Ukraine went round the bend...
The events in Ukraine remind the bloody theatre of absurdity more and more.
The proclaimed Euromaidan ideals — fight against oligarchs, corruption, the movement to Europe, the real rights and personal freedoms, other «European values» are almost forgotten.
Upon we have absolute power of a small group of oligarchs («Ukrainian national revolution of honour»); lack of opposition and oppositional mass media crushed by repressions, respectively, fair and transparent elections; revelry of fascist swells; terror from their patrons — intelligence services in relation to all discordant with authorities in power; over and over again postponed «European association» in economy (a final suicide of the Ukrainian industry); the increased rates of all corruption schemes thus that all corrupt officials and all corrupted structures are on the places; raider redistribution of the property concentrated in one circle of the industrial financial group which seized power in the country; the increased tax pressure on other business. In such conditions the country doesn’t develop, but collapses!
The trouble is that still many of my fellow citizens remain zombie by propaganda (it is not in vain Yankees developed the psychotropic weapon) before the actual deprivation of mind. Paradox is that they don’t consider action of Kiev as criminal or at least incorrect. We live in the 21st century and it is incorrect to refer that all means of mass misinformation are in junta hands. It is possible to receive incontestable facts and proofs in the Internet if you wish, even without any comments. And it is possible to listen to witnesses. But there is no desire to see and hear the truth often. We are afraid of it? We buried the head in sand? But only the ostrich’s pose still rescued nobody, but promoted … clearly to that …
And after all now the question of a physical survival is on the agenda.
Not only for the called «gun meat», but first of all for old men. If before the word «beggar» and «pensioner» were the synonyms in Ukraine, so nowadays «pensioner» can quite become a synonym of the word «dead».
As the vast majority as had a pension around 1000 hryvnias (about 80 dollars a month), so still remained, but the prices on products, medicine and household costs grew approximately twice this year and continue to aspire to «Europe».
Not all have helping children, grandsons and the majority of descendants in Ukraine don’t have the paid work. Not everyone can go abroad, to find the acceptable earnings there and to rescue the still living ancestors (besides the Russian labour market stops existence for millions of Ukrainians, there is the economic recession in Europe and its industrial countries are overflowed by guest workers from the Balkans, Africa, Asia).
So at the expense of what we will settle down the country? It won’t turn out at the expense of somebody from the outside. Or Russia under the pressure of the West will pay genocide of the Russian-speaking, to deliver hydrocarbons free of charge, to buy unnecessary expensive production? It obliged nothing to the fascist Ukraine after May 2 — on the contrary will ask on accounts in due time. The West won’t contain tens of millions of Ukrainians too (it never also didn’t promise it — strange that my many compatriots have these illusions). Now each Ukrainian, including babies and endangered old men, «costs» about one and a half thousand dollars to external creditors. Refund sources aren’t seen from treasury even in a microscope. The Soviet property is plundered for quarter of the century and the new isn’t created (where are the Ukrainian plants, «steamships», power plants?).
Ah yes, the western investor will come and will resolve everything. For the sake of what? What special we have that the stranger put own money? Yes, unique chernozem.
Foreigners will buy it and what Ukrainians will get from that? More than half a million peasants aren’t required for cultivation of grain-crops and rape at modern technologies. The animal husbandry is more favourable in other countries — because our livestock Soviet farms stand in ruins as after war and millions of workplaces are irrevocably lost in the village. The industry isn’t interesting without the Russian hydrocarbons and the market.
So the lack of a sales market in the CIS (Europe looks for where to alloy the production and doesn’t admit the stranger production), energy carriers, the qualified labour (there are less the graduates of the Soviet, including professional school and the Ukrainian lawyers, economists and other «white collars» who are bought without knowledge aren’t necessary in real sector) the continuous military conflict in the east will frighten off any investors. Plus one more investment important minus of our countries — half a year the workplaces should be heated, still rather strong factor of rise in production price is its non-competitiveness.
Or nevertheless the West will pay further our «democracy» in peak to «angry dictator Petliura»? So to say, we are on an edge of geopolitical fight of «good and evil», «democracy stronghold» in fight against «east totalitarianism»? And here is a puncture …
In the West, really, independent sources of information still remained.
Therefore the truth about humanitarian and war crimes without limitation period, including murders of «heavenly one hundred» and Berkut officers on the Maidan, the Odessa Khatyn, mass executions and destructions of residential quarters by chasteners — genocide of the Russian-speaking inhabitants of Donbass and about murder of three hundred passengers of Malaysian «Boeing» trickled back more and more to the western inhabitant — the voter. Therefore he already starts asking questions to the authorities: whom do you support in Kiev elected by me bad misters for my means of the taxpayer? Murderers of civilians — women, children, old men? Do you pay the pathological sadists alive burning people, Nazi fighters with swastikas terrorizing all discordant? Is it necessary to me? It turns out that I, paying all these atrocities from the pocket, have the hands in blood up to an elbow too?
