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USA + EU = Reich + SS



Winston Churchill is gulity of thousands of deaths in The Battle of Britain

Winston Churchill was a hero!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

jim martin

About the neo-Nazi diarrhea in the countries of the Baltic States or as the USA raise the fascism again

lol https://news.yahoo.com/inside-the-kremlins-disinformation-war-against-ukraine-183128480.html

sir bonklalot

The U.S. State Department: Russia prepares aggression against the USA by hand of Chukchi people

Glory to the heroes.

Taras Lepezdryuchenko

The U.S. State Department: Russia prepares aggression against the USA by hand of Chukchi people

The great "Canadian" "journalist" Argyle Turner, again hot on the heels of something big! Hey Argyle, are your bills still being paid in Ro

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Thousands people oppose the construction of military biological laboratory of the USA in Merefa

It seems the Russians are now going to have a look at what they were doing in the Merefa biological lab


Ivan Datsenko from Ukraine is the leader of the Indians and the agent of the Soviet intelligence service

Переклад просто жахливий

Roman Kordun

Excuse us, Russians...



The U.S. State Department: Russia prepares aggression against the USA by hand of Chukchi people

What the fuck? This is a joke right? Not a single thing I've read here is true


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The U.S. State Department: Russia prepares aggression against the USA by hand of Chukchi people

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Turkmenia surprises: Arkadag will be instead of Turkmenbashi!

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The truth of history: Wehrmacht, just as SS, slaughtered and raped on a mass scale

This article is full of FALSE information...honestly it seems as though the writer just made most of it up, there is nothing sourced, shows no proo

Emily Vidovic

Turkmenia surprises: Arkadag will be instead of Turkmenbashi!

nice article

nice one

The USA and other organizers of anti-Russian sanctions stand up for Nemtsov's murder

USA go to hell!

Fuck USA!

The secrets of June 22: As the West cherished fascist Germany and simultaneously was going to bomb the USSR. Chapter VIII

Margaret Thatcher, known in the history as the prime minister of Great Britain, nicknamed as “iron lady”, has declared in the performance in 1991 at Oil institute of Houston:

“The Soviet Union is the country posing serious threat for the Western world.
I speak not about the military threat. It wasn’t in effect. Our countries are well enough armed, including the nuclear weapon. I mean the economic threat. Thanks to the planned policy and an original combination of moral and material stimulus, the Soviet Union was able to reach high economic indicators. The percent of a gain of a total national product was approximately twice above, than in our countries.

If thus to consider the huge natural resources of the USSR, so the Soviet Union had quite real possibilities to force out us from the world markets at rational housekeeping. Therefore we always undertook the actions directed on easing of economy of the Soviet Union and creation of internal difficulties...”

Actually “iron lady” hasn't told something new: the West always perceived the fact of existence of strong Russia as the threat to its interests which consisted and consist first of all in plundering of the whole world with impunity. Really, can you imagine that at any predator, whether it will be a lion, tiger or a wolf, suddenly, all of a sudden through two-three generations without any external intervention in posterity … the sheep or a cow absolutely suddenly would be born? If yes, so you have to be in a madhouse.

So, the western civilization was formed as a result of an impetuous and cynical robbery of colonies and destruction of many people. Also it is the fact. Could be something that would be capable to change the West radically? At least, it isn't known to history. Thus, any who is capable to believe the western politicians in peaceful disposition and pacifism, becomes at once the candidate on resettlement in the house where there is a lot of Napoleons, Julius Caesars and Beethovens …

Let's return, however, to the recent past which just confirms a conclusion about natural bloodthirstiness of the western civilization, and its desire once and for all to finish not only Russia, but with the Slavs in general. Moreover, the successful precedent already took place: the Germans have successfully grasped the Slavic lands in the Middle Ages and the local Slavs have been partially destroyed and assimilated.

And the West has decided to repeat this “successful” experiment in 20-30th years of the past century. The first financial streams from the USA to Germany have poured down in the summer of 1924. The plan has been developed in the company “J. P.Morgan” according to which the loan of $200 million was granted to Germany, half of them had on the banking house with the same name. The American investments have rushed to the economy of Germany by the uncontrollable stream and the transfers of money went through Switzerland, Sweden and some other countries. The factories, the newest technologies were built and the British motors have been put in the first bombers, in the first fighters, the release of which was adjusted by Hitler.

