Experience of Moldova in the world war: what it is not ALLOWED to forget!
The book «Moldova in the years of World War II» devoted to very actual theme in the republic at present was published in Moldova. Our constant author — the head of the Russian history department of Shevchenko Transnistria State University, professor Nikolay Babilunga commented on this event at our request.
One and a half decades ago, on the eve of the new millennium the people looked at the coming nearer modern times with hope and pleasure. It seemed, together with the XX century such concepts as Nazism, terrorism, wars, crimes against humanity will plunge into the abyss of history … But as it appeared, all these dreams were groundless. The world became the witness of revival of fascism in many countries and at many people where it seemed simply inconceivable until recently.
Monuments demolition to war heroes, the creation of private armies of attack planes, jumping crowds of zombie teenagers in a feverish paroxysm under moronic chants of some paranoids, unprecedented atrocities against own fellow citizens, massacre of not guilty people — really the mankind should pass anew horrors of the endured long ago?
Or is it our payment for bad memory? Perhaps, in a pursuit of some transitory values and personal comfort we forgot the passionate prevention of Julius Fucik (our youth hardly even heard something about him), «People! I loved you. Be vigilant!?» And how to stop this dangerous slipping of the world in a fiery Gehenna of new global tragedy?
We can’t answer the questions with affairs which are raised for us by time. But intuitively we feel that experience of the past should be remembered. And the sooner, the better, including the experience of our fathers and grandfathers who broke a spine to the German fascism monster in 1945.
That is why each truthful evidence on this experience has to become a holiday on our street. On the street at which heavy tools and installations of volley fire of fascist madmen don’t shoot yet. And, thank God, while we have reasons for such festivals of truth. And the new book about war written objectively, truthfully and honestly became one of them that presently already became a big rarity.
On October 21, 2014 in Kishinev in a conference room of the Party of Socialists of the Republic of Moldova (PSRM) the presentation of the book «Moldova in the years of World War II» («Moldova în anii celui de-Al doilea război mondial») took place. Action is organized by PSRM and Association of historians and political scientists «PRO-Moldova». The book was published with assistance of the Party of Socialists of the Republic of Moldova.
Still the edition smelling of typographical paint was published on the eve of the 70 anniversary of Moldova liberation from the German-Romanian fascist invaders. The monograph is issued from the pen of the associate professor of Shevchenko Transnistria State University Pyotr Mikhaylovich Shornikov. Hardly the author, the talented scientist, the thoughtful researcher, the famous politician, the courageous public figure and the fighter for human rights in Moldova needs special representation. And here it is necessary to tell about his new book in more detail. It deserves special attention for a number of reasons.
The publication of any objective research on subject of the Great Patriotic War should be welcomed, firstly, as a contribution to fight against history falsification put by an official historiography of the Republic of Moldova on production line. Pyotr Shornikov is one of the few scientists resisting to this production line. The list provided in the book from 10 monographic and collective works and 40 scientific articles on subjects of Moldova history of times of the Great Patriotic War testifies: the edition of the special generalizing work is about to happen long ago.
Actually, the author made it at the beginning of 2013 when the monograph with a solid capacity of 396 pages was published in Kishinev in the Moldavian language. The most visible expert in history of Moldova of the period of the Great Patriotic War professor
Therefore the author would have the right to publish the Russian version of the monograph, changing nothing. Its contents showed convincingly, powerfully, roughly, visibly who unleashed the war, who committed crimes, who battled against whom and who and how had finished this war for Moldova and for all other people of the USSR and Europe. There was no shadow of a paranoid split personality also — the Moldavians were an advantageous or defeated party in sacred fight of mankind against a cancer of Nazism?! The former acting president of Moldova Mihai Ghimpu, for example, considered that Moldova was among the lost, won in this war. He didn’t go to Moscow to celebration of the Great Victory anniversary, having dishonoured thereby not only himself (God will forgive the blessed ignoramus!), but having offended the memory of hundreds of thousands of Moldova residents tortured by fascists, memory of the compatriots who fell in fight against fascism and such doesn’t forgiven neither in this life, nor in another.
For Shornikov everything is extremely clear and accurate too — the people of Moldova battled on the side of Good against the universal Evil. Undoubtedly, it was among the winners. And this experience should be investigated, it is necessary to study, extend. Probably, therefore the author continues the researches tirelessly. His new edition was published significantly added, the volume of 448 pages.
It is possible to gain new knowledge by the analysis of already published documents and materials.
Pyotr Shornikov used hardly all literature on a research subject, but avoided temptation to create own book on the basis of other books. He introduces a complex of contemporary records about ideology of the Romanian state into scientific circulation on the basis of which the program of gains was formed, about plans of official Bucharest concerning the future of Moldavians, Slavs, Gagauz people, Jews, Roma, about the occupational policy of Antonescu regime including political terror, physical destruction of the whole national communities, a robbery and ruthless operation of all population.
