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USA + EU = Reich + SS



Winston Churchill is gulity of thousands of deaths in The Battle of Britain

Winston Churchill was a hero!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

jim martin

About the neo-Nazi diarrhea in the countries of the Baltic States or as the USA raise the fascism again

lol https://news.yahoo.com/inside-the-kremlins-disinformation-war-against-ukraine-183128480.html

sir bonklalot

The U.S. State Department: Russia prepares aggression against the USA by hand of Chukchi people

Glory to the heroes.

Taras Lepezdryuchenko

The U.S. State Department: Russia prepares aggression against the USA by hand of Chukchi people

The great "Canadian" "journalist" Argyle Turner, again hot on the heels of something big! Hey Argyle, are your bills still being paid in Ro

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Thousands people oppose the construction of military biological laboratory of the USA in Merefa

It seems the Russians are now going to have a look at what they were doing in the Merefa biological lab


Ivan Datsenko from Ukraine is the leader of the Indians and the agent of the Soviet intelligence service

Переклад просто жахливий

Roman Kordun

Excuse us, Russians...



The U.S. State Department: Russia prepares aggression against the USA by hand of Chukchi people

What the fuck? This is a joke right? Not a single thing I've read here is true


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The U.S. State Department: Russia prepares aggression against the USA by hand of Chukchi people

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The truth of history: Wehrmacht, just as SS, slaughtered and raped on a mass scale

This article is full of FALSE information...honestly it seems as though the writer just made most of it up, there is nothing sourced, shows no proo

Emily Vidovic

Turkmenia surprises: Arkadag will be instead of Turkmenbashi!

nice article

nice one

The USA and other organizers of anti-Russian sanctions stand up for Nemtsov's murder

USA go to hell!

Fuck USA!

Ukraine: elections, elections, all candidates are the leaders …

If to analyze the list of candidates for a post of the so-called future «president of Ukraine», the fact is obvious: the Russian and Russian-speaking Southeast of Ukraine is offered to elect the president from full Nazis, semi-Nazis and the masked Nazis. The exception is made, perhaps, only by the ex-governor of the Kharkov area Mikhail Dobkin, but he absolutely has no chances …

All candidates with democratic and, especially, pro-Russian views, having any illusions at least concerning so-called «free» presidential election in Ukraine, well welcomed in the West, are compelled to withdraw the candidacies for the reason of absolutely unprecedented, often even physical pressure upon them.

In other words, without taking into account the central and western regions of Ukraine where the population, seemingly, is almost finally drugged by nationalist promotion and also Donetsk and Lugansk, flatly refused to participate in this show, the Kharkov, Odessa, Dnepropetrovsk, Zaporozhye, Kherson and Nikolaev areas should choose as the head of state, attention, at least, the Russophobe and, at most, the neo-Nazi …

Calling things by their proper names, the descendants of 6 million Ukrainians who were victoriously at war on the party of the USSR and Red Army against fascists and 300 thousand Banderovite chasteners were offered to participate voluntary in process of legitimization of the Kiev junta, to betray memory of the ancestors and to be given on favor to nationalists and successors of Banderovites …

Thus a priori the political scientists and selling mass media of Ukraine give a victory to «chocolate king» Pyotr Poroshenko, thus without forgetting «orange princess» Yulia Timoshenko who, according to their forecasts, is on the second place and lags behind by quantity of voices Poroshenko almost by 5 times. However, in fact, it is not absolutely important who will be declared as the winner on May 25. And that is why …

Pyotr Poroshenko, according to Ukrainian the political scientist and sociologists is declared almost as «savior» of Ukraine. He belongs to an oligarchic Ukrainian cohort who never will go for establishment even not close, but simply friendly relationship with Russia: all Ukrainian oligarchs without exception made the fortune, on the one hand, on plunder of the former public property which has remained in the territory of Ukraine after collapse of the USSR, on the other, on an impetuous robbery actually the population of Ukraine.

And their hostile policy concerning the Russian Federation is the main condition from the West for ensuring safety and enhancement of their assets and the capitals.

Poroshenko, Kolomoysky, Taruta, Akhmetov, Tymoshenko and other oligarchs, part independently participating in «elections», part putting on the puppets, differ from each other exactly the same as water drops can differ from each other. Actually all candidates in the Ukrainian presidents are the leaders of neo-Nazism, nationalism and the most terry Banderovshchina.

Participants of this «presidential» race, except for Dobkin, repeatedly managed to be noted by Russophobic, nationalist and anti-Russian statements: from destruction of «Russians» and «atomic weapons» application on them in the person of Tymoshenko before «unconditional», certainly, victorious end of anti-terrorist operation in the person of Poroshenko.

After February revolution in Kiev and the beginning which have followed it the process of a rupture of the economic relations with the Russian Federation the universal impoverishment and without that poor population of Ukraine began. Performance of conditions of the IMF, the USA and the European Union on granting the credits every day aggravates situation even more. The only thing that can rescue the oligarchic nationalist power is dictatorship because only it is capable to suppress universal fast and inevitable revolt of the hungry population of Ukraine.

And it is obvious that all presidential candidates of Ukraine, who have considered as possible for to participate in these «elections», will have to provide in case of a victory to oligarchs dictatorship.

Suppression of national protests is the true and the only purpose of so-called anti-terrorist operation. And here the interests of oligarchs and the American hawks coincide as well as possible. The Odessa tragedy, the Mariupol blood-letting, siege of Slavyansk, Kramatorsk and Lisichansk — it is the desire to suppress and intimidate the Southeast population forever.