After these life-giving injections, the German economy has started to grow by leaps and bounds. By 1938, the unemployment has disappeared in Germany. Later 5 years after Hitler's arrival to the power, nothing has reminded of terrible crisis of the past years in the country.

Hitler perfectly knew that it would be not necessary to pay off on debts, that is under the state and private loans and he and the western politicians knew that these huge means would be used for the designated purpose, that is on realization of the ideas stated by the future Fuhrer of all Germany in the book “Mein Kampf”, that is on realization “Drang nach Osten” … And further triumph went behind triumph — so it was possible to describe the results of actions of Adolf Hitler in such way. He has easily attached Austria to Germany after the Rhine area and he got again away with it.

Then he has received the independent Czechoslovakia, then independent Poland that has deduced him directly to the borders of the Soviet Union. Therefore, there is no question who, actually, has led Hitler to power, it is so obvious that the one who puts forward any other versions of these events, assimilates to the idiot who has believed in a birth of a sheep from a tigress.

And on September 29, 1938, the heads of the governments of Great Britain, France, Germany and Italy have gathered in Hitler's Munich residence “Führerbau”. Certainly, the USSR wasn't invited there. And how it was possible to invite it? After all, they don't invite a hen to a table from which it will cook a soup, to have a snack before chopping its head …
They have decided the destiny of Czechoslovakia during these two-day negotiations, the representatives of which have been invited only for sentence announcement. Czechoslovakia was recommended to give Sudetenland to Germany, a place of compact residing of Sudeten Germans, with everything which was in its territory with property, including arms and the equipment of the strengthened areas. In case of default, France which had the contract with Czechoslovakia about its protection against German aggression put away any responsibility for consequences. The Munich arrangement has made the World War II inevitable.

Many historians consider that Hitler wanted to create the independent Slovak state and at creation of this state to attach a small part of Slovakia to the Third Reich which was called by word familiar to us as the Zakarpattia Russia or the Zakarpattia Ukraine. That is, Hitler tried to create an occasion to the future war with the Soviet Union from blessing of the western powers. As a part of the Third Reich there should be Ukraine and Belarus (it was as a part of Poland) and further these two states, and Poland which was the first country which has concluded the nonaggression pact with Adolf Hitler in 1934, together with Hitler, should begin the war against the USSR, using as though the presence of Ukraine as a part of two states simultaneously.

For example, the Ukrainians, “groaning under a yoke of Bolsheviks”, would address to “father Hitler” with the request to release it from commissioners, and it is natural, further according to the plan of the West he has responded at once to this request, and the war would begin (whether it remind Libya and Syria now?). But Hitler, having understanding to what it goes, hasn't included the territory of the western Ukraine in Reich structure and on the contrary, has visually and clearly showed the unwillingness to be at war with Russia, having given this territory to Hungary. And only after the Hungarian armies have entered this territory, have suppressed the nationalist Ukrainian formations there, the West has started to protest resolutely after that. And the rupture between Hitler and London, Washington and Paris has begun during this moment.

They have decided to put Hitler into place. On the end of March, 1939 (and war has begun on September 1!) Hitler didn't have any plans of blow across Poland and Poland was his probable ally and about 80 percent of his army was on the borders with the USSR, and Germany had the plans concerning Poland only after that Poland, on the command of London, has sharply curtailed all negotiations with Hitler about transfer of Danzig and the so-called Polish corridor by peaceful way. The Polish Minister of Foreign Affairs instead of arriving to Berlin on negotiations has arrived to London where there was the anti-German conference. They have started to burn the documents in the Polish embassy, to evacuate a part of families of diplomats and declared partial mobilization of the Polish army. After that, on April 1, Hitler has declared on cancellation of the nonaggression pact with Poland and cancellation of the so-called sea contract with Great Britain, and only then has given the order on working out of the plan of an attack to Poland.

Stalin can be suspected in everything, but only not of gloomy idiocy or excessive trustfulness. The facts of financing of Hitlerite Germany by the USA, England and France were well-known to the Soviet management. When this money has turned to a powerful military machine of the Third Reich and the western efforts on pushing of Germany to aggression against the USSR became an incontestable fact and a permanent care of the western countries of the cooperation with Soviet Union in prevention of a world fire, especially after the failed Soviet-English-French negotiations in April-August of 1939 year, already nobody could mislead and Stalin had no other exit how to conclude the contract with Hitler.