Along with factual rich row the conceptual integrity and novelty of research is indicative. Replacement in 1990 of the course «History of Moldova» on the antiscientific course «History of Romanians» didn’t cancel aspiration of Moldavians, Russians, Ukrainians, Gagauz people, Bulgarians, Jews, other national communities of Moldova to know the past. P. M. Shornikov’s book is the history of the people of Moldova, and the period, the most tragic since the Turkish invasions.
The author reasonably expanded the chronological framework of the research devoted, first of all, to history of the Great Patriotic War. In historical science the fair conclusion is claimed in recent years that World
The governments of Germany, the USSR, Romania and some other states since summer of 1936 when Civil war in Spain began, worked proceeding from opinion that world war already goes, fortunately, without their direct participation. And the actions of the governments which are carried out in the conditions of war and in a peace time can be estimated variously. Therefore the researcher, undoubtedly, is right, having put the operation data on formation of ideology of Romanizm, formation of the chauvinistic legislation in Romania in 1920−1930 years into the reviewed work.
The description of events given in the book on June 28 — July 3, 1940 when Bessarabia was reunited with the USSR, perhaps, the full in present, brings solid documentary base under the opinion which is already expressed by historians that national performance of those days represented successful popular uprising.
The communistic underground created provisional government of area — the Provisional Revolutionary Committee of Bessarabia which had executive bodies on places: revolutionary committees and the armed support, the working teams strengthened by the soldiers-citizens of Bessarabia who left the Romanian parts. The Provisional Revolutionary Committee of Bessarabia established control over administrative bodies, means of communication, communication centres, banks, i. e. took the power before the entry of troops of the Red Army into Bessarabia.
The course of military operations in the territory of Moldova in June-August, 1941 and in March-August, 1944 is opened in that measure as far as it is necessary for covering of destinies of the people of Moldova. Fights of an initial stage of the Great Patriotic War at all their dramatic nature appear in the book as not tragic. Troops of the Red Army made serious losses to the opponent, they provided time for carrying out mobilization of recruits and evacuation of the population and material values and retreated by order only under the threat of an encirclement.
Jassy-Kishinev offensive operation of the Soviet troops became original operation of punishment for defeats from fascists in an initial stage of war. During it about half a million soldiers and officers, more than 50 percent of staff of German-Romanian group «Southern Ukraine» were destroyed or took prisoner and all southern flank of East front of the opponent was destroyed. Thus irrevocable losses of the Soviet troops made only 1 percent of their fighters. Considering its scales, results and a ratio of own and the opponent losses, it is the most successful offensive operation in the history of World
The main attention in the book is reasonably paid to the analysis of occupational policy of Romania in Moldova and national fight against aggressors. The picture of genocide of Jews and Roma given by the author is represented rather full: their Romanian troops and police destroyed only because they were the Jews and Roma. There were two motives: a robbery of the doomed people, assignment of their property and ethnic «clarification» of Romania and the territories of the Soviet Union occupied by its troops. More than 100 thousand Jews and more than 8 thousands Roma of Moldova were lost because of hunger and diseases in the years of occupation owing to executions and in concentration camps.
Without contesting the dependence of Antonescu government on Hitler, the author fairly emphasizes: «conducator» built the national policy independently.
As appeared from the data provided in the book, there were other such campaigns, directed against Russians, Ukrainians, Gagauz people, Bulgarians, Poles … That which was overtook by Jews of Romania and Moldova, the fascist leader prepared for other people of the lands occupied by him. And only shattering defeat near Stalingrad and prompt attack of the front to a den of an aggressor broke implementation of plans of general genocide.
The author managed to show convincingly that invaders pursued cruel and hypocritical policy of deception and violence concerning Moldavians. Declaratively having declared the Moldavians «Romanians», invaders treated them as alien, subject to elimination from the arena of history. They dismembered the territory of the Moldavian Soviet Socialist Republic, subjected Moldavians to national discrimination, created the regime of physical destruction for them. Corporal punishments for workers and employees, for example, for delay for work were officially entered. Peasants were tortured also for non-performance of duties. Invaders used «confiscated inhabitants of Bessarabia» on forced labour. The system of medical care and sanitary safety was destroyed.
In essence these measures were the components. Owing to epidemics, the population abuse by invaders, back-breaking toil, hunger and social diseases caused by it, the number of Moldavians, Russians, Ukrainians, Bulgarians, Gagauz people was reduced by 220 thousand people only from August, 1941 to May, 1943 owing to the increased mortality. Within the next year the Romanian government and army performed extortionate «Operation 1111» in Moldova during which took out to Romania the remains of the industrial equipment, the most part of a crop and cattle. Hunger amplified, mortality of the population even more increased. The total amount of the demographic losses suffered by Moldova in the years of war estimated in 650 thousand people by the author — it is about a quarter of the pre-war population, represented correctly from the point of view of science. But it can’t but strike consciousness of the normal person with scale of the mass tragedy.