And here are still catastrophic military defeats. And not from Russia — from poorly armed, not numerous militia, yes, supported at the most difficult moments by Russia. And what did you want? That Russia absolutely resignedly looked at atrocities of Banderovites in the Southeast of Ukraine? Inclined the head under the western sanctions and squeal of the local alien bought «fifth column» of Shenderovich — Makarevich — Sobchak — Khodorkovsky, for whom the people of Russia are only a profit source for purchase of any «foie gras»?
Yes, the Russian people are patient (unfortunately), but not so to endure destruction of millions of compatriots at the borders. Or there is no such threat?
All right, let us assume, Tymoshenko (by marriage) only in a temper wanted all Russians in Ukraine to erase with the help of the nuclear weapon. And already thousands of victims on Donbass are the phantom? Fascist policy of «scorched earth» against documentary shots is an invention? Therefore the Russian power not to receive «patriotic Maidan» will help willy-nilly a militia to constrain especially zealous «participants of democratization» with swastikas.
And this Ukraine bothers already the West worse than a bitter radish. Everyone has own problems and this insane people with a complex of greatness consider themselves as «center of the universe», thinks that all obliged to them. Russia, the fact of the successful existence (one scales and enemies of that stand — you will die of envy) owned them that allegedly hundreds of years occupied them (for certain Bogdan Khmelnytsky, looking at today’s homeland, would turn in the grave). Now we fallen out with Russia to please the West— the USA, Europe owned to us.
And nobody owned to us, the guys. They duped the Ukrainians as suckers, used and will throw out as superfluous.
And here Moscow chose only right policy of «indirect actions» in this critical situation. Of course, at desire any part of Ukraine could be occupied with the Russian troops in the shortest time. But what further? Poor Russia has no money to feed tens of millions of Ukrainians (even if the desire still remained after all that relatives did since May of this year). And after all many from the Ukrainian nationalists even if Russia will create the Russian standard of living here, will start crying out for the whole world that the damned Moscow didn’t allow to live them in an European way (at the German-Scandinavian level in their representation).
Therefore the position of Moscow is right, in general: «Guys, live as you want. Of course, I stop your extreme atrocities, will break the canines and no any more claims to me in the rest. If you wanted to Europe — live with Europe (if you survive). But without me and not at my expense».
And as a result the European integrators have «broken vessels» everywhere. The only thing is left— to be at war with monuments and unarmed opposition. Ask them, what relation the same Lenin has to capitalist Yanukovych or Putin, so you will have no intelligible answer. For some people Lenin is a symbol of Russia allegedly. For the sake of what? After all actually Lenin with the colleagues, mainly natives from the territory of modern Ukraine, also destroyed Russia for 73 years. Lenin created USSR, including at the expense of Novorossiysk and the Krivoy Rog-Donetsk Soviet republics, and his successors Stalin and Khrushchev developed Ukraine already at the expense of the western neighbours. It is necessary multiply monuments to these three in Ukraine! Who made for Ukraine more then they? Abwehr agent Bandera? He contacted those in due time? If his owners won, would the country such, such people? What mad Slav is it necessary to be to prick the German swastika on a body? Yes, there are such «morons» in Russia too (in general Ukrainians like to argue with Russians by the principle «you are the fool»), but they already govern on streets at us! And as in Odessa told, it is two big differences!
By the way, the taking-down monuments to Lenin! Demolish also own houses — they after all are built by communists for 90% too! As well as all plants, factories, power plants, pipelines, 95% of roads … In the same Lviv the Soviet power constructed the plants, largest in the USSR: bus LAZ, television «Electron» … What can you boast of now? No «invaders» and there is nothing? Ah yes, remains of «industry»: pothouse plant and candy factory … Do you see, in what deep a. you are???
At the same time after all not only Russia remembers about Novorossiya, but Poland remembers also the Volhynia genocide of Poles and «Polish» Galicia with Podolia, in Hungary — about Zakarpatye, in Romania — about the Southern Bessarabia and Northern Bukovina and even about Transnistria … When all neighbours not really love you, to put it mildly, it is difficult to live long and happily.
So soon we, the Ukrainians, will blame nobody except ourselves for the death of the country. After all who brought harm to Ukraine most? Not Russia! It helped these 23 years what could, though was robbed too. However it rose from knees. For the fight against it the world predominant force the USA are again compelled to lower the world prices for oil, risking the Arab allies, new sanctions to impose, risking already loyalty of Europe.