When the mad western politicians have understood that Hitler not only, so to say, has bilked them, but also has agreed with Stalin to bilk them together, they had the hysterics which was expressed in concrete steps … The attention of the English-French allies were showed to the Baku oil fields and search of possible ways to their conclusion out of operation at once after the beginning of war of Germany with Poland.

To the beginning of the Second World War, the Baku petroleum industry gave 80 % of high-grade aviation gasoline, 90 % of ligroin and kerosene, 96 % of automobile and tractor oils from their general manufacture in the USSR. The theoretical possibility of the English-French attack from air on the Soviet oil deposits has been considered for the first time in September (!). The ambassador of the USA in Paris William Ch.Bullitt also has been informed on these plans by the head of the French government Edward Dalade and other French politicians in connection with signing of the contracts on mutual aid between England, France and Turkey on October 19, 1939.

The Prime minister of France Dalade has suggested to direct the squadron to the Black Sea for blockade of the Soviet communications and bombardment from the sea of Batumi. On January 19, 1940, he has directed the document on the USSR attack to the commander-in-chief of the overland allied armies in France and to the vice-president of the Supreme council of war to general Gamelin and also to the commander-in-chief of the French fleet to the admiral Darlan.

On January 31, 1940, the French general Gamelin suggests Englishmen to bombard the purposes in the heart of Russia at session of headquarters chiefs of England and France in Paris and the deputy chief of headquarters of the Air Forces of England the marshal Pierce supports this offer.

The Minister of War of Iran Nakhjavan addresses to Englishmen with the request for delivery of 80 planes and coordination of plans concerning the war with Russia.

On February 28, 1940, the headquarters of the Air Forces of France let out the document with concrete calculations of forces and means for an attack to Baku. On March 20, 1940 in Aleppo (Syria) the meeting of the representatives of French and English commands has taken place in Levant on which it was noticed that by June, 1940 the building of 20 airdromes of the first category will be finished. On April 17, 1940, Weygand has informed Gamelin that the preparation of air blow will be finished by the end of June – the beginning of July.

On March, 30th and on April, 5th, 1940, the Englishmen had made the prospecting flights over the territory of the USSR. The commander of the English Air Forces in the Near East, the general Mitchell has received instructions from London in the end of April, 1940 to prepare the operation connected with bombardment of Baku and Batumi.

On April 17, 1940, the general Weygand (the commander of the French armies in the Near East) has reported to the French government and the commander-in-chief that: “Preparation for bombardment of the Caucasian oil deposits has so promoted that it is possible to time, during which this operation can be executed”. He even has offered the exact time of a touch – the end of June – the beginning of July, 1940. Two plans similar on character of the plan under the code names – English “Ma-6” and French “RIP” have been developed after the discussion of results of the military information.

The following tactics has been provided in these plans: it was supposed to use 90 – 100 planes for drawing of bombing attack to Baku –5 groups of them were of the American manufacture “Glenn Martin” and 44 groups of English bombers of “Blenheim”.
As to the bombardment, so it should be carried out and in the afternoon, and in the night from various heights. These forces should raze to the ground 122 oil refining and oil refinery within 35 days.

If the Englishmen and Frenchmen have struck blow to the Baku oil fields, there would be a terrible accident … The most part of storehouses of crude oil were on open oil collectors – the huge open oil lakes its sizes. Designs of drilling and exploited rigs were half wooden. The consequences for inhabitants of Baku would be unpredictable. The bombardment would turn back a terrible fire which has extended with huge speed thanks to constantly blowing winds for a city. It was impossible to put out by any special methods for those times. In a word, the whole city would flare on fire and the scales of this tragedy would be boundless.

The infernal machine of preparation of an attack to the USSR has started to count the last days and hours before bombardment of oil fields of our country which has been planned for May 15, 1940. The stocks of aviation fuel, demolition and incendiary bombs were collected in airdromes of the English and French Air Forces in the Near East, the navigators made the blows direction on maps, the pilots fulfilled the night bombing. The best crews of the French and English Air Forces were not in the homeland in readiness for reflection of Hitlerite aggression, but strenuously studied the maps in the east, on which the capital of the Soviet Azerbaijan – Baku has been designated as the purpose.

