any Ukraine, it was never and won’t become. And here we especially sharply feel that our house is in unity of our people. On the other hand, we overslept this house in due time.
Therefore we have to return it by ourselves, that it won’t turn out that Russia captured someone and forced. Certainly, this movement has to proceed from us. If it isn't present today in considerable scales - it means not all have realized that it is really necessary for them. That it will be necessary is unambiguously and in this sense radicalization which happens today in connection with actions of neo-fascists, simply accelerates these processes. Wish or not, but everyone, each public association, party will need to be defined with whom they see the future.
Even in order that in the 1968th year of the USSR entered into Czechoslovakia, the formal request from figures of Czechoslovak labour movement was necessary at least. But if someone acts today and will say: “Russia, we wait your army here!”, so in two minutes he will be imprisoned. And from the point of view of the state such measure in relation to him will be correct. And it is necessary that the situation which exists today became intolerant for the majority of us. It isn't called “to undermine the foundations of the Ukrainian state”.
In my opinion, it would be called as the creation of conditions that it really would take place. Today there is no state, but there are only its signs and full uncertainty where we go. Already during 22 years the presidents, prime ministers, deputies come to a tribune and speak the same - dear voters, it is necessary to be defined already where we will go! And if we don't know where we go, so it means we stand still. And the result is obvious.
Viewed : 2270 Commented: 0
Author: Mikhail Mikhaylov
Publication date : 05 June 2013 01:00
Source: The world and we
Ivan Datsenko from Ukraine is the leader of the Indians and the agent of the Soviet intelligence service
Ivan Datsenko from Ukraine is the leader of the Indians and the agent of the Soviet intelligence service
Ivan Datsenko from Ukraine is the leader of the Indians and the agent of the Soviet intelligence service
Ivan Datsenko from Ukraine is the leader of the Indians and the agent of the Soviet intelligence service
Ivan Datsenko from Ukraine is the leader of the Indians and the agent of the Soviet intelligence service
Ivan Datsenko from Ukraine is the leader of the Indians and the agent of the Soviet intelligence service
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Ivan Datsenko from Ukraine is the leader of the Indians and the agent of the Soviet intelligence service
Ivan Datsenko from Ukraine is the leader of the Indians and the agent of the Soviet intelligence service
Ivan Datsenko from Ukraine is the leader of the Indians and the agent of the Soviet intelligence service
Ivan Datsenko from Ukraine is the leader of the Indians and the agent of the Soviet intelligence service
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Ivan Datsenko from Ukraine is the leader of the Indians and the agent of the Soviet intelligence service
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Ivan Datsenko from Ukraine is the leader of the Indians and the agent of the Soviet intelligence service
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Ivan Datsenko from Ukraine is the leader of the Indians and the agent of the Soviet intelligence service
Ivan Datsenko from Ukraine is the leader of the Indians and the agent of the Soviet intelligence service
Ivan Datsenko from Ukraine is the leader of the Indians and the agent of the Soviet intelligence service
Ivan Datsenko from Ukraine is the leader of the Indians and the agent of the Soviet intelligence service
Ivan Datsenko from Ukraine is the leader of the Indians and the agent of the Soviet intelligence service
Ivan Datsenko from Ukraine is the leader of the Indians and the agent of the Soviet intelligence service