And the chief grave-diggers of Ukraine are its guardians for purity of «nation and language» represented by the Svoboda party grown at Yanukovych (one more idiot — thought to use the fascists on elections, here only why elections are necessary to fascists); «Right Sector» financed by Zionists and the other fascists, Jews, sectarians and members of Uniate in the management and business of Ukraine combating Orthodoxy …
The conceiving people among the presents, but not cartoon patriots of Ukraine can’t but see all this. However many of them as if disconnect the brain, sink nearly into dotage. One of such, being considered by me until recently quite reasonable acquaintance told me: «All is so or nearly so. But when I was called the Little Russian and ukrop in a social network, I don’t want to hear it any more! I am the patriot! It is my country and I will protect it even if it isn’t right!». Familiar argument from 3 Reich, isn’t it? And the slogan «Ukraine is Above All» is direct analogue of Goebbels promotion.
What could I answer the acquaintance? What is it «kindergarten»? What the Ukrainians have less or perhaps more offensive nicknames for Russians? Were «Ukrainians» thought up by Austro-Germans one and a half hundred years ago for decomposition of Russia? Did the Cossack hetmen, Shevchenko and Franco consider themselves as Ukrainians? And «Little Russian» is the inhabitant of Little (by the sizes, that is primordial, radical) Russia (the mother country unlike a colony — Great, big by the sizes) and there is nothing offensive in it? And fennel seems not such bad plant … That we should fight not against Russia, but with the Kiev usurpers of the power? But he didn’t begin to listen… The sore brain is affected in a way of the external enemy. And there is a lot more in Ukraine as my acquaintance even among those who tries to think. And crowds of those who doesn’t try to think or can’t. American psychological weapon is in operation! Neither to think, nor don’t want to do real things for rescue of the country! And who is guilty? Russians!
Apparently, the treatment will be painful. And not all will endure it. Of course, it is desirable that it would be without «surgical intervention»… All this is very sad … But after all the light begins to dawn at the end of any tunnel sooner or later! There is a wish that light began to dawn as soon as possible! Otherwise there will be millions not lived up to it …
Viewed : 2920 Commented: 1
Author: Konstantin Odessit
Publication date : 17 November 2014 00:00
Source: The world and we
Ivan Datsenko from Ukraine is the leader of the Indians and the agent of the Soviet intelligence service
Ivan Datsenko from Ukraine is the leader of the Indians and the agent of the Soviet intelligence service
Ivan Datsenko from Ukraine is the leader of the Indians and the agent of the Soviet intelligence service
Ivan Datsenko from Ukraine is the leader of the Indians and the agent of the Soviet intelligence service
Ivan Datsenko from Ukraine is the leader of the Indians and the agent of the Soviet intelligence service
Ivan Datsenko from Ukraine is the leader of the Indians and the agent of the Soviet intelligence service
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Ivan Datsenko from Ukraine is the leader of the Indians and the agent of the Soviet intelligence service
Ivan Datsenko from Ukraine is the leader of the Indians and the agent of the Soviet intelligence service
Ivan Datsenko from Ukraine is the leader of the Indians and the agent of the Soviet intelligence service
Ivan Datsenko from Ukraine is the leader of the Indians and the agent of the Soviet intelligence service
Ivan Datsenko from Ukraine is the leader of the Indians and the agent of the Soviet intelligence service
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Ivan Datsenko from Ukraine is the leader of the Indians and the agent of the Soviet intelligence service
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Ivan Datsenko from Ukraine is the leader of the Indians and the agent of the Soviet intelligence service
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Ivan Datsenko from Ukraine is the leader of the Indians and the agent of the Soviet intelligence service
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Ivan Datsenko from Ukraine is the leader of the Indians and the agent of the Soviet intelligence service
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Ivan Datsenko from Ukraine is the leader of the Indians and the agent of the Soviet intelligence service
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Ivan Datsenko from Ukraine is the leader of the Indians and the agent of the Soviet intelligence service
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Ivan Datsenko from Ukraine is the leader of the Indians and the agent of the Soviet intelligence service
Ivan Datsenko from Ukraine is the leader of the Indians and the agent of the Soviet intelligence service
Ivan Datsenko from Ukraine is the leader of the Indians and the agent of the Soviet intelligence service
Ivan Datsenko from Ukraine is the leader of the Indians and the agent of the Soviet intelligence service
Ivan Datsenko from Ukraine is the leader of the Indians and the agent of the Soviet intelligence service
Ivan Datsenko from Ukraine is the leader of the Indians and the agent of the Soviet intelligence service