Materials of the paragraph «Church Aggression» for the first time included in the generalizing work published in Russian are of special informative value. In 1941 Romania in even more rough form, incompatible with traditions of communication of Orthodox Churches, repeated the invasion of 1918 on the initial territory of Russian Orthodox Church. Antonescu’s government, as the author demonstrates, used church structures as one more tool of occupational policy operating for a political disorientation and Romanisation of the population. Not the Soviet authorities in 1940 — 1941, but in 1944 the Romanian invaders deforced the utensils from precious metals, ancient books, other values from monasteries and churches of Moldova. Many of them aren’t returned so far.
The people didn’t reconcile to the regime of terror and robbery. The analysis of underground patriotic fight and mass sabotage by the population of actions of the Romanian authorities given in the book is convincing. The data on results of mass unaided resistance provided by the author are of special interest. The attention to passive forms of resistance was paid not enough in the Soviet historiography for some reason. And after all owing to sabotage of forced labour the repair of the railroad was broken. For the entire period of Odessa siege the opponent didn’t manage to carry out any echelon through Moldova. Invaders couldn’t use the most part of the industrial enterprises for supply of the troops. The Romanian authorities managed to use agricultural resources of Moldova less than for 30 percent.
Failure of mobilization of youth in the Romanian army became the evident testimony of overall performance of a patriotic underground. The opponent could include less than 10 percent of the draft contingent in structure of the troops. In days of Jassy-Kishinev operation 14 thousand Moldavians were yielded prisoners to the Soviet troops and were immediately released and in the fall of 1944 along with the young people who evaded from service in army of the enemy were called up for the Red Military service. In total 391 thousand natives of Moldova served as a part of the Red Army. They served adequately — 250 thousand from them were awarded by awards and medals of the USSR. The republic gave to the Soviet Union the contingent sufficient for completion of troops of the whole front.
And what villain deprived of conscience and mind dared to say that Moldavians were not among the winners, but among the lost of this war?!
The most detailed on the present is the sketch of the guerrilla fight developed in Moldova in 1944 given in the book. It wasn’t prevented by neither lack of large forests, nor high concentration of the German and Romanian troops. Guerrillas made a powerful contribution to preparation and implementation of Jassy-Kishinev operation of the Soviet troops and made considerable losses to the opponent. Their actions, the support given them by the population once again showed that Moldavians were on side of Russia in this war.
The picture of participation of Moldova people in the Great Patriotic War is supplemented significantly by the sketches devoted to fights of the 95th Moldavian shooting division in the territory of Moldova at defence of Odessa and Sevastopol and also to actions of the only militia division in the USSR created generally from the staff of People’s Commissariat for Internal Affairs of Moldova for providing the back of the Red Army in Ukraine, on Don and in the North Caucasus.
The attempt of history personification of the Great Patriotic War made by
It is necessary to express regret that P. M. Shornikov’s work is published without illustrations and maps of military operations. It would be desirable to add his work with the paragraph about participation of national communities of Moldova in restoration of a national economy at the final stage of the Great Patriotic War especially as the corresponding materials are available in his works which were issued earlier. It would be quite good to attract thus materials about disinterested aid to residents of Moldova in restoration of peaceful life from other people of the USSR. I would recommend with pleasure such materials to read to present fans of calculations, how many Russia has to Moldova for years of its «occupation».
The similar clever men don’t even think that sooner or later there can be people in Russia who will manage to count precisely and evidentially how many Moldova received from the allied budget rapidly to restore the economy and as if by magic to turn from the hammered Romanian colony into one of the states of Europe which are most developed in the industrial relation with the wealthy, competent and cultural population. However, it everything can be a subject of other research, desirably so objective and truthful. I hope it will appear shortly.
The value of the work «Moldova in the years of World War II» made with the help of the latest tendencies in historical research consists in its conceptual integrity, factual wealth, clearness of positions of the author, logicality of the analysis given by him, validity of conclusions.
It is good that to anniversary of the Great Victory which will be celebrated next year all honest people of Earth, residents of Moldova, residents of Transnistria received so necessary for them research during our era. The book represents worthy replenishment of the scientific discourse devoted to history of Moldova of this period. I hope, its edition will prevent release of tens new falsifier works. Let their potential authors still represent a default figure — they will sleep quieter and the atmosphere will become purer for us!
Viewed : 1925 Commented: 1
Author: Nikolay Babilunga, professor, the head of the Russian history department of Shevchenko Transnistria State University
Publication date : 28 October 2014 00:00
Source: The world and we
Ivan Datsenko from Ukraine is the leader of the Indians and the agent of the Soviet intelligence service
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Ivan Datsenko from Ukraine is the leader of the Indians and the agent of the Soviet intelligence service
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Ivan Datsenko from Ukraine is the leader of the Indians and the agent of the Soviet intelligence service
Ivan Datsenko from Ukraine is the leader of the Indians and the agent of the Soviet intelligence service
Ivan Datsenko from Ukraine is the leader of the Indians and the agent of the Soviet intelligence service
Ivan Datsenko from Ukraine is the leader of the Indians and the agent of the Soviet intelligence service
Ivan Datsenko from Ukraine is the leader of the Indians and the agent of the Soviet intelligence service
Ivan Datsenko from Ukraine is the leader of the Indians and the agent of the Soviet intelligence service