In a word, the most outstanding French “commanders” – the generals Gamelin and Weygand were engaged in preparation for an attack of the USSR instead of preparing for defense of the country against Hitler! There are no doubts that they followed the instructions of a political management of the country …
But, as they say, it is the twist of fate: on May 10, 1940, the French prime minister Reynaud has called Churchill and has informed, no, not about the threat of the fascist attack this day, but about … the readiness of the French Air Forces for an attack to the USSR on May, 15 … Here so the investigations of France and England “have worked”. And this day, Hitler has given the order to stop “strange war” with France when there were no any actions and to pass in resolute approach. The Germans have crushed the Frenchmen in few days … And on May 15, that day when the Englishmen and Frenchmen were going to bomb the USSR, in five days after the attack of Germany, Reynaud has communicated with the British colleague and has declared to him: “We have been crushed …; the front is broken near Sedan”. And shameful defeat was suffered by all same Gamelin and Weygand, all the same the history is strange enough, isn't it? And it becomes frequent a farce.

But, do you think that this bitter experience has changed the outlook of the western politicians? It would be not so: the Third World War should begin on July 1, 1945 with the sudden blow of incorporated forces of Anglo-Saxon on the Soviet armies... Now very few people remembers it, how Stalin has managed to break the plans of “probable allies”, why the Red Army should take hastily Berlin, as in April of 1945 the English instructors were trained by the not generated divisions of the Germans which have surrendered to them in a captivity and why, at last, Dresden has been destroyed with inhuman cruelty where some hundred thousand civilians were lost.

In the beginning of April, 1945 before the termination of the Great Patriotic War, U. Cherchill, namely the prime minister of our ally Great Britain has given the order to the chiefs of the headquarters about working out of the plan of sudden blow across the USSR - operation “Inconceivable”. It has been given him on May 22, 1945 on 29 pages that is after 2 weeks after the Great Victory!

According to this plan, the attack to the USSR should begin with the sudden blow. On July 1, 1945, 47 English and American divisions without any declaration of war strike a crushing blow on the Russians who were nothing to expect. 10-12 German divisions which “allies” held as not generated in Schleswig-Holstein and in southern Denmark should support the blow, they were daily trained by the British instructors: prepared for the war against the USSR. So the second stage of war of incorporated forces of the Western civilization against Russia should begin as the union of the countries led by Germany has suffered the defeat on the first stage. Then Poland and Hungary should join “crusade”... The war should end with full victory of the western coalition - on the border of Arkhangelsk-Stalingrad. That is, our former allies completely took ultimate goals of the plan “Barbarossa” from Hitler.

The Anglo-Saxons were going to destroy the USSR by the real terror – by total bombardment of large Soviet cities: Moscow, Leningrad, Kiev, Minsk, Vladivostok, Murmansk and others. The shattering waves of “flying super fortresses “В-29” undividedly would dominate in the Soviet sky. Some tens millions people should be lost in fulfilled to trifles “fiery tornadoes”. This technique has been fulfilled at destruction of Hamburg, Dresden, Tokyo...

However on June 29, 1945, the Red army suddenly has changed the disposition a day before the planned beginning of war. It was the solving weight which has shifted a bowl of scales stories - the order on an attack hasn't been given.

Now they try to present Churchill's plan “by answer” to “the Soviet threat” in the West, to Stalin's attempt to grasp all Europe. However on June 23, 1945, the Law on army and fleet demobilization, their consecutive transfer into peace time states has been passed in the USSR. Demobilization has begun on July 5, 1945 and has come to the end in 1948.
Did the Soviet management know about the British plans of war against the USSR? The professor of the Edinburgh University D.Ericson affirmatively answers this question.

In ihis opinion, Churchill's plan helps to explain, “why marshal Zhukov has unexpectedly decided to rearrange the forces in June, 1945, has obtained the order from Moscow to strengthen the defence and to study a disposition of armies of the western allies in details. Now the reasons are clear: obviously, Churchill's plan became beforehand known to Moscow and the corresponding measures of counteraction have been taken”.

Thus, the West has only one idea “fix” - it is the destruction of the geopolitical competitors. And it never will calm down. From this point of view, it is impossible to consider differently the latest developments in Iraq, Libya, and now in Syria and Iran as the preparation for the big war. However, the heads of the western countries should address more often to a bitter experience of the predecessors: having inflating the fire of war, it is necessary to think that it will concern your own house...

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Viewed : 2711   Commented: 6

Author: Карновский Юрий Зиновьевич

Publication date : 26 March 2012 11:45

Source: The world and we