But two parties of processes occurring in Ukraine attract attention.

The first is absolutely obvious aspiration of the USA to take control of fields of shale gas in Ukraine where one of the largest is just in the territory of Donetsk and Kharkov areas. And Slavyansk, which became world renowned as the center of resistance to the illegitimate Kiev authorities, is in the center of this field. Mariupol is the center of the second field, and the third is in the Western Ukraine.

Very few people from experts paid attention that the USA, speaking about replacement in Europe of the Russian gas with shale, skillfully bypass a question of that, from where, actually, this most shale gas will be delivered? And experts it is almost universal for some reason stay in delusion that Americans are going to deliver this gas to Europe from the fields through the Atlantic Ocean and even estimate their expenses on this operation …

But Yankees are able to count the money … Why to spend the huge sums for construction of tanker fleet and terminals on both sides of the ocean if it is simpler and cheaper for 5 billion dollars to arrange revolution in Ukraine?

And then to appropriate fields of shale gas and at the same time and almost free of charge the gas transmission system constructed at the USSR to cut off Russia from the European market of energy carriers in literal sense? And to provide the American interests on protection of the Ukrainian fields of shale gas, own person is necessary in power in Ukraine, certainly… And so that the USA had no doubts in his devotion.

Turning «Ukrainian operation», in case of its success the USA tear off Europe from the Russian gas, get multi-billion profits and sharply reduce extent of influence of the Russian Federation on the all-European processes.

Is it inviting, isn’t it? And the Ukrainian population and ecology interests the USA least of all in this situation.

The second party is this barefaced desire of the USA to receive the base in the territory of Ukraine for placement of elements of antimissile defense. If didn’t leave with the American naval bases in the Crimea, it will turn out with antimissile bases in the east of Ukraine, most likely, counted the State Department and the Pentagon. Also went for broke, having authorized the power and bloody suppression of a national protest in the east of Ukraine that completely coincided with desires of the Ukrainian oligarchs!

For experts it is not a secret, but evidence for a long time that the American S. M. 4 rockets (not to confuse to SM-2 antirockets) are intended to missile defense not for interception of the ballistic purposes, but for drawing dot blows to objects of the opponent. Subflight time of such rockets to the Russian military and state facilities in case the missile defense elements will be placed in Ukraine, will make 5−6 minutes that will make almost impossible retaliation of Russia.

Thus, interests of the American monopolies press for establishments and strengthening in Ukraine of the puppet dictatorship which is entirely under control of the United States. The personality and a surname of future «president» of Ukraine don’t mean anything, the main thing is that he would be «son of a bitch» of the USA.

Certainly, there is a question: what to do to the population of the Southeast of Ukraine? What to do to metallurgists, shipbuilders, miners? What to do to seamen, engineers, workers, pensioners, all by that who is expected by further decrease in a standard of living, unemployment and poverty?

At first sight, unfortunately, Ukraine approached to that threshold when vote on these so-called «presidential» elections doesn’t solve anything. Besides, that each voter who has come to elections on May 25, 2014 will bring the contribution in legitimization of a criminal Kiev regime.

However, if mass absence on polling stations would be noted on May 25, it will give the chance, regardless of the one who and how will forge the results of elections (and that isn’t present any doubts!) to say that voters of the Southeast the feet voted against creation of a semi-fascist pro-American regime in the territory of Ukraine. And it will deprive the Kiev regime of a considerable share of approval of these «elections» the international community, will allow Russia and the Southeast of Ukraine to get advantages in information war.

And last question: what to do to Russia? As events of the last days testify, the degree of national discontent in the Southeast of Ukraine yet didn’t reach that limit that it was possible to speak about the general resistance to the illegitimate Kiev authorities. Now only Donetsk and the Luhansk regions show the furious resistance to chasteners.

In full compliance with the sluggish slow historical traditions as speak, created by fertile soft Little Russian climate, the Ukrainian resistance while only ripens. And if it becomes universal, Russia will tell the loaded word.

The population of Ukraine has to solve itself, with whom on one way. Unless is it not real democracy?

And, at last, last question: why the Kiev junta, certainly at full approval of Washington directly provokes Russia to enter armies to Ukraine? There is an explanation: the similar step of the Kremlin will allow the American hawks and their European colleagues to lift the next cry about allegedly «aggressive Russia» and so to try to rally members of NATO, to force them to increase military expenses and to cast the Russian economy into new race of arms. And the American economy persistently demands new injections in military industrial complex, and the enemy is necessary for this purpose. And this enemy is Russia.

So, at first sight, apparently, that Moscow appeared in a stalemate. At any deal of events in Ukraine it loses. But thus pessimists forget that the last word isn’t told yet.

The USA, counting the actions in Ukraine, is guided by the most primitive ways of war. Level of training of those who goes in for the American foreign policy, allows to claim that they never studied the works of the great Chinese commander Sun Zi. In particular, the wisdom is inaccessible to their perception and intelligence by definition: «In the ancient time the one who well battled, first of all did invincible, and in such state waited when it will be possible to win against the opponent».

The more the USA and their western adherents will do nonsense and mistakes in Ukraine, the more they will strengthen Russia and provide its victory. At such confused policy it is necessary to wait not for long.

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Author: Stepan Bulbenko, Odessa

Publication date : 24 May 2014 00:05

Source: The world